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Judge Orders Hillary To Account For Private Server

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+8 more 
posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 06:51 PM
Judge orders Hillary to account for private server

A U.S. District Court Judge has ordered Clinton, Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin to declare under oath they have produced all records,
and to identify all devices they have used. This comes after an inquiry by an inspector General into Clinton emails on her
private server.

A federal judge has ordered Hillary Clinton and two of her top aides to provide more details about their email arrangement to a court while under penalty of perjury.

...Sullivan also ordered Clinton, Mills and Abedin to identify the email server and any devices they may have used to transmit government records, and to confirm whether Abedin and Mills had access to the private network Clinton reportedly set up in her own home.

Hillary Clinton will now have to answer, under penalty of perjury, to a federal court about the separate email server she and her aides used to avoid accountability to the American people."

CBS is reporting a paragraph from the order

"The Government is HEREBY ORDERED to: (1) identify any and all servers, accounts, hard drives, or other devices currently in the possession or control of the State Department or otherwise that may contain responsive information; (2) request that the above named individuals confirm, under penalty of perjury, that they have produced all responsive information that was or is in their possession as a result of their employment at the State Department," U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan wrote Friday, after a status hearing over a lawsuit against the State Department.

Imagine there is no way Huma can avoid this now, as in addition they
are looking into Abedin with a possible "criminal" investigation concerning
conflcts and favors involving the Rockefeller Foundation and The Clinton Foundation Donations.

She should be held accountable.
But do you think Hillary actually testify under oath?
Can she continue to lie her way out of this?

+2 more 
posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 07:21 PM

Hillary Clinton will now have to answer, under penalty of perjury, to a federal court about the separate email server she and her aides used to avoid accountability to the American people."

^^^^ this

will be deluxe !!

now she can and will perjure herself, just like bill.

I bet somebody's got a secret !!!

Hillary will "fall ill" soon to get out of it.

mark my words.

posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 07:23 PM

originally posted by: burntheships

A U.S. District Court Judge has ordered Clinton, Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin to declare under oath they have produced all records,

..... HaHaHa

They need to be in separate rooms when under "oath" so they can't give signals for answers.

posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 07:29 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen

I bet somebody's got a secret !!!

I noticed that The Judge has ordered an answer as to if Abedin and
Mills had access to "the server". I wonder if this will lead to The Judge
ordering access to the server?

Hillary will "fall ill" soon to get out of it.

Ah, perhaps. She has done that before, though by the looks of her medical
records she is not in the best of health as it is, this has to be at least mildly stressful!

She is ordered to respond, the lot of them by August 7th.
edit on 3-8-2015 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 07:32 PM
a reply to: burntheships

Didn't we already go through this exercise?

Didn't we dig up the rules in effect at the time of hilary being in office that it was ok to use an offsite server?

this is the same crap that won't turn up nothing.

posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 07:34 PM
Can't the Americans just use PRISM or something to get back ups?

posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 07:35 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen

They need to be in separate rooms when under "oath" so they can't give signals for answers.

Yeah, he needs to make sure they don't have any devices either.

I am sure they are in study mode to make sure all answers are correct!

But maybe someone knows something they don't.
Maybe someone has access to the records of hacking?

edit on 3-8-2015 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 07:38 PM
a reply to: burntheships

I bet somebody might have some of the secret deleted emails.

You know the ones. The ones she said were only "personal".

She already said some were deleted, so it's impossible to have turned all of them over.

Heart Attack time !!

Now who will win the Democrat nomination?

posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 07:39 PM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: burntheships

Didn't we already go through this exercise?

Well, actually that was a different lawsuit, a different time.
This time, a judge has re-opened a lawsuit based on new information.

Didn't we dig up the rules in effect at the time of hilary being in office that it was ok to use an offsite server?

Nope. Her use of a private server is baffling to some, but the devil is in
the details, or should I say The Shadows.

posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 07:42 PM

originally posted by: Pinke
Can't the Americans just use PRISM or something to get back ups?

I imagine there is a hard copy with the NSA, unless somehow Hillary
was able to circumvent that...I am not sure that would be possible
unless she had access to the other internet the military uses?

That seems a bit doubtful though, as we know her emails were
hacked by The Romanians, and indications are this happened
multiple times. Abedin speaks of her email being "down"
several times.

posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 07:57 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen

Heart Attack time !!

I wonder if Huma still has HER server?
Now that would be interesting, to know if
Huma wiped her server too?

Now who will win the Democrat nomination?

I remember an article months back about Hillary
"dying" out of the campaign from a thousand paper cuts.

Biden!? Good ole Joe!
edit on 3-8-2015 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 08:22 PM
I think you called it right, X.
Hillary will be coming down with laryngitis just before the judge makes her declare under threat of perjury.

posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 08:25 PM
a reply to: burntheships

Maybe the judge could ask the NSA for their backups? It would be interesting to actually have all this data collection show value at some point.

Cheers - Dave

posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 08:25 PM
All three will just answer the questions with inane statements like "What does it matter?" and all will be forgiven , forgotten , and life will go on.

posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: Pinke

You can bet that is somebodies backup data.
...Though perhaps better served as a persuasive blackmail more than actually destroying a royal American dynasty if rotten to the core.

posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 08:32 PM

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle
a reply to: burntheships

It would be interesting to actually have all this data collection show value at some point.

They sure seem to access it when they want. Thinking of what they did to Petraeus!

edit on 3-8-2015 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 08:37 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT

I think you called it right, X.
Hillary will be coming down with laryngitis just before the judge makes her declare under threat of perjury.

That, and a muscular problem in the wrists and hands.

She won't be able to talk or write.

posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: Pinke

The problem with oolitics is lack of accountability. They have it all but if you want to run for president than you better own up to wrong doing. Not saying its been done in recent history but we got to try and address this at some point.

F IT, just use prism who am i kidding haha. She deserves the slap on the wrist she might get.

posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 10:58 PM
Being that the Judge (a Clinton appt. Btw) has ordered the State Department to obtain the personal signatures under threat of perjury testifying that ALL relevant information held or formerly held by Clinton, Abeddin and Mills has been turned over.

The judge is requiring the Government to obtain the signatures from the individuals within a week.

I don't think there is any longer room for obfuscation because next step if State does not comply is to supoena Clinton server for court examination.

Judge just called bluff.

posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 11:08 PM
After they hang her up on the server, they will cut her loose if she burns Obama

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