posted on May, 29 2015 @ 10:00 AM
In life, there are certain truths that are so completely obvious, that one must wonder, why, with how glaring they are, we live in a world which has
insisted time and time again to do things in the most miserable inefficient way possible completely ignoring these simple glaring truths.
One, people learn best when having fun, when they enjoy what they are doing. People are also at their most productive when they are enjoying what
they are doing, when they are having fun.
Two, positive reinforcement is clearly more effective than punishment. With positive reinforcement people try to do better, with punishment people do
just enough to avoid punishment, or with excessive punishment decide it's not worth it and leave.
Three, music is one of the world's greatest motivators, a good fast paced tune will have people producing in time with the tune, and be happier for
it as well.
Four, the better morale people have the more motivated they are.
Five, I can count, wheeeee.
Six, I think I lost some of my train of thought due to being sick... oh right
Yet, instead what do most education systems do as well as work forces?
One: Drone on, and insist on making things as bland as possible. Do everything they can to make the environment as soulless as possible completely
draining the human spirit.
Two: Punishment, punishment, punishment. Everywhere you look it's just, what mistakes you've done, how bad you did this day, ect. Very rarely is
what good you do recognized, in fact when you start doing good, they instead raise the bar further on you and get mad at you if you stop doing what
was already above and beyond expectations. Eventually you get fed up, nothing but negativity and when you do, do well, you're ultimately punished
more for it, til eventually you break and just give up no longer caring anymore cause nothing you do is good enough.
Three: Music is so often denied in the most monotonous of places where it is needed most. I know I for one can move faster, keep up the pace, acquire
a rhythm and simply do better with the right music for it. But nope, music is so often completely removed from all production environments. Music
uplifts the spirit, instead we are forced into cold silence.
Four: Businesses spend so much time caring for profit they forget the morale of their workforce, they forget that, without good morale workers slow
down, they're output lessens. I've seen places work people every day of the week with no time off. They end up paying more for less. Cause I
guarantee you those workers are outputting crap work at a much slower pace. Then there's school, sacrificing one's childhood with hours of school
work after school. Kids are expected to put in more of a work week when it comes to time lost than adults are. Is it really a surprise so many
don't do their homework, or don't care about school?
Five: I can still count, Whee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Six: Um... where was I again, oh, right.
Is there some kind of reason why we choose to oppress ourselves, to make the world a miserable place? Learning COULD be fun, Work COULKD be fun AND
productive. Life COULD be an uplifting experience. Ther world COULD be filled with music, merriment, and laughter. Why does it seem, that despite
the obvious merit to these things, why does it seem that despite the obvious benefits to health, and emotional well being, as well as productivity, we
choose instead to make everything as serious and miserable as possible turning the world into one big giant stinking oppressive hell hole?
I can't help but wonder if, there's some kind of conspiracy to keep us all so oppressed that we just stopped caring about life and living? Is
keeping us in a constant state of oppressive defeatism really that beneficial to the people in power?