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Let's Play a Game! You're a God of Love! WWYD?

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posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 04:53 PM
What would you do?

For this game imagine yourself as a God. You're omnipotent, you are capable of anything, and nothing is beyond you. In addition, you're omniscient, and know everything there is to know. Nothing escapes your mind. Finally, you are all loving. In fact, you are love itself.

You've created a universe, and on at least one lonely planet, created life. Humans. They are your children and you love them unconditionally. With your omniscience you see that they will sometimes fall and stumble. Despite your best efforts, not all of them believe you even exist. Not all of them are full of love. In fact, things get pretty nasty for a lot of your children.

For this next part, please pick one or more from the list:

1. Global Deluge
2. Sodom and Gomorrah
3. Exodus from Egypt
4. Genocides to clear the Promised Land
5. Other (Take your pick from the Bible)

Now remember these things:

1. You are omnipotent. You can do anything.
2. You are all loving, love itself.
3. You are the father of humans.

How would YOU have dealt with the situation (from the first list)?

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 05:02 PM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer

#5: I would not have created Satan or the apple tree. I would not have promised a particular bloodline that they are my favourites.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 05:07 PM


posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 05:20 PM


posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 05:24 PM
I would comfort everyone by making each and every person filled with unconditional love and also teach them that one life leads into the next as beings never die. The ultimate reward for following my ways would be that everyone has the perfect union, yin and yang theory and enlightenment is finally finding the other half of your being. Of course the path to the twin soul is arduous but worth a thousand lifetimes if not thousands more. Love is the only way.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 05:34 PM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer

I would have just made people nicer. That would solve just about every one of those problems. But apparently god was not capable of that...or just didn't want nice people... Hhhmmm, go figure.

Or i would just have appeared and would have stayed with them until they figured it out. I def would not have chosen a favorite group of murderous goat herders and mandated that they were special.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 05:42 PM
Have any of you raised children? I would watch them grow from a distance and only interfere when they are going to cause grave harm to themselves or others. No one ever learned by being babied and never being allowed to make their own mistakes.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 05:54 PM
"God" is busy elsewhere, has a whole Universe to run. He left stewards to run the vineyard. They make sure the garden is watered, fed and weeded. Otherwise, the grapes grow all by themselves.

The best analogy to this is the story in the Bible parallel-able.

Bible Hub

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 05:58 PM
a reply to: the2ofusr1
a reply to: trontech
a reply to: intrptr

Please play the game in the OP.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer
I'll take #5 also Alex.

I would have told Adam and Eve the truth from the beginning. The whole truth. In plain words.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 06:19 PM

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer
a reply to: the2ofusr1
a reply to: trontech
a reply to: intrptr

Please play the game in the OP.

I did.

5. Other (Take your pick from the Bible)

My pick is a garden / harvest.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 06:38 PM
Well considering I don't agree with the "best effort" part, I would re-announce myself to the world, explain my wishes / intentions / rules / etc, and let humanity make up its mind without having to translate and gaggle over words written by man thousands of years ago.

Maybe if that actually happened God would either quit and go home or succeed and rule over us beings the way he always and all.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 06:46 PM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer

If I have to choose from a list how can I be omnipotent?

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 06:56 PM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer

Well I think I would start with a garden and see how it grew and then introduce things to watch over and tend it and see how they did.

After that I would cause it to grow despite the interference. The things that thrive would make them selves self evident and the things that did'nt the same.

The weeds I would find a place for to strengthen the whole.

I really don't see a flaw in the creation, it's the willingness to understand there is thought and then there is what exists for everything.

Mercy by nature, but nature none the less, a sweet symbiosis.


posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 10:04 PM
1. Global Deluge
I would have made several saves on my world and would recover from the saved file,
making everything alright again and making sure it won't happen again.
After all humans are still an early concept it will take me some time to sort them out and fix all issues,
Of course I am omnipotent, I could have made them perfect to begin with
but I am really bored up here, I like bothering humans once in a while.
They would believe

2. Sodom and Gomorrah
Let them have fun, that's how I made them, who am I to judge
after all they have free

3. Exodus from Egypt
I would make a nice deal with the Pharaoh giving him a lot of treasures, goods and strippers
And before I would take my people away, I would give some candy to the Egyptian kids,
and make their society a happy and free one.

4. Genocides to clear the Promised Land
No blood need to be spilled,
I could take the unwanted locals away and place them to Miami

5. Other (Take your pick from the Bible)
I would write a book that makes sense, describing everything in detail
with 3 good law.

-Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
-Respect everyone's freedom, love each other, and...
-Have fun
edit on SunSun, 08 Nov 2015 22:10:12 -06001PMk000000Sundaypm by Dr1Akula because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 10:53 PM
Send everyone to hell who doesn't worship me, of course.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 11:22 PM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer
Why the game will not work.
1. An omnipent God that is everything, and knows everything, to be this God you will have to simultaneously be all things.

If you look at any of the religious text you will absolutely "not" see truly Godly behavior.

All you will find described is human qualities and behavior. All of it is the biggest and longest running scam, into history of the world.

Our puny brains can't even dream up a proper god. The text says the gods, plural, made man in his own image.I believe they got it backwards. It looks like man made God in his own image instead.

Either people did not use any logic back then, or the people were just gullible fools. Think about it.

They make this amazing mighty God that can move mountains, but only has the ability to speak to a handfull of us.

He gets lost easily, or he got pissed and punished his disobidient chosen ones by taking them for a long walk.

A god that speaks whole galaxies into existence, leads his chosen to a land that is already occupied. The land only becomes theirs after they assassinate or enslave the people already living there.

He gives man free will, puts him in a garden cage, then teases him with an item that his all knowing mind knows he will eat, even if told not to, so he can laugh at them when they realize they are naked, so he can throw them out on their ears.

As you show by your list of events, it is easy to see that all of it is made up and man made.

We can't play a game because the game is being played on us.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 11:50 PM
Nothing on that list would have taken place. Would not allow things to get really bad. I'm not sure what should be done here, ie. if one has respect for freedom, and allows those learning to make mistakes many times, even to insist on planets like earth either due to their frequency or to their mindsets, then I am not sure if its right to interfere to the extent that I would want to do. What if this is our choices and all things relate to us?

But unless there was a reason beyond my understanding now, in which due to freedom and becoming a hero in your own life by self direction, you would not put the limitations that I would wish as this would take away free will and be domination of another, there may be something that I don't understand. So this or something more perfect according to understanding more.

At my current understanding: would have limits. ie one could not seriously harm themselves or another, but would have strong guidance, healing, and then redo that, more Guidance and Healing, no shortcuts in learning through so much pain and errors/faults/defects. Even if it took a little longer, would want it merciful and kind.

Would not allow a few to dominate the many and would ensure some type of karma.

There is no karma, its a mind game, the very wealthy elites are deserving of a real dose here and they're not getting it. So it seems to be something they want only us to believe in.

But I think I'd like a system where if you are plotting against humanity and children that a huge rain cloud would start to form over your head, and then the thunder and lightening, blizzards and snow storms, football sized hail. It wouldn't kill it but it would torment you until you repented and understood, NO!

That free will of one does not get to harm others.

But have a suspicion that we don't learn unless there is consequences to learn from, unless it hurts or harms, and so many or all in the end can download and share the lessons. That this "movie" we're a part of, has themes and lessons for everyone in the classroom.

That we're teaching ourselves and everyone else.

So I don't know.

I know that God didn't do any of those things in the bible, that was written by blood thirsty rulers who hid meanings under the hood of those writings, and yet served those literal grims fairy tale poisonous apples to the masses, to keep them in darkness thinking false things about The Tao of Love, Spirit of Peace and Love, Goodness/God.

Thats the darkness in us we're projecting onto the Great Ocean of Higher Mind/God.

Thats lower mind.

There is an Ai or storyline in this movie that has good and bad, and some things are consequences to earth being dragged down and falling due to the violence and apathy on this planet. So a combination of built in lessons, our own failings And the crimes of the top create scenarios where disasters occur.

But its not God/Goodness, this universe was a mirror of home, and planets like this have fallen. We need to shine Love to rise it up again.

posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 01:36 AM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer
I love these kinds of threads. ATS should have more of them because I'd probably participate in all of them (then again, I'd actually have to check for them. which i don't. not enough time. don't judge me). Anyway, let's begin.

0. Most of these wouldn't matter because I'd program my "humans" not to have any negativity or selfishness. They'd be 150% loving, peaceful, socialist hippies that adored my other creations (nature, space, lifeforms, etc). Their only forms of "competition" would be things like seeing who could be the nicest, who could develop new algorithms the fastest, or seeing who could increase crop yields the most. So none of the negative stuff would even exist. Then again, that means they wouldn't be fully "free" mentally, but oh well.

1. Global Deluge. Honestly, i wouldn't pay much attention to it. Every single heavy rain or flood is a "flood of Biblical proportions" to the insects & other small creatures that exist. Just as every tornado or wildfire could wipe out all life in that tiny ecosystem of ants or microbes.

2. Sodom & Gamorrah. Since my creations would all be friendly & loving hippies, the unforgivable crimes that led to this extinction level event never would've happened in the first place. If you go back & read the story, God supposedly sent 2 Angels disguised as men. The townspeople kept demanding those 2 disguised Angels come outside so they could basically be gangraped. That's the final straw that decided their fate, not homosexuality or idol worship (which they'd done for a long time yet hadn't been destroyed for it). So yeah, if my creations tried to gangrape any of my other creations (much less my personal assistants), I'd see it as a flaw in their AI & delete them, just as you'd delete a flawed post.

3. Exodus from Egypt/KMT. The Israelites never would've been 2nd class citizens in the now socialist Utopia known as KMT/"Ancient Egypt". So there'd be no need for me to "free" them.

4. Genocides to clear the Promised lands. All of my lands would be shared among all of my creations, so there would be no concept of a holy land, promised land, forbidden land, etc.

I don't really believe in the promised land concept anyway, particularly not when the Israelites were such ungrateful d-bags. In the Book of Judges alone, they rebelled against God at least 5 times (that I can remember). And nearly the entire history of the Kingdoms of both Judea & Israel are filled with those kings and their people constantly opposing God & His Prophets (Book of Kings). In fact, something like 10-14 of the Judean Kings rejected the same God who granted them the Promised Lands in the first place (hence why God lifted His protection from them & allowed them to be crushed). In fact, they instantly started rejecting God with the Prophets Moses & Aaron, to the point Moses broke the original Tablets in fury at their insolence.

5. (Sigh)... why are you only wanting the Bible's versions? You know we're going to be the biggest religion eventually, right?
Besides, the Bible only tells things from the Tribe of Judah's point of view, particularly after Solomon's son Rehoboam split Judea from the 10 Northern Tribes of Israel. So what makes you think only their versions are true? Especially when their versions of the events are different from what the versions of the 10 Northern Tribes of Israel say (aka, the Samaritan Pentateuch)?

Extra Credit: I think one of the major misunderstandings is this: In Islam, human souls are only here to experience this temporary existence on Earth as a series of tests. We're one of the few creations with "free will" (our free will is "the ability to reject or accept our Creator", not "the ability to make a decision on our own"). So we're given a bunch a different tests in this basically simulated world, in order to determine our true characters. As in, it's easy to say you'd never rob someone; but what if you're poor & hungry? The accumulated results of these tests will determine if we're fit for the "next level" (hence the whole point of Judgment Day, Heaven & Hell.)

I guess it would be like if humans finally created fully functioning, self learning AI robots. Before allowing them to roam around in our own communities/societies, we'd probably place them in simulated environments & observe them. The ones that are positive & helpful would "pass" while the negative & spiteful ones would "fail". And if they were originally created to be friends to us, their human creators, it wouldn't make much sense to allow the ones that hate or reject humans into our societies either, would it?

posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 01:39 AM
I wouldn't interfere.... as I don't decide who loves who... And who gets born. Life.
Also... I would give everyone dove soap (holy spirit) and bless the bath waters (holy water)... so they can come visit me sometime.

edit on 9-11-2015 by Pinocchio because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-11-2015 by Pinocchio because: (no reason given)

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