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A dating site for white people is turning heads?

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posted on Jan, 2 2016 @ 05:56 AM
a reply to: Eilasvaleleyn

Have a darker brownish red hair, pale freckled skin, and very very dark brown eyes, almost black in certain lighting. My hair isn't a bright red, more an auburn.

And I wanted him to clarify because well, I'm anti-race, and have gotten tired of accepting everyone's insistence that it's a concept that deserves to be promoted rather than fought from all sides. That's it's a concept that's ok to be clung to by anybody.

That's right I'm anti-racial pride, period, I'm done with it, I'm sick of it, I've never liked race, and I'm no longer giving the concept a pass for anyone, period. The day everyone, black, white, yellow, polka dot, fuchsia or otherwise gives up their "racial" pride and starts fighting for "human" pride and against the very concept of race, we'll actually get somewhere.

As long as people try to fight racism by embracing race, we're never going to get anywhere.

White Pride has a long history, want to make certain his stand is with the cosmetic feature and not the delusion there's a white "people" cause it is delusional as is black as a "people."
edit on 1/2/2016 by Puppylove because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2016 @ 05:59 AM
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

The right believes all people are equal and deserve fair and equal treatment.

I'm sorry, but I really don't see that. Besides, doesn't that sound frighteningly similar to that dirtiest of dirty things, Communism and/or Socialism. It's traditionally the oligarch side, though don't get me wrong, both are equally guilty. Maybe even the left is more so these days, especially if Clinton gets into office.
Theoretically, fair and equal treatment is constitutionally guaranteed. In practice, however... Well, the sides have different idea as to what "fair" and "equal" actually mean. You know, "equal, but separate."

A lot of the moderate right wing people are probably good folks, same with the moderate left. The extreme right wing, however, is f*cking INSANE. The left is better at hiding it.

posted on Jan, 2 2016 @ 06:00 AM
a reply to: Puppylove

You have a point. "Proud" is often used in place of "I like being"...even by me. Mostly when there is a insult pending. If someone were to say "Your nothing but a Pennsylvania idiot" I may respond that "I'm proud to live in Pennsylvania" when I really mean that their insult isn't an insult to me because I like where I live.

But look at who throws the insults and their purpose.

posted on Jan, 2 2016 @ 06:03 AM
a reply to: Eilasvaleleyn
Wow, did you know suggesting that other races have culture whilst the white race does not is extremely racist and the type of rhetoric that comes out of a certain group don't swallow that.

Well let's see, Oktoberfest,English, flying airplanes, eating cheeseburgers, the industrial revolution, denim. Culture attributed to races--is the associated arts,and social achievements,and sciences, all races have these things or "culture" to varying degrees associated with them. We should not take these things away or not appreciate them and the minds they came from. That is pride and we all have a culture that's worth being proud of in some form or fashion.

posted on Jan, 2 2016 @ 06:03 AM
a reply to: Eilasvaleleyn

First...I suggest we get off the right/left thing that I kinda started...for a moment. I believe in fair and equal treatment for everyone. But look at that for a second..."Everyone". If you are to be fair and give equal treatment to one person, then even if you hate the other person, you must do the same. There are people and groups that claim they want fair and equal treatment, but only want it for groups they support and not others.

posted on Jan, 2 2016 @ 06:05 AM
a reply to: Puppylove

Oh, like me then. Same eyes. Though in my case, my hair is ebony.

Sadly, it's a viewpoint that is very unlikely to be able to be forced. Any attempts to make people more "anti-race" on a larger scale will likely result in just the opposite effect. The other issue is, as it stands, it is also still useful as a vague descriptor of appearance. For instance, there is the eye shape generally shared among Asians (more specifically I believe the eastern based ones.)

Racism is, for the most part, as I have long stated, not based in genetics or biology but in culture and society. The same is true of homophobia, transgender discrimination, so on and so forth. Our standard for beauty is, also, a societal thing.
Change, however, cannot be made intentionally. Not easily, at least.

posted on Jan, 2 2016 @ 06:05 AM
a reply to: RickinVa

There are also insurance companies like sheilas wheels which only insure women and in their advertising they state that women are better drivers hence why they are cheaper!

There are many things like this or similar,it's upto people whether or not they decide to be offended or not,we all have that choice. Bringing attention to it here only inflames those that choose to be offended, so I don't quite understand why you would post this to be honest, as there are multiple other examples in all walks of life

posted on Jan, 2 2016 @ 06:08 AM
a reply to: TechniXcality

Races don't have culture, people have culture. She was definitely wrong to say that.

What's wrong is when a culture is divided by race, that's racist. If different "races" have a culture that's divided by race, that culture is by definition racist, because that culture embraces and promotes the concept of race which is the means by which racism is allowed to exist.

posted on Jan, 2 2016 @ 06:10 AM
Well...since this thread is about race...

If a white person injures a black person on purpose because they are is a hate crime and stricter sentences will be imposed. Reverse that...and it isn't legally a hate crime because "white" isn't a protected group.

A white person may be turned down for college entry in lieu of a black person, even if the white person is better qualified because of "diversity" concerns and quotas. Same for employment.

Just a couple examples of white racism and not "fair" nor "equal".
edit on 1/2/2016 by WeAreAWAKE because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2016 @ 06:10 AM
a reply to: TechniXcality

I am saying no skin-color dependent racial identification should have a culture attached to it, at least not without additional clarification, because that is just stupid.

I was under the impression the "races" we were speaking of in this discussion were the skin colors. "Black, white, yellow, er... Red?"

Oktoberfest, I would say, German, not "White." Germans are typically white, but we do not have Oktoberfest in Australia.
Industrial Revolution, maybe. Did it not happen in other countries, however? Did it only occur in primarily white-skinned nations?
Cheeseburgers is American. Not really "White."

What I am saying is that I think you can have "English (meaning England), Australian, German, American" pride, etc, but I do not understand "White" or "Black" or "Color" pride.

posted on Jan, 2 2016 @ 06:11 AM
a reply to: Eilasvaleleyn

I believe we are discussing "race" not "color".

posted on Jan, 2 2016 @ 06:12 AM
a reply to: Puppylove

Wait, what did I say? My intention was to say that I think defining a culture purely by a trait such as skin-color is stupid, because there is a massive diversity of culture shared even by people with the same skin-color.

posted on Jan, 2 2016 @ 06:13 AM
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

I believe we are discussing a "White People Dating Site."

posted on Jan, 2 2016 @ 06:14 AM

originally posted by: WeAreAWAKE
a reply to: Puppylove

Pride as I'm using the term means that the group to which I this case based upon race...has a history of accomplishments that I am proud of. I also belong to male, conservative, Polish, tall, etc. Pride mostly doesn't come into play until someone tries to attack or demean you for being in that particular group. And considering all the left-wing race baiting and finger pointing...I am proud to be white. And can be proud of something which you had no control over.

You can't just pick and chose. If you are going to be proud, by association, of history of accomplishments you also have to be ashamed of history of violence. This goes for all races of course.

posted on Jan, 2 2016 @ 06:14 AM
a reply to: Eilasvaleleyn

Race is fine as descriptor for general physical features if used for such.

It would be stupid to not mention someone has black skin, when skin color is one of our most prominent features.

That said, black is a bit lazy of a term, as it's a pretty damn wide range of skin colors.

Like calling me a red head. Is a bit lazy really. I could by that descriptor be carrot top, strawberry blond, auburn, ect. If you went looking for me in a crowd with "Red Head" as the only descriptor and someone is carrot top, as the most vibrant red, you'd likely grab them as they stand out more.

posted on Jan, 2 2016 @ 06:14 AM
a reply to: Eilasvaleleyn

I disagree. You can say there is a "black culture" in America that includes certain traits, actions, etc. But that "black culture" is completely different than "African American culture".

posted on Jan, 2 2016 @ 06:14 AM
a reply to: Puppylove

Are you suggesting (European people) which are primarily white or (African people) which are primarily black do not have general ways of living that are different? That have developed over the course of history and that have precedence, this is not racism. Different does not equal less, and we should celebrate our differences not try to hide them in shame.

I don't wish to live in a ubiquitous brown hermaphrodite world, that to me is very Orwellian and quite scary, the differences between people and cultures should be loved cherished not shamed and beaten into a cookie cutter archetype of what some ideological thinker believes the world should look like.
edit on 2-1-2016 by TechniXcality because: Spelling

posted on Jan, 2 2016 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: Crazy Diamond

Sure...I didn't mean to imply otherwise. Every group has bad moments and some have nothing but bad moments. You can also be ashamed of your group...race, nationality or whatever. But someone calling me a "white" something-or-other doesn't embarrass me because I like who and what I am and the majority of my group's history.

posted on Jan, 2 2016 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: Eilasvaleleyn

Then I may have misunderstood. I think there was something that seemed to be implying something by inference for which you did not intend.

posted on Jan, 2 2016 @ 06:21 AM

originally posted by: Eilasvaleleyn
a reply to: fartsmeller46

If by "politically correct crap" you mean stupid things like this, yes, I agree. If you're complaining about it not being acceptable to freely insult people, then... Well, I'm sure you wouldn't mind if people replied in turn.

If you find facts insulting then you need to leave the grown up conversations to the grown ups. If you could leave your indoctrinated pre conceived ideals behind just long enough to actually listen and think about what's being said, you might learn something. On the other hand if you dispute what i'm saying then by all means lets have that conversation.Tell me where i'm wrong don't just insinuate i'm speaking crap and insulting people.
I'm challenging you to think and defend that thought,don't be a fool and stick your head in the sand when something you hear challenges your beliefs. If your opinion is strong and thought out rather than that of a lemming who's conforming to fit in,you'll be fine.

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