Hello Abovetopsecret,
I've been drawn to this particular forum after a google search had lead me to a thread here. I enjoy the seniority of some of the conversation, the
apparent eloquence of some of the posters' writing and wording, but more importantly the deep questioning and seeking that is evident in many of the
threads here. I am not in any way more or less special than any of you who are reading this. However, I do believe that I bring good conversation to
the discussion(s) so to speak.
I have two professions:
1. I work in the financial sector with certain fiduciary responsibilities in regards to helping people get into better financial positions with large
2. I am a realized healer who's background is, extensively, in Esoteric Arts and their rituals, White Magic, and most importantly the Energy/Chakrah
system. I am not able to take any requests other than the sharing of conversation and answering of a question or two.
*NOTE* This is purely speculative, subjective, and I am no way saying this is the truth, or "real", but instead sharing with you something to read
- what you take from it is entirely your own. I am also anticipating that this will be a long read but may have some gems in the rough for those who
go through it.
What do you think of when you think of healing? What is the first thing that comes to your mind? Can you visualize it? I want you to analyse that
thought and we will touch on it later.
To heal means to, literally, "make whole" and heal-ing would imply "to make something whole".
There are many forms of healing and the most rational, common, and often used route is Allopathic (western/traditional) medicine and, more rarely,
Naturopathic medicine. Other forms include Eastern Medicine and a plethora of other methods e.g. acupuncture.
With new advances in medical science the possibilities seem remarkable - Advanced Prosthetics, Nanotechnology, Gene Therapy, advances in
pharmaceuticals, better imaging and measuring tools, advanced methods of surgery, etc... are all quite incredible feats. Even
some Naturopathic
medicine and breakthroughs have shown promise(s).
The medical field, which I originally was going to join, is quite an interesting complex of organizations, professionals, technology, corporations,
scientists, state of the art facilities and some of the brightest minds in the world. Yet, it is missing something fundamental. There is something
that is slowly being whisked out of the medical field. This, my fellow beings, is the power of the self (you) to heal itself of nearly all things.
I've found a trend begin to manifest in the nutritional and health industry, especially in the last decade, that claims, with absolute certainty ,that
certain things are malignant for you and certain things have correlations that cause ailments. Scientifically and factually this is quite true
(although some claims lack any good sources/empirical evidence). Nonetheless, there is not "one root cause" for all disease and ailments whatsoever as
many pseudo-scientists or practitioners will often tell you. Instead the causes are many and the root cause can be difficult to pinpoint for each
different type of sickness/disease.
When scientists trek upon two mutually exclusive claims, it irritates both parties. They experience mental disparity and attempt, ardently, to find
evidence to reject one of the hypotheses and leave a successor. They eventually reach a consensus. This is how "Factual Evidence" is solidified in the
scientific community and then into the medical field.
Unfortunately, as it is true that you can find many correlations to different classes, and sub-classes, of diseases, they all overlook other factors
that may take into effect how the disease manifested from its core or roots.
Let's take the example of cancer - everything seems to cause cancer these days and it is far more prevalent.
How is cancer caused? The cause is mutations,
generally non-congenital, of the genes which cause cells to rapidly grow and/or cause cells to
not be able to stop rapid cell growth, and reduce the ability to repair DNA. Now several "forces" with factual correlations cause these - radiation,
bad eating habits, lack of exercise, carcinogens (smoking etc..), obesity, hormones, viruses, chronic inflammation, and the list goes on nearly
But what causes us to come into contact with these forces and why do some people react to these cancer causing forces and get cancer and others do
not? Why is that? What is different?
The chain of cause is endless - If I smoke a cigarette (teeming with carcinogens) because I am stressed out and I get cancer, then was it stress that
gave me lung cancer? And if the reason I was stressed was because I couldn't pay my bills does that mean being financially dampened caused me to get
cancer? Is being poor a cause of cancer? Is there a correlation?
It seems all of these studies point towards a person's susceptibility of cancer but cancer resistance has been, for the most part, not trekked
What if I had smoked the cigarette
not as a result of stress but was happy when I did so? Would it still affect my genes that cause mutations
which cause cancer? Would I have less susceptibility? And if I wasn't stressed out or discontent would I have smoked it in the first place?
What is the difference of the two thirds of population that come into contact with "cancer causing forces" that do not get cancer and that 1/3 that
does? This question caused me to begin studying deeper into diseases and such and after many synchronicities I begin to apply my esoteric and
"spiritual" background to healing, albiet it was a long process. I knew mental ailments could be aided and even abolished by mental discipline and
meditation as I had done so with depression and anxiety when I was much younger but what about physical ailments?
The Discipline of Healing
Healing, as my teacher had told me, must be understood as a responsibility and an honor. In this way a healer must understand that by taking such a
responsibility they are receiving a double edged sword in that if they are to cause harm it will cause a very real karmic backlash but they can, with
hard work, become a healer.
A very common saying from my teacher is "The Body is a creature of the Mind" or as Buddha had said "What you think you become"
What I've learned is that the thought(s) you have and the way you react to incoming energies (experiences) directly will affect your health. I've
learned, by experience, that people with ailments will often hide something that is emotionally bothering them or in other words will have some type
of blockage/constriction from letting the life experience or energy attracted to them flow through them in a balanced and fluid way. Even something in
their sub conscious mind which they do not have full awareness of can have this effect. There's also these incredibly powerful patterns/habits that
people develop. An example was an older woman who would go to work, get very upset, and then come home and chain smoke (Marlboro Light 100's) every
day. She had developed precancerous lung abnormalities. What imbalance or blockage caused this? And what do I mean by blockage?
edit on 24-1-2016 by GreatWay because: (no reason given)