I am an alaskan native, I was brought down to California by my non native mother(she is part Cherokee, but cant be proven besides the picture of her
great grandma who was full blooded) when I was 1 years old. I grew up in California. Once I became an adult I have found that Native organizations
that deal in Medical, Dental and Welfare for Natives will only help up to a point.
One point being how much native your blood line is. This not so picky. If you are native american and you go through the proper channels to prove it
you will get free clinic care to certain extent, which i have used and its great. I tip my hat in that aspect.
Then found myself needing needing more than clinic care. I needed glasses for driving, and school. And the few times i need emergency care and
needed help putting food in my fridge, since i was not california native I was not bestowed welfare.
The emergency care I wasnt worried about, I was able to sign up for medicare and i only owe a bit, the glasses i was a little peeved about because i
know there cheap to make and many california natives get them for free or a allowance as needed but since i wasnt californian tribe no help, but then
again i drive fine without and can always sit in the front of class if i get there early. But then i went to my clinic and asked them for a food card
because of my situation which is....
My ex wife went crazy tried to kill herself and then went to New Jersey leaving our two children with me. I was not ready for this and being a
student living off student loans did not have enough to money to feed all three of us till i get back to full time work, on top of that I need to
break a lease on my small one bedroom shack in order to house them. I only had the one bedroom place because i knew in june i would be able to
upgrade to a two bedroom before my children came to me for the summer. So i was in an unforeseen situation were money was tight and then became
Dont get me wrong I am so happy my kids are with, me but I literally was in no way prepared for such a drastic life change. So I asked a Native
organization for help and they said "no we cant help because you and your children are not of a tribe of california".
I looked the lady in the face and asked "why" She claimed it was state policy.
My real question is this...
Why does a goverment get to almost eradicate an entire people of multiple tribes and then get to tell the remaining people who they can help and not
help, Shouldn't Natives get to make that decision?
this should probably be in the rant section. but i do want general feed back because i am going to write a paper on this for school, yet the reason it
is a rant is because i currently currently going through all this and pissed that Natives can not look after each other unless their masters say so.