There are several philosophical pillars upon which Western society is built on, pillars which I believe are not all too stable. Western thought has
progressed off of unstable pillars and weak foundations, and I have made it my undertaking to identify some of these pillars. Read on, and risk having
the foundation of your views taken out from underneath you. Choose to stop reading, and be forever enshrouded in curiosity.
Part 1 had to do with our faulty conception of Nothingness.
Part 2 was about the illusion of free will. This part is about the backwards evolution
that modernization has caused humans due to a culture of comfort.
Over the past 100 years, the world has seen many advances in science, technology, medicine, etc. We now have automobiles, airplanes, computers,
radars, televisions, tremendous industrial capability, and a myriad of new medicines and medical practices. The question is, have any of these
advances actually been beneficial towards the human race?
When I say the word evolution, what comes to mind? Your first response most likely is to revert back to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, a system that
leads to the survival of the fittest. In this system, animals must continually evolve to become stronger, smarter, or faster in order to survive. It
is a good theory, one that seems to accurately describe all living things with one exception: humans.
As a species, the number of humans grows exponentially, so there is no threat to our existence from the natural world. However, as our numbers grow,
our abilities are diminishing.
Are we faster now than we used to be? Yes, the best athletes in the world today can sprint 100 meters faster than anyone ever could. But while our
ancestors could run a marathon a day in order to hunt down game out of necessity, and just 300 years ago soldiers marched 30 miles a day for weeks
with heavy packs, primitive footwear, and drinking beer instead of water, I estimate that 99.9% of the American population would be unable to do the
same today.
Are we collectively stronger than our primitive ancestors? Yes, the strongest men today can probably lift more than our ancestors. But collectively,
90% of our population does not work out regularly, and even with those who do work out, the natural strength that our ancestors possessed is often
replaced by strict workout regimens and artificial strength aided by supplements and steroids.
Are we smarter? Look around and you tell me. Is our education system and mainstream culture really cultivating a generation of kids smarter than the
previous generation? Or are we getting dumber and more ignorant?
This is my hypothesis: we are getting slower, weaker, and dumber with each passing generation.
I would be interested to see anyone disprove my hypothesis, as I did not present many supporting facts, but instead presented findings from my
readings and experiences. If my hypothesis does hold true, then something very worrisome is happening to the human race, one that perhaps justifies
the ideas of brutal dictators such as Hitler. That is, the human race is in fact evolving, but evolving backwards. We are evolving to become weaker
than ever before.
Why is this happening? As I mentioned earlier, our natural world presents no threat to our survival, thanks to the work of the generations before us.
Since we do not live on the brink of death and survival, we do not have the need to outrun antelopes, wrestle boars, or outsmart a rhino. All we have
to do is exercise our mind and body just enough to stay alive. We have adapted to lives of comfort.
As an example, just look at our running shoes. While 50 years ago, shoes were flat, simple shoes with thin soles, now our shoes have rubber deposits
in the heel with the option of adding custom orthotics to give our feet additional cushioning.
But what are we really accomplishing with this additional cushioning? We succeed in feeling more comfortable while we run… until we get injured.
Believe it or not, modern running shoes with additional cushioning and special orthotics have not decreased the injury rate, it has actually increased
runners’ injury rates significantly. However, shoe companies will never tell you this. Most runners could not tell you this. However, if you stop
and think about it, it makes perfect sense. The more you cushion something, the weaker it gets, and over time this leads to more injuries.
My running shoe example is just one way we are becoming weaker by being more comfortable. There are multitudes of examples of us becoming weaker by
adapting to lives of comfort. The question is, how can we stop this? Should we even be worried about this? Is this an issue for society or is it an
issue for individuals? I agree that what Hitler did to kill millions of their own people was morally wrong. However, I can understand his fear of his
own people getting weaker and weaker.
My final question is, when you look at businesses making people weaker by selling them comfort, is there anything wrong with this? Killing people in
order to advance the human race is morally wrong, but I guess it’s ok to deliberately weaken the human race in order to make money.
This brings me to my conclusion... When you start looking at our society from an evolutionary standpoint, individual lives stop mattering as much as
the collective. Hitler starts to make more sense. But on the other hand, Darwin's Theory of Evolution is one of the pillars of modern science. You
can't walk into a room of scientists claiming to not believe in Evolution without them looking at you sideways. Despite our collective belief in
Evolution, we still hold onto some internal moral belief system that says individual lives matter, even the weak ones... which seems to directly
conflict with Evolution. While our modern society is built on both Evolution and a moral belief system, if we continue down this path, we will only
see the further degradation of human capabilities.
edit on 18-12-2015 by Wang Tang because: secret