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Introduction of a "Healer".

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posted on Jan, 24 2016 @ 12:53 AM
Hello Abovetopsecret,


I've been drawn to this particular forum after a google search had lead me to a thread here. I enjoy the seniority of some of the conversation, the apparent eloquence of some of the posters' writing and wording, but more importantly the deep questioning and seeking that is evident in many of the threads here. I am not in any way more or less special than any of you who are reading this. However, I do believe that I bring good conversation to the discussion(s) so to speak.

I have two professions:

1. I work in the financial sector with certain fiduciary responsibilities in regards to helping people get into better financial positions with large assets.

2. I am a realized healer who's background is, extensively, in Esoteric Arts and their rituals, White Magic, and most importantly the Energy/Chakrah system. I am not able to take any requests other than the sharing of conversation and answering of a question or two.

*NOTE* This is purely speculative, subjective, and I am no way saying this is the truth, or "real", but instead sharing with you something to read - what you take from it is entirely your own. I am also anticipating that this will be a long read but may have some gems in the rough for those who go through it.


What do you think of when you think of healing? What is the first thing that comes to your mind? Can you visualize it? I want you to analyse that thought and we will touch on it later.

To heal means to, literally, "make whole" and heal-ing would imply "to make something whole".

There are many forms of healing and the most rational, common, and often used route is Allopathic (western/traditional) medicine and, more rarely, Naturopathic medicine. Other forms include Eastern Medicine and a plethora of other methods e.g. acupuncture.

With new advances in medical science the possibilities seem remarkable - Advanced Prosthetics, Nanotechnology, Gene Therapy, advances in pharmaceuticals, better imaging and measuring tools, advanced methods of surgery, etc... are all quite incredible feats. Even some Naturopathic medicine and breakthroughs have shown promise(s).

The medical field, which I originally was going to join, is quite an interesting complex of organizations, professionals, technology, corporations, scientists, state of the art facilities and some of the brightest minds in the world. Yet, it is missing something fundamental. There is something that is slowly being whisked out of the medical field. This, my fellow beings, is the power of the self (you) to heal itself of nearly all things.

I've found a trend begin to manifest in the nutritional and health industry, especially in the last decade, that claims, with absolute certainty ,that certain things are malignant for you and certain things have correlations that cause ailments. Scientifically and factually this is quite true (although some claims lack any good sources/empirical evidence). Nonetheless, there is not "one root cause" for all disease and ailments whatsoever as many pseudo-scientists or practitioners will often tell you. Instead the causes are many and the root cause can be difficult to pinpoint for each different type of sickness/disease.

When scientists trek upon two mutually exclusive claims, it irritates both parties. They experience mental disparity and attempt, ardently, to find evidence to reject one of the hypotheses and leave a successor. They eventually reach a consensus. This is how "Factual Evidence" is solidified in the scientific community and then into the medical field.

Unfortunately, as it is true that you can find many correlations to different classes, and sub-classes, of diseases, they all overlook other factors that may take into effect how the disease manifested from its core or roots.

Let's take the example of cancer - everything seems to cause cancer these days and it is far more prevalent.

How is cancer caused? The cause is mutations, generally non-congenital, of the genes which cause cells to rapidly grow and/or cause cells to not be able to stop rapid cell growth, and reduce the ability to repair DNA. Now several "forces" with factual correlations cause these - radiation, bad eating habits, lack of exercise, carcinogens (smoking etc..), obesity, hormones, viruses, chronic inflammation, and the list goes on nearly indefinitely.

But what causes us to come into contact with these forces and why do some people react to these cancer causing forces and get cancer and others do not? Why is that? What is different?

The chain of cause is endless - If I smoke a cigarette (teeming with carcinogens) because I am stressed out and I get cancer, then was it stress that gave me lung cancer? And if the reason I was stressed was because I couldn't pay my bills does that mean being financially dampened caused me to get cancer? Is being poor a cause of cancer? Is there a correlation?

It seems all of these studies point towards a person's susceptibility of cancer but cancer resistance has been, for the most part, not trekked upon.

What if I had smoked the cigarette not as a result of stress but was happy when I did so? Would it still affect my genes that cause mutations which cause cancer? Would I have less susceptibility? And if I wasn't stressed out or discontent would I have smoked it in the first place?
What is the difference of the two thirds of population that come into contact with "cancer causing forces" that do not get cancer and that 1/3 that does? This question caused me to begin studying deeper into diseases and such and after many synchronicities I begin to apply my esoteric and "spiritual" background to healing, albiet it was a long process. I knew mental ailments could be aided and even abolished by mental discipline and meditation as I had done so with depression and anxiety when I was much younger but what about physical ailments?

The Discipline of Healing

Healing, as my teacher had told me, must be understood as a responsibility and an honor. In this way a healer must understand that by taking such a responsibility they are receiving a double edged sword in that if they are to cause harm it will cause a very real karmic backlash but they can, with hard work, become a healer.

A very common saying from my teacher is "The Body is a creature of the Mind" or as Buddha had said "What you think you become"

What I've learned is that the thought(s) you have and the way you react to incoming energies (experiences) directly will affect your health. I've learned, by experience, that people with ailments will often hide something that is emotionally bothering them or in other words will have some type of blockage/constriction from letting the life experience or energy attracted to them flow through them in a balanced and fluid way. Even something in their sub conscious mind which they do not have full awareness of can have this effect. There's also these incredibly powerful patterns/habits that people develop. An example was an older woman who would go to work, get very upset, and then come home and chain smoke (Marlboro Light 100's) every day. She had developed precancerous lung abnormalities. What imbalance or blockage caused this? And what do I mean by blockage?

edit on 24-1-2016 by GreatWay because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2016 @ 12:53 AM
The Energy System or Chakrah System

Everything in this universe is composed of spinning wheels of energy. From giant galaxies, whose size can barely be fathomed outside of large empirical calculations, all the way down to the trillions of atoms spinning around inside a rock.

Chakrahs can be open or closed, excessive or deficient, or any of the various stages in between.

There are 7 energy centers like the 7 colors of a rainbow or the 7 chords on a musical scale. 7 is a number of wholeness or completion. The 7 chakrahs, open and balanced, are what fully makes whole and complete the Mind, Body, and Spirit.

Energy (or experiences) are attracted to the south pole or first energy center which greets this energy/these experiences first.

Chakrah 1: (Earth) Located at the base of the spine

The first energy center is the Red Energy Center/Chakrah also known as the Malkuth or Root. It is the very first center to receive incoming experience. The Red Energy Center deals with stability and survivability. Its cause of blockages is to feel unsafe or fearful - when you feel extremely scared, or startled, everything else that is important in your life seems to suddenly be put on hold and all other facets of experience are rendered powerless until you feel safe again - that is because the energy is constricted and sometimes completely blocked before it can even reach the 2nd or higher energy centers. It is important, in the extreme, to have a strong foundation or root which means a fully functioning and strong Red Energy Center. This energy center is of the Earth element and thus to fully become its highest potential one must learn to ground themselves and be stable (mentally, financially, physically, etc...). When you feel okay with the experience and you do not believe it threatens your survival then the energy moves upwards.

Chakrah 2: (Water) Located in the lower abdomen (I find it under the naval)

The 2nd energy center is the Orange Energy Center/Chakrah also known as the Sacral Chakrah. This energy center primarily is related to relationships with you and yourself, with another person, addiction, sexuality, emotional needs, and pleasures. Blockages often are seen in people who have low self esteem and/or are discontent with themselves and/or the present moment (which leads to addictions). This is, in my experience, the most blocked energy center. Emotions, as you know, are very fluid (think water) and if you react to them or focus on them too much then you will get caught in a blockage or constriction of this energy center. When one accepts his or herself, and does not react to emotions that arise, they allow energy to flow through this energy center to this next. When you do not let emotions affect you by reacting to them you are not rendered powerless and the experience(s) can be greeted by the next chakrah.

Chakrah 3: (Fire) Located at your solar plexus or beneath the very center of the rib cage

The 3rd energy center is the Yellow Energy Center/Chakrah or the Solar Plexus Chakrah. This energy center has to do with your relationship(s) with groups, societal preferences e.g. your job or an organization, and the environment. It also has to do with the ego and personal power in relation to those around you and the environment around you. I like to think of it as the energy center for transmutation (fire) as those blocked in this area will show strong strides towards control over others, self-centered egos, and feelings of inequality and being better than others - those not blocked in the Solar Plexus Chakrah, and have energy flowing freely through this energy center, wish the best and freedom for others to do as they wish - without the need for control. Those not blocked in this chakrah will not let their ego or false identity control them or others. When this energy is understood and one looks outward with compassion towards others and not with selfishness or greed then the energy moves to the middle energy center - the greatest stepping stone into the higher energy centers, where the true "enlightening" work may take place.

Chakrah 4: (Air) Located at the point of your sternum in the center just to the side of your heart

The 4th energy center is the Green Energy Center/Chakrah or the Heart Chakrah. This energy has to do with universal compassion and love for those around you. This chakrah's clarity and openness is shown by acceptance of experiences received from the environment and others and then expressed/communicated if one so wishes (using the next chakrah). One whose Heart Chakrah is truly open, and functioning brightly, will have an obvious affinity towards compassion and acceptance - a certain radiance that is rare. It is from this energy center, being authentically open, that you could say you are catapulted into the more "magical" life experience or perception. Those blocked in this energy center will have issues accepting other selves with love and compassion and most are so caught up in blockages of the lower energy centers that energy seldom reaches this energy center. "Where is the Love?"

edit on 24-1-2016 by GreatWay because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2016 @ 12:54 AM
Chakrah 5: (Sound) Located in your throat

The 5th energy center is the Blue Energy Center and it is also called the Throat Chakrah. This energy center has to do with communication and expressing yourself and even more importantly it also has to do with accepting what other(s) are communicating to you or their opinions about other things. Blockages of this energy center will demonstrate in a lack of honesty (extremely common), clarity in communication, clarity in expressing yourself, and difficulty accepting what others speak and say. This being fully functional and unblocked is very rare in today's generation as people do not know how to be honest with others and themselves, unfortunately.

Chakrah 6: (Light) Located at the center of the brow

The 6th energy center is the Indigo Energy Center, also called the Third Eye Chakrah. This energy center has to do with accepting the self but not as the singular self - instead as the divine/whole self or the Creator. It is associated with clairvoyance, intuition and imagination. Those blocked in the chakrah will demonstrate unworthiness in regards to their existence or a lack of faith. You could say this center has to do primarily with faith that all is possible and awaiting those who truly and wholeheartedly come to this understanding. Those who have a fully functioning 6th chakrah are extremely rare. The perception from this chakrah is powerful intuition and understanding. Opening this chakrah is the work of the Adept or Magician and doing so is a very subtle and drawn out work. It can also be dangerous if the lower energy centers are not functioning minimally to adequately create a strong "trunk" or "roots" for incoming cosmic energies.

Chakrah 7: (Thought) Located at the top of the head

The 7th energy center is the Violet Energy Center also known as the Crown Chakrah. You could say that "the crown is already placed upon the head" of all beings waiting to be realized. This chakrah has to do with knowledge, unity, creation, understanding, and transcendent consciousness. It connects us to the divine that we are. Blockages do not exist here - it is instead the whole expression of an entity's being and can only be opened when the 6th chakrah has been successfully activated.

Being a Healer

As you can see the chakrah system is somewhat complex and the blockages and mishaps of this system will bring about ailments, illnesses, and problems in the life experience of the person. It is a lack of completeness or wholeness which brings about ill-health.

The first step before healing someone is
1. To understand exactly what the underlying issue is within their inner environment so that I may be most efficacious in the healing.
2. Give them some useful understandings of their situation, the affected energy centers, and what they can do outside of the healing process to better their inner self.
3. Making sure they truly want to be healed - believe it or not some deep down do not want to be healed. Generally I find they are desiring to learn a certain lesson and wish to keep the ailment until they reach an understanding even if they do not think so.

When I "heal" somebody I do not actually do any of the work. The work is in the healing itself. Instead I act as an impetus so that the other-self or person may heal themselves. Although I am not able to go into it in too much detail I will tell you this much - healing takes place when the patient truly accepts the healing.

The one's chakrah system, or energy system, who is the healer must be balanced and fully functioning in a very consistent and stable fashion in order to assist with the healing work. The crystal used is important however, unlike the common misconception, the crystal itself does not heal whatsoever and one, who has not adequately obtained a configuration that is minimally perfected and fastidious, will cause the crystal to be useless or not appropriately "charged". For example, I use a large raw, and very sacred, diamond attached to a gold chain as a way to channel an energy configuration. After becoming as perfectly balanced and functioning as I possibly am able, usually by way of ritual and meditation before the session, the crystal is charged by my own action and configuration. The patient who wishes to be healed, having accepted (both consciously and subconsciously) the healing will then have a configuration channeled or offered to them in which is far less distorted or more appropriate than the energy center configuration they currently portray - thus healing the patient of the ailment. It is that the patient is becoming whole again. This is totally and entirely their own doing with me being simply an impetus for their own healing. And some may actually go back into the same pattern and same configuration to which they will have only been 'healed' for a short period of time.


I enjoyed writing this thread out as I never generally write about my healing or my true and deeper esoteric understandings. I should note that it is important to understand that you do not need a healer and that you can heal yourself - however, inner work is difficult and often a complex journey. I assure you, however, that there is something wanting to be known to you - there is a truth that waits for you to knock on the door and through that door what an infinite thing you shall find.

I'll take part in discussions occasionally.

Ve con dios.

edit on 24-1-2016 by GreatWay because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2016 @ 01:20 AM
Thanks for your integral thread on healing, I would say that
the greatest healer of the mind is the truth,
the greatest virus are lies.
the greatest restorer of wellbeing is Love
the greatest killer is the ignorant ego.
The greatest devine gift is laughter and joy! a reply to: GreatWay

edit on 24-1-2016 by ancientthunder because: misspell

posted on Jan, 24 2016 @ 01:28 AM

originally posted by: ancientthunder
Thanks for your integral thread on healing, I would say that
the greatest healer of the mind is the truth,
the greatest virus are lies.
the greatest restorer of wellbeing is Love
the greatest killer is the ignorant ego.
The greatest devine gift is laughter and joy! a reply to: GreatWay

Hello brother,

I'm grateful to have shared.

edit on 24-1-2016 by GreatWay because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2016 @ 02:53 AM
a lot of interesting information. Thanks for sharing I think this is great introduction for anyone interested. I wish many people would read this and benefit from wisdom in these posts.

Being aware of subtle energies is something which we normally don't experiance due to our regular modern lifestyle which brings a stormy mind and becouse of that we don't know how much damage we are doing to our system with destructive habits and also with negative and stressful thoughts.

With regular meditation we can get underneath and experiance them and just let it heal automatically in silence or also on advanced levels manipulate life energy and help the process. Our true self always wants to helps us after all without any conditions and all the time, we just have to make space (empty, silence) in our mind to allow it to have an effect in my opinion.


posted on Jan, 24 2016 @ 12:14 PM
When I was around fifteen my father was talking to me about going into medicine to be a doctor. He referred to my choice as a healer. Not a doctor. Now there is a difference between a healer and a doctor in my mind. A healer helps to cure a disease or condition while a doctor treats the disease or symptoms.

There are doctors out there that are healers, but not too many of them in this country. Most have been taught how to administer pharmaceuticals to treat a condition based on symptoms they observe that match what they are taught is pertinent. I see a lot of good medicines in Chinese medicine and in ayervedic medicine. Much of those correct a condition instead of treating the symptoms.

Pain pills usually treat symptoms but they can help to reduce inflammation sometimes which helps to moderate the disease. Without changing the diet to a less inflammatory diet, you will need to keep taking the pills for much longer than you should.

posted on Jan, 25 2016 @ 03:45 AM
This is an Awesome and informative thread! Thank you for making this.

I would like to be a healer; I try to use Reiki Healing and I want to become a nurse; so it's always great to come across information like this.
I am wondering - can you do energy healing on a person if they don't know you're doing that? And does a person have to believe in the method or the practitioner to receive healing?

I look forward to seeing more threads from you,

In Lak'ech

posted on Jan, 29 2016 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: MidNight sun
This is an Awesome and informative thread! Thank you for making this.

I would like to be a healer; I try to use Reiki Healing and I want to become a nurse; so it's always great to come across information like this.
I am wondering - can you do energy healing on a person if they don't know you're doing that? And does a person have to believe in the method or the practitioner to receive healing?

I look forward to seeing more threads from you,

In Lak'ech


You could say that one may do "healing work" just by being a balanced and 'fully activated' being. People subconsciously and consciously may try to match this configuration just by one leading as an example. However, one who is aware of the responsibility as a healer may not attempt to offer healing to another without the others acceptance of a healing. Free will should always be held to the highest regard.

The person being healed does not have to believe in the ability of healing and what seems commonplace to the proper healer may look miraculous to the patient or those who do not have the faculty of true faith.


edit on 29-1-2016 by GreatWay because: (no reason given)

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