My pleasure, Ma'm.
Oh, and your dancing sorta kinda worked..... we got a lil' bit of sun between the showers, Thank you for that.
Happy place and Happy feet then?
I also love summer. But not 109 degrees. I am OK with any temp under 96. After that, it's pure misery for me. As I grow older, I find the body I
have functions slower and I am less enthusiastic about the things I love doing in the summer...things I can no longer do without paying for them for 3
or 4 days after.
But, I do so love the sun's cleansing energy and nurishing light, mindful always of that balance off not too much sun.
I LONG for 117 degrees so I can defrost. Working on moving back to Ca as fast as I can. You may complain now, but If you move to somewhere like
Montana, you will quickly recognize the fact that your body is used to a higher level of sun and needs more of it to function.
The amount of direct sunlight in Montana right now is reminiscent of what direct sunlight feels like in December in Ca.