posted on Oct, 21 2015 @ 11:34 PM
Very interesting. Ever since... Well, a long time ago, I have had dreams that tend to come true. Maybe that sounds crazy, so ignore it if you want.
Doesn't bother me. Anyway, for at least three years, I've had recurring dreams about a series of events that are supposed to begin on October 27th.
The year is, as of yet, indeterminate, but October 27 appears in every dream.
The basic idea of what's going to happen seems to have something to do with a deadly virus that can be caught in either of its two forms: Airborne or
through an open wound. Some people from two certain family lines have a genetic immunity (which originated in the early fourteenth century) to said
virus. The open-wound variation of the virus kills any non-immune person in ten hours or less. The airborne variation kills only non-virgins, in the
same amount of time. Developing a vaccine will be next to impossible, unless you have a large supply of virgin doctors and scientists and willing test
subjects. The only cure is a blood transfusion from one of those immune. Which, of course, has to be an acceptable blood type...
I don't know if it's related, but I figured I should mention it, in case it was helpful. You did say disease.