I haven't started a thread in a while, but some things just can't be ignored.
Around eleven in the evening, this past Sunday, when I got home from work, I heard a very odd sounding bird in trees near my home. I stopped, on the
way inside, to listen to it. When it stopped, I figured that perhaps it was an owl out hunting/screeching and didn't think too much more of it.
(I've lived in this house for over nine years, so I'm very familiar with local night sounds)
Then, yesterday I saw this local article:
What was with all the
crazy birds in SE King County Sunday night?
It was posted on a Seattle news station Facebook page, and what really made it a bit freaky, were the couple hundred comments in the thread, all
personal accounts from up and down the Washington and Oregon Coast, of similar happenings. Flocks of birds, circling and sqwaking for hours, as if in
distress. Long-time residents were saying they had never heard anything like it before. They went on to say that the next day (yesterdy, the 21st)
that it seemed as if almost all of the birds were gone. As you can see by the above-linked article, it has been suggested that it was caused by a
quick change in the weather.....ummmm, ok.
Now, today I just saw this article:
Watch: Humpback whales spotted
in Columbia River
WHAT?! Humpback whales in the Columbia River??!! For those unfamiliar with it, it's a huge river that dissects Washington State, then travels along
the southern Border, and out into the ocean near the Northern tip of Oregon. That is absolutely crazy. I have never heard of such a thing. The above
article suggests it is due to El Nino and food source......ummmmm, ok.
GOOGLE map of
Columbia River
These are just so odd, that of course, being on top of the Cascadia Subduction Zone, it causes me to pause. I know that scientists insist that animal
behavior is not a valid way to predict earthquakes, but....I have never been one to believe in coincidences.
I went for a long walk today. It was a nice, sunny day here in the NorthWestern corner of Washington State. There was hardly a bird to be found. A
couple of starlings flying crazy and dive bombing an empty field....and a couple of seagulls down at the river acting pretty dang strange. First of
all, I don't normally see them there (on the Skagit). Typically, there are Geese, Ducks, Hawks, Bald Eagles and Sandpipers. None of those were to be
found, but these three seagulls kept circling me, coming in close, dive bombing, and then settling on the water not too far away, only to repeat the
moves. This was out on an open sandbar. No nesting areas nearby, or anything.
Anyway....I want to put this out there. I know there are many NW ATS'rs on here. I'm wondering if you have noticed anything, or heard or seen any
other articles or conversations regarding strange animal behavior?