posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 08:16 AM
Ummm...I wonder if your ready for this aspect of truth...
In hindsight
Tomorrow morning I leave this place
I leave behind this cot this sink this john
I leave these two horizontal pieces of steel
where I have written and pondered
I will finally say goodbye to these borrowed clothes
especially to this orange jumpsuit
I will not miss the locking in
The cell door to which I do not have a key
I will not miss the number eleven
painted in bold yellow against a background of gray
Not true
Not true at all
I will miss my time here
I will miss the gray number eleven door clanging shut
I was not locked in so much as the world was locked out
For a time while I was here I found reprieve
In hindsight I am granted a small insight
I do possess the key that unlocks my door
It lays within
in a willingness to be other than that which I had been
I bid goodnight to measured trepidation
Good night my friend
Tonight I sleep
Tomorrow I breathe free
Much as it a part of me...
edit on 1-11-2015 by YouSir because: of a change in "case"...