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posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 04:38 PM
Adjuvants are found in many medicines. Certain foods and drinks also have adjuvant properties. This article is to explain one type of adjuvant, the kind containing Aluminum. Alum is one such chemical that has been used as a medicine for over a thousand years. it is in pickles and can stimulate the body to fight diseases, but it is said to be there to keep pickles crunchy so it is not listed as a medicine. It can stimulate autoimmune issues if consumed regularly. But a very similar chemical is found in many vaccines which can cause people to overreact to the vaccine. That is what this thread is addressing.

Here is an article showing aluminum salts are used in many vaccines..

Here is an article from PubMed about the adjuvant.

Here is an article from GreenMedInfo about the aluminum adjuvants.

Now this is just an article addressing why some people could get sick from taking vaccines. They do harm some people by stimulating a cytokine storm. They can lead to a lot of other things also. Pro-vaxers have to realize vaccines are not for everyone.

I am not attacking vaccines here, only trying to explain that not all people should get these vaccines, especially multiple vaccines. This info is real, but I am sure that those who make the vaccines will find some way of discounting it or making people think it will never apply to them. The Mayo clinic, and other medical places state that if people have had a severe reaction to the vaccine, they should not get vaccinated. Not all vaccines have the same adjuvant though.

I cant take the flu vaccine and got sick off of the DTAP too. But I also can't eat much pickles with alum in them either, I get all sorts of weird problems.
edit on 30-4-2015 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

s&f for you

vaccines are wonderful in so many ways but they are unfortunately not one size fits all

A day will come when science can make more personalized vaccines based on our DNA and allergies, until then we have to manage to squeeze ourselves into one size fits all boxes

nice post

btw off topic but it's been bugging me and I have to find out- what is your avatar?
edit on 30-4-2015 by Thisisfun2015 because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-4-2015 by Thisisfun2015 because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-4-2015 by Thisisfun2015 because: haha autocorrect changed DNA to dan

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 05:17 PM
Thanks for posting this Rickymouse, your third link is going to take me some time to get through but I will do just that.
Your posts and threads are always so enjoyable to read and to learn from.
This thread has some information that could very well be very important to myself as well as others.

Regards, Iwinder

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 05:26 PM
I was injected with Squalene along with live particles of anthrax before Desert Storm.

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

There may be something to what you are saying, but the PubMed link to Tomljenovics paper is not a good indicator for it.

Pubmed doesn't vouch for the validity of the papers it just is a go-to source so you can find them. They have papers from different authors that directly contradict each other.

Anyway, take it for what it is, but one search turned up that that is basically the same paper as the one she published named "Do aluminum vaccine adjuvants contribute to the rising prevalence of autism?" in an organic chemistry journal.

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

The adjuvant is bio-active in the human body. It hyper stimulates the immune system. Aluminum phosphate is, as you've written, a neurotoxin injected into the bloodstream.

The adjuvant is shooting a fly with a shotgun. It is not selective. It inhibits the bodies ability to differentiate it's own tissue from the external pathogen.

Auto immune disregulation diseases are exploding. They are permanently damaging the human immune system. And now they will do it by force in CA.

BTW. The Hep B is loaded with an even more potent form of aluminum adjuvant. "amorphous aluminum
hydroxyphosphate sulfate" . This is what they are hyping newborns with. Newborns have developing immune systems.

It is evil. It is a crime against humanity. Forcing medical interventions on healthy people is a pandora's box for citizens. Your government is selling your children to the profit machines.

It is time to fight.
edit on 30-4-2015 by InverseLookingGlass because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 07:03 PM

originally posted by: InverseLookingGlass
a reply to: rickymouse Aluminum phosphate is, as you've written, a neurotoxin

At what dosage? Mentioning toxicity without dosage is meaningless. But then again, you are the master of lies and misinformation so no surprise there.

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 08:07 PM

originally posted by: cavtrooper7
I was injected with Squalene along with live particles of anthrax before Desert Storm.

They had some problems with squalene in Europe in Vaccines a while back. They abandoned squalene as an adjuvant here in America many years ago because of some serious problems with it in tests. I don't understand why US scientists didn't tell the European scientists about the problems. They had to make the same mistake over there.

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 08:13 PM
a reply to: InverseLookingGlass

Some people are less able to clear metals out of their bodies because of lower creation of enzymes. This is tied to epigenetics or what they refer to as junk DNA. I do not excrete metals well, that is what causes me some problems sometimes. I also do not detox many medicines well. But on the upside, I can use this knowledge to fight disease. If I eat a pickle with alum in it, I could probably get a medicinal value to help fight the flu if I was exposed.

edit on 30-4-2015 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 08:15 PM
a reply to: GetHyped The dose would be relative to how you excrete the aluminum. If your body doesn't take it out right, then it could be worse. Remember though that there is also some sulfur chemistry in these adjuvants and the sulfides can cause problems with some people too.

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: cavtrooper7

Are you immunized against anthrax now? Di they use anthrax in Iraq?

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 01:02 AM
a reply to: bitsforbytes

No FUNNY thing we were taking PCB tablets to counteract the Sarin around us but the alarms still detected it. We probably hit one of the stockpiles that were there.
Then outr engineers blew a stock pile that indeed DID have some in them so,we caught that too.
I't wasn't an accute dose but my memories are screwed.

Anthrrax is a nasty spore it isn't an infectious disesase I'm sure I'm not immunized to completely stop it's effects should I get hit with it.
edit on 1-5-2015 by cavtrooper7 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 04:04 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

Again, be specific. At what dose?

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 06:49 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

If I could give you 100 stars and flags

Good work I am bookmarking this thread

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 10:59 AM

originally posted by: cavtrooper7
a reply to: bitsforbytes

No FUNNY thing we were taking PCB tablets to counteract the Sarin around us but the alarms still detected it. We probably hit one of the stockpiles that were there.
Then outr engineers blew a stock pile that indeed DID have some in them so,we caught that too.
I't wasn't an accute dose but my memories are screwed.

Anthrrax is a nasty spore it isn't an infectious disesase I'm sure I'm not immunized to completely stop it's effects should I get hit with it.

They used to pack cigarettes for the soldiers back in WW2 to counteract Sarin gas exposure. It did keep people from dying, the form of nitrogen helps. A better solution was potatoes, they have a couple of anticholinergenic chemicals. I suppose that is why the German prisoners ate nothing but potatoes, and not much of them. The gasses have been around for a while. While the nitrogen kept you from dying, it takes special sulfur chemistry to actually neutralize the chemistry.

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 11:13 AM

originally posted by: GetHyped
a reply to: rickymouse

Again, be specific. At what dose?

Well, my posts did not actually call it a neurotoxin but it is under certain situations. As far as dose, I know a flu shot will make me very sick, sicker than I ever get from the flu. I can eat a little pickles with Alum in them, but if I eat even three sweet gerkins I get a weird feeling. So I don't eat pickles with Alum in them. I don't like the processed cheeses, but do like real American Cheese. Strangely the highly processed cheeses use Alum to keep them from going bad. Quite a bit of Alum from what I read.

When they say something is not toxic, that means it will not kill you. We have a spider plant and I looked up why one of our cats has the runs and blood in the stool often. I looked it up and an article, which was a reliable source, stated that both these symptoms were common with cats that ate spider plants. My wife didn't believe me and she looked up if it was toxic and an article stated it was not toxic to cats. So she confronted me and said I was wrong. I told her to read the article in whole, and the symptoms were listed in that article and the article stated that the diarrhea could cause problems to the health of the cat leading to death if the cat always ate it. But it was of no concern if the cat just took a bite. Now, this plant makes cats high. That is why they like it. Our one cat was addicted, it would attack the plant almost every day and it was getting skinnier and skinnier from diarrhea all the time. She moved the plant up high and his diahrea that he had for two years disappeared.

What is the reason for that example? Read everything about these things if you seem to be having a problem. Alum will trigger asthma sometimes but people use it to treat asthma. How is this possible. By constantly triggering the immune system to fight, it runs out of chemicals to fight with but the problem is that weakens you to other real threats. I can't say it is right or wrong, I suppose this has to be considered on a case by case scenario.

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

If it achived a decent enough saturation to set off alarms ,yet not be felt ,I still wonder at the damage to my brain.

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: cavtrooper7

I never researched the sarin as to what it does to the brain. I was looking for an antidote in case Sarin gas was released here by a terrorist. I just looked at what it does to the body and researched a bunch of different foods or natural ways that could help to defend a person against dying. You have to remember, not all the people die when there is an event. Why? What are they doing that is different, it should effect everyone the same. So I looked up the medicines used to treat it and then the method of action of the medicine and also what they used to do in WW2

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out, but it did take the net and a little thinking.

posted on May, 2 2015 @ 05:29 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse
Adjuvants are found in many medicines. Certain foods and drinks also have adjuvant properties. This article is to explain one type of adjuvant, the kind containing Aluminum. Alum is one such chemical that has been used as a medicine for over a thousand years. it is in pickles and can stimulate the body to fight diseases, but it is said to be there to keep pickles crunchy so it is not listed as a medicine. It can stimulate autoimmune issues if consumed regularly. But a very similar chemical is found in many vaccines which can cause people to overreact to the vaccine. That is what this thread is addressing.

Here is an article showing aluminum salts are used in many vaccines..

Here is an article from PubMed about the adjuvant.

Here is an article from GreenMedInfo about the aluminum adjuvants.

Now this is just an article addressing why some people could get sick from taking vaccines. They do harm some people by stimulating a cytokine storm. They can lead to a lot of other things also. Pro-vaxers have to realize vaccines are not for everyone.

I am not attacking vaccines here, only trying to explain that not all people should get these vaccines, especially multiple vaccines. This info is real, but I am sure that those who make the vaccines will find some way of discounting it or making people think it will never apply to them. The Mayo clinic, and other medical places state that if people have had a severe reaction to the vaccine, they should not get vaccinated. Not all vaccines have the same adjuvant though.

I cant take the flu vaccine and got sick off of the DTAP too. But I also can't eat much pickles with alum in them either, I get all sorts of weird problems.

Here's a rebuttal to the link you provided which was performed by notable anti-vax "researchers" Shaw and Tomljenovic (neither of whom have any experience nor qualifications in vaccinology, immunology, paediatrics or infectious diseases and whose grants are paid by funding from The Dwoskin Family Foundation and the Katlyn Fox Foundation, look them up.)

Greenmedinfo is about as credible as (Un)natural news.
The fabricated syndrome ASIA was first identified in the Journal of Autoimmunology in 2011 by Dr. Yehuda Schoenfeld.
Yehuda Schoenfeld is the co-editor of that journal.
Bizarrely, no-one else has managed to define ASIA...
Yehuda Schoenfeld also hires himself out as a professional witness to testify in vaccine injury cases.

Spending a lot of your time on anti-vax sites?

Remember, aluminium, in various forms, is the most abundant compound on earth and you're exposed to it every single day of your life. Ingesting it, breathing it, getting it in cuts and scratches etc etc. Please explain in simple or extremely technical terms the difference between this exposure and its use as an adjuvant and why and HOW the above links you cite compensate for environmental aluminium.

I'll wait.

posted on May, 2 2015 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: Pardon?

If you read all of my post, not just parts of it you want to discredit, you will see that I address that I am not attacking vaccines but just note that the aluminum is not cleared by some people and the buildup can cause an overreaction to some people. The Aluminum compound is in the vaccine to stimulate a reaction to the vaccine. This way they can get a better result. Note that I point out I can get a bad reaction to Alum.

Read the PubMed link, that link addresses the adjuvants too. Now if you want to put yourself into a bubble and say that all evidence that does not fit your beliefs is wrong, I guess there is nothing I can do to help open your eyes. If you believe that any article that goes through Natural News is wrong, I guess you are a fool. Sure some evidence is misinterpreted is in Natural News, but I see more misinterpretation in Pharma than anything. I have seen many medicines removed because of extreme side effects. With Bextra my BP shot through the roof. The doctors panicked. That was not a listed side effect when I got it prescribed. It was removed because of that side effect, how many people did that kill.

Here is a quote from Wiki:

On September 2, 2009, the United States Department of Justice fined Pfizer $2.3 billion after one of its subsidiaries, Pharmacia & UpJohn Company, pled guilty to marketing four drugs including Bextra "with the intent to defraud or mislead."[4] Pharmacia & UpJohn admitted to criminal conduct in the promotion of Bextra, and agreed to pay the largest criminal fine ever imposed in the United States for any matter, $1.195 billion.[5] A former Pfizer district sales manager was indicted and sentenced to home confinement for destroying documents regarding the illegal promotion of Bextra.[6][7] In addition, a Regional Manager pled guilty to distribution of a mis-branded product, and was fined $75,000 and twenty-four months on probation.[8]

I just quit the pill, the doctors had no knowledge that Bextra was actually doing this at the time.

So you are saying that Pharma companies never misrepresent anything.

Most medicines are removed silently from the market, replaced with a different drug after they discover the side effects.
edit on 2-5-2015 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

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