posted on Feb, 19 2016 @ 07:42 PM
I feel you OP. People generally suck. But, if it helps, I don't think they mean to....
Lately I have been better understanding how people might feel gang stalked. No, not me. Just reading so many accounts of it on the web and then
comparing it to my own experiences.
What I think is that, in the year 2016, so many of our experiences are exclusive. We drive cars alone. We can listen to music alone. We social media
- ALONE. (So odd, yeah!?). We watch movies or TV alone, at our convenience.
Then, when we do go out in public, our senses are hyper-aware due to the limited scope of our experiences with ACTUAL other, living, breathing people,
who also exert their will on the environment. OUR environment. MY environment. Who the hell are all of these other creatures!!!?? Why are they close
to me? What are they playing at?
I mean how dare anyone stand two or three feet next to me while I select toothpaste or a six pack, right? I mean, I do everything else alone. Then I
have to suffer these ass-hats "following" me around a store shopping for all of the same things I am shopping for. Because, you know, not everyone
needs butt wipe, tooth paste, a gallon of milk and Soap Opera Digest. To live. In the modern world.
Anyways, sorry for the tangent. No, I do not think I am gang stalked, but I feel for those who think they suffer from it because I think our modern
world has driven us to this point. Because, as you say, going in public DOES suck and we are required to do it less and less...making it weirder and