posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 10:46 AM
Last night I had a dream in which my sister-in-law and I were looking through the garden. Everything looked dead, and the small fruits of the tomatoes
and cucumbers were covered in small thorns. My sister in law said, "These aren't edible." I replied, "We just have to pick them." I looked back
at the plants and they were suddenly brightly coloured, but growing strangely on bushes, not like normal tomatoes and cucumbers.
Just as I reached out to pick a cucumber, the thorns grew back, and I pricked my finger.
I woke up suddenly and heard a loud voice shout, "WOLF!"
It scared the living crap out of me. I often have extremely vivid dreams, or lucid dreams, so the dream itself doesn't shock me. Has anyone else
experienced some kind of aural aftermath when waking up from a dream? This is the first time I can remember this happening.