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originally posted by: CallXMeXGod
a reply to: Logarock
They cant even keep the Chinese out of our personnel files
Those slant eyed bastards.
originally posted by: mojom
originally posted by: Logarock
Do you realize that China has a file on just about every US citizen with a security clearance?
Do you doubt the NSA is doing the same to them as well as everyone else???
originally posted by: mojom
originally posted by: Logarock
They cant even keep the Chinese out of our personnel files.
Have you seen places like facebook???
I'm not sure people understand the concept of personal and private information anymore.
originally posted by: Logarock
That doesn't change anything. They cant keep our security files out of the view of foreign governments don't preach to me about gun control or anything else. Don't even act like you have my interests in mind.
originally posted by: TheTengriist
a reply to: Logarock
That's because - as much as it might surprise you - other nations are as adept at endeavors like spying as the United states is. Everyone has a file on everyone, essentially, because of two simple fact.
1) information is impossible to contain
2) There are parties interested in all information.
it's simply a question of expediency and accuracy, really.