Inspired by TechniXcality's recent art thread, I said to myself "why not"? I pulled some stuff out of the wayback machine, some of it damaged or
wrinkled and most of it unfinished but all of it is close to thirty years old or older and hasn't aged too well unlike me that's still only 12
inside! Haha!
I've doodled and made drawings all my life but also have always liked typography and advertising art and in the early 90's mostly went digital and
have a portfolio of business graphics, brochures, flyers, newsletters and ads that have been published. Most of the artsy for fun digital stuff I do
is vector but I'm thinking hard about getting a graphics tablet and branching out.
I can't share anything more creative I've done in the last four or five years because it might expose my "secret identity" and in other venues I
don't want to be linked to the things I've posted here but I am pretty proud of my recent artistic endeavors. These are all pics I took with my
phone and aren't exactly great.
I'll start with one of my favorite pencil drawings. Unfinished, of course, but it got poop on it and there was no way to save it. Maybe you recognize
this guy?
Oh geez! Most of what I'm posting is unfinished but here's one that would have been good if I had. It is oil pastel crayon on tracing paper and the
wrinkles don't help. No, it's not Mohammed, but it is one of my all time favorite musicians that did convert to Islam. Any guesses?
Here's another oil pastel on tracing paper that didn't get too far but you can kind of see how things come together. Pastels on tracing paper works
great because you can blend, scrape and scratch it easier than regular paper. Wish I'd taken better care of this stuff.
I have a lot of other color stuff but none really appropriate to post so I'll share some of my black and white stuff done with technical pens and
ink. I'm using Staedtler MarsMatic 700 pens that are a bit finicky to keep clean even with special solvents and such. I thought about buying another
set because mine are well worn but much to my surprise, I looked them up on Amazon today and they're a hundred bucks for a set of four! I ended up
buying an ultrasonic cleaner instead to de-gunk the tips.
Neither of these two were considered finished when I quit working on them out of frustration from several mistakes. The shading was done with pencil
and these are big. They're on 17x14 inch paper and I had to reduce them a lot to post them. They're still okay and crosshatch is still a lot of fun.
Both were sketched from pictures in magazines
Hope you liked? I thought it might be nice to post something other than my usual crap?