a reply to:
Empty encouragement? Oh peeple, do you do that with some you really don't like just to see them act like it is awesome and then only be heavily
criticised later by others to your satisfaction?
Not a cheater or liar either and no fake good jobs or nice work... I know it only encourages them to keep at it that aybe it will get better if not
the vindictive sort as mentioned earlier. I know someone that got off on that kinda thing so hey... whatever. I've just had a lot of experience and a
lot of women as friends, even the hate all men but you're ok sort... lesbians can really really teach you a ton of stuff; many straight dudes rarely
become real friends with hardcore lesbians, as the atypical neurosis is wanting to get in the middle... that sort of nonsense.
It's odd how basically? Secretly the same as guys in every single way; and one would think a male having a more whip like appendage, they wouldn't be
the ones getting such cracked on them. Of course guys running around thinking they own someone just because they are doing it leads to a lot of covert
activities like you don't own me but you buy me $h!t or knock my rent out. One of my old roomates; she somehow managed to juggle 5 dudes at once with
only one of them knowing she saw other people... this went on for over a year none of them the wiser.
She's like this one is good in bed but wont go down, this one will but is not good in bed, this one just likes going out, this one likes to party and
buy me booze and smokes, this one buys me stuff I want and cooks, and this one pays all my bills and what I need. I was like wtf am I doing that I
don't know I am doing for you? She gave me a Damien sort of little sideways grin...
I know what it was; paying my part of the rent and she already had one of the dudes paying the entire thing and pocketing what I and our other roomate
gave her.
But since guys are typically very controlling; more secretive and covert in their dealings; but pretty much the same sex drive included. Of course,
everyone knowing everyone business on that side of the gender line, leaves a lot of dating options for them off limits... like oh that guy is cute, oh
that guy? No he was seeing so and so flipped out and broke all her windows out... why did she cheat? No she was sick and he didn't believe her and
thought she did, so when he went there raging after she didnt answer 100 texts being passed out from medicine she didnt wanna answer the door cause he
was freaking out; making him even more irrate so he started busting windows and she had to call the police on him.
So yeah reputation can hit the dirt really quick, being sleazy... then of course people saying that kinda stuff but it isnt real like rumor mill can
make you sleazy when you're not. I've had women aquaintences say they've slept with me coming back round to me... like wtf? Maybe she would have
gotten some, no chance now. Why the hell someone going to lie about something like that? Make someone jealous and it comes back around? Likely. But
some dude coming up like hey did you bang my GF? Who the hell is your girlfriend?
What bothers me the most is as you know; in honesty you don't have to play those games... but people playing them, and not wanting to get into some
nonsense situation... then ask around in self protection? Rumor gets to cranking. Next thing you know game already being played and you on special
teams but dont know you were in the game.
Sigh drama... even doing the right thing that should allow you to avoid it? Still there.
edit on 31-3-2017 by BigBrotherDarkness because: punctuation malfunction