a reply to:
The cat I was birthed to in a past life named me Patches... animals don't have a sense of ownership over other animals they just protect and for them
to protect you then they have to accept you... they do have a sense of ownership over territory though because of food competition and wanting to
relax without any stress.
Life origin and it can be thought of as hostile depending on how ignorant of the needs of the species... the robotic species like insectoids will cut
a limb and not even think twice about it as it is just instinctual or programmed in as part of their function.
When I said past present and future were occurring simultaneously, I wasn't joking it is possible to see all of the re-iterations or emanations of
others trying to work themselves out or help others do the same.
Of course clinging is the issue the choices not taken branching off into an iteration that did or chose another and on and on... some people still
clinging to crap thousands and thousands of years ago and not just as a subject of curiosity but because they have something unresolved at that time
and with a consciousness that doesn't or cannot die only sleep or be blind to it in unawareness try to resolve the same nonsense way back when by keep
rehashing the same issues that never seem to go away... I find it highly annoying because it is like a recursive loop that could be resolved in less
than a week of introspection than a week of that programming that only reinforces the same ideology.
Awareness is the key under Mat, George and everyone else.
The most difficult thing is sharing experiences in observation since such things are not a 24/7 365 occurrence as an atypical experience then they
arise based on conditions or when they are ripe to do so.
As an observer making them a subject only validates their existence since it isn't a coexistence then what is validation going to do other than make
you look like a whack job and speak about things that many have no experience in when there's other things more tangible in everyday experience to
Mundane or supramundane is the line between this world and the other.
Ghosts, aliens of various sorts, time travel, past lives, various psychic phenomena or siddhis, meditative absorptions jhana states natural and
artificial, microcosm macrocosm, form and formlessness. Experiencing all of those things cannot be given to anyone else and they need no validation as
they are what they are and making assumptions is the same thing as grasping and as soon as you grasp it becomes something to weigh you down and then
experience less and less until one is stuck in yet another conceptual bubble to fight out of once again by simply trying to make sense out of
something instead of just experiencing it arising and passing.
This is typically why I do not speak of such things even though I have been encouraged too and have sometimes on rare occasions... lets just say if it
is visiting you it is testing you the most benevolent beings are the most shy and elusive beings because other forms are the barbarians that they
fought for a long time to become free of... of course they are at an extreme where the most terrifying forms are at the other extreme where people run
hide and cower instead of try to understand.
Fearlessness and not inciting it either allows both to present itself and take refuge... when it comes with ignorance it leaves with it no biggie
unless one chooses to subject what they were observing to ignorance by making it a subject. Equality of equanimity does not do such a thing... of
course debate can occur between various entities and energies some people have inhabiting them and not even aware of it channeling through.
Awareness resolves the guest and host situation, I used to let various energies flow through just to observe and learn and when I finally learned
enough kicked both out at once neither welcome, not the one that would want to lay and gently use my hand to stroke my hair with a stupid smile on my
face nor the one that would want to make a fist and punch myself in the head. Unawareness of who or what is raising the hand or even filling one's
face with chex mix by the handful... that's the ignorance to overcome in my opinion.
Patches yep in all connotations of the word... rough patches, smooth patches, patching things and people up that cat buddha chose the name wisely...
although after so many life times later it can be seen as a blessing and a curse. Blessing of wisdom following ignorance and curse of ignorance that
likes to follow wisdom... bodhisattva says sure I will grow as many arms as it takes to embrace you all life after life after life after life.
It gets tiring as it's already old by the time you renounce it to begin with. I'm more than ready to shed all of that and feign ignorance just for
some peace and leave others to it as nothing anyone writes or says can give them any experience other than reading or listening. If they think so then
that thinking is giving them the experience not the writing or saying as writing or saying is the experience the writer or speaker is having.
Kinda lame that way but then again maybe not.