posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 11:31 PM
I grew up in the 60's and 70's. One of my worst childhood memories was watching movies in school showing us what nuclear war would look like. I
remember having drills at school where we would get under our desks because of a simulated nuclear attack. These were in my opinion a form of
terrorism. Now days they do something similar with terrorism and school shooter drills. Teaching children to be in fear seems to have been continued
from generation to generation. I remember when I started high school I had little hope that the human race would survive past Y2K. I never thought I
would make it to 40 never mind 50. The constant threat of nuclear annihilation took a lot of my hope, and turned my dreams to nightmares. No child
needs to be raised in the hopeless environment that says you have no future. That your world could be destroyed at any moment. This is a high form of
cruelty which my entire generation was forced to grow up in.
Drug abuse has always affected humankind but it became rampant when nuclear annihilation was ever present in everybody's mind. Then they launched the
war on drugs. That is like launching a war against the symptom of a disease without admitting that the disease was caused by the situation. The threat
of global nuclear war is still present of course but not like it was back then. Terrorism grew out of this threat, out of the hopelessness people feel
in a world gone mad. Mutual Assured Destruction.
I think that if we can not figure out how to live together in a world without the constant threat of global destruction at our own hands we have
failed as a species. Our fate seemed sealed to me as a child but now that I am middle aged I think we need to lead ourselves because no one seems able
to lead us out of this mess. Terror makes people stupid and dependent. We need to be raised out of terror with real courage taking charge in this
world. We need leaders that lead with ideas not threats of violence.
We will only give the world fear and hopelessness so long as we lead the world with the biggest threat of death and destruction. That is the root
cause of terrorism in my view. The US and every other nuclear power threaten all of us with the constant threat of destruction beyond our control, and
worse than even nature can dish out. We need to end this terrorism and not just pass it to another generation to resolve.