've answered your own question about 40 times already in this thread.
There's a money pit on Oak Island alright, but it's not buried in the ground. There's nothing buried in the ground on that island except people's
They took an ancient folk fable and turned it into a reality TV show. Rule #1 in reality TV is...nothing is real. It's all staged.
Every time they bait you up through the commercial break, they make money. Every time they bait you to the end of the program to see them finally
find the Holy Grail, they make money. Every time they bait you to the next episode, and the next season...they make money.
^^^^^^^^^THIS is the REAL treasure buried on Oak Island!!^^^^^^^^^^^^
Here's how you know this. First, Oak Island is 140 acres. If you formed that into a square it would be less than half a mile on a side. In other
words, it's tiny; you could walk around the entire island in less than 30 minutes. The way they characterize this place on TV is like it's this huge
sprawling island with all these nooks and crannies and miles of coast line with all their tight camera shots. It is everything but that. Second,
ever since the 50's the island has been owned by treasure hunters. Treasure hunters who made their money operating tours of guess what...Oak Island.
Rick and Marty Lagina are now also part owners of Oak Island. And guess what they do? They operate tours of Oak Island too!
Ever notice how every contractor who does any work on the island has their logo prominently displayed, front and center, plastered all over everything
for the camera to capture? Notice how all their equipment is brand shiny new, freshly washed and without a spec of dirt or grease? Ever notice how
every new gadget they use on the show they give a glowing technical run down of its capabilities? These are all just product and corporate
endorsements, and cha-ching...they make money.
Oak Island is nothing more than a giant ruse. I crack up every time I watch the show! Some of the crackpot stuff they come up with is hilarious.
They had one show where they were lining object objects on the island up with objects in Spain and England, and speculating about all these
fantastical theories!! It's just hilarious.
My theory is all these guys are all direct descendants of none other than P.T. Barnum who opined a fool was born every minute. If they're not, then
they certainly learned his teachings well.
In some respects I personally find the show kind of insulting to the viewers at times. Especially when they have to sit everyone down and explain
their findings and their next crackpot plan. It would be one thing if they were actually being scientific about it, but they're not. Their plan is
Let's use a bunch of fancy words and rumors to go dig over here for a while and make a show. And, let's go dig over there for a while
and make a show. Then, let's go dig up that place we already dug up because we didn't milk it enough, and we're running out of places to dig. Rinse
and repeat."
**Sigh** Whatever. I guess if people enjoy the show then what do I care? It's not hurting me. Just seems silly though...especially after 8 years!
Now, if someone were to ask my opinion of what would spice up the show I'd suggest the following: Kidnap Marty Lagina and teleport him onto the deck
of the F/V Northwestern in the Bering Sea with Sig Hansen. Kidnap Rick Lagina and teleport him to the TV set of Housewives of Beverly Hills, or the
Kardashians. Then turn the whole island into a haunted theme park with the ghost of Dan Blankenship scaring the bejeezus out of patrons at every
turn. Now that would be cool to watch!
edit on 12/9/2020 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)