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What do you think the solution is when saving humanity?

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posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 12:13 PM
ATS is probably the best source where we can find valuable information about our planet, our space, and humanity. We get to see information that is much less filtered than your average news center, and we see topics that your average news center will never touch. Nevertheless, this information can be incredibly troubling.

The rational people of the world will notice incredible flaws within humanity, fortunately here on ATS those rational people come in droves.

~ We see that pharmaceutical companies buy-out and kill cures for debilitating diseases and conditions, simply to make a buck off the weak.

~ We see massive corporations with hands in every back-pocket of our government, and controlling every aspect of our lives.

~ We see humanities population growing at an exponential rate, and nearing the verge of global collapse because of it.

~ We see fear mongering to control the masses

Everything seems to be manipulated or abused to some degree.

With these factors (and certainly more), the next 100 years may be an incredibly difficult time to survive as a stable species. What do you think we should be focusing on in order to surpass the next 100 years and keep on living and thriving?

It appears that we can't donate to foundations which search for a cure for anything, because we've all seen the hundreds of topics on ATS where a cure has been produced for all cancers. Heck, even in my own town a university has discovered that very thing, multiple times, only to be shot down.

Governmental collapse seems like it could come at any moment within some major countries. America itself looks like it's holding on to it's last thread before a total revolution.

Our population keeps growing far faster than we are able to produce sustainable energies, medicines, jobs, and food.

Personally, I don't think Humanity as a whole can change so quickly as to save what we currently have. It appears, to me, that the next 100 years may very well be our last as a structured species (if you could call us that). Fortunately, Technology also grows exponentially. Due to the likelihood of humanity being incapable of changing as fast as it needs to, it may be best for technology to take us to the next level, and leave our home planet.

It would seem that our only chance is by populating another planetary body, and I think we should be focusing on that being our savior, as we are too stubborn as a species to save ourselves, despite knowing we're in trouble.

What do you think the next 100 years hold for us? And what do you think is necessary to save us (if we're in need of saving)?

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: Ghost147

I would say that we need education and morality to enable to sustain us.

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: Ghost147

Good question there at the end, I look forward to seeing what others have to say.

The thing I would like to say is that evolution is an amazing force, like an algorithm, it seeks to answer the question, like every organism it produces: How to stay alive, how to reproduce? That's why population control is a bad idea. Evolution can be seen as a broad force bigger than DNA or genes, also including ideas, passed on behaviors. Any population control program will reduce the number of people inclined to go along with it. Any idea that can be passed on that makes people defy it, will be reproduced (since they pass it on to their children), until the world is filled with people who defy population control. Population control just wipes out obedient people trying to do the right thing. In the end, nature will control populations, that's always what it does. And it will kick in in the next 100 years.

So what does it look like? The preppers are always watching for quick doom, but the reality is free markets create a lot of robustness. Basically what would happen, slowly over time is that basic necessities become more and more expensive, child mortality goes up, everything becomes more third world but slowly, while an elite becomes more and more locked down and exclusive.

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: Ghost147

Reduce, repeal, receivership.

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 12:32 PM
Well, I dunno really, I haven't saved humanity before. Of course, you could insist on vast military reduction and the budgets transferred to all those countries that have great natural disaster, or total devastation from wars not of their making. No longer supplying arms to every Jack Spratt in foreign countries just because they look as though they could help you grab some oil, gold, poppies whatever...... I hope this helps.

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 12:48 PM
I see it differently. Changes have to be made, upgrades in technology. But they still want to have maximum power, and with the hidden clean tech and the kind of advancements there are incredible things we could be living right now, the jetson era with beamships in our backyards, not taking up the scenary as they can be parked in infinite hyperspace. this makes where you live entirely your own business, for traveling 300 miles to the city is akin to driving a mile to the esso station.

It infuriates me the level of stolen earth technologies and the abuse of our land and resources, depriving others of the right to have homes, gardens, and healthy food, there is no lack and we could all be living on eco farms, or even eco townhouses, with huge growing space and aquaponics.

Or any number of types of homes and 1/2 acre apuaponics every 2 blocks feeding everyone.

There is no reason, and I have zero respect for greed, thats just crimes against all souls and giant IOU's mounting.

Instead of trying to stop change, what we need to do is look at the kind of change they want, and insist we have it our way.

We need to step up to the plate and start outlining what a free and equal and clean and healthy, upgraded world would look like and how to empower its citizens so they are the final power and say.

But citizens have to become a little more intelligent and a little less selfish as well, because they can't leave anyone out, and need to learn the stats on one homeless person, costing the system 3 X what it takes to set them up in their own home with medical.

Everyone has to be included, not just the healthy young buck that can claw his way to the top. The disabled, the single parents, parents of young children, everyone.

And we sure don't need to work long hours, technology is there for a reason.

We're supposed to be creating eutopia, so if China and Russia or any other group does manage to take out the bankers and the death star they ransome countries with, then we can't sit around passively and allow the dreams of the few to imposed on the dreams of the many.

We need to speak up loud and clear what we want.
edit on 29-4-2015 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: Ghost147

I think what we truly need as a collective whole, encompassing the entire planet, is empathy.

We truly need to feel for each other, to save ourselves.

We could also all stand to spread back out and grow gardens, raise livestock, and learn trade skills.

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 01:05 PM
I think Ultron has the right idea.

The best way to save humanity is to eradicate it.

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 01:11 PM
Maybe it's not humanity that needs saving. At least not by our hands. Maybe the best thing we can do its nothing.

Some will say we have already done too much. Some will say we haven't done enough. It is our arrogance that is at fault. We think that we can make things "better" than. Better than what? What makes us think we can control everything, and even if we could, why do we have to try?

Look at CERN. If that isn't a case of letting the kids play in the basement with matches, than I don't know what is.

Technology, if they want to play, should be to support nature, not to destroy it or redesign it.

A lack of understanding, even with the greatest of intention, can be a disaster. Like the time when I placed my mother's priced and treasured porcelain statue in the dishwasher and nearly disintegrated it. I wanted to help her. So I thought she would be happy and surprised to come to a spotless house. I was floored when I took the items out of the dishwasher to put back on the shelves. I didn't even recognize the thing. I was very blessed to have very loving mother that cherished my intent over a thing, but I use it to make a very important point.

Sometimes things should be just left alone. The best thing we can do for our planet and humanity is to recognize that both are extremely fragile systems. The planet can make it without us. We are not as lucky, yet we carelessly destroy the very thing that provides us life and hope.

Maybe we are ready for another do over. If we are so damn smart, how did we make this catastrophic mess in the first place?

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 01:12 PM

originally posted by: Ghost147
ATS is probably the best source where we can find valuable information about our planet, our space, and humanity. We get to see information that is much less filtered than your average news center, and we see topics that your average news center will never touch. Nevertheless, this information can be incredibly troubling.

The rational people of the world will notice incredible flaws within humanity, fortunately here on ATS those rational people come in droves.

If you are THIS delusional to start out with, there is no hope. NONE of what you said above is remotely true at all. ATS is a side show in a self-indulgent fantasy carnival that believes rainbows and unicorns are the solutions to everything.

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 01:20 PM
It's simple.

Look at our flaws as individuals, reflect what is wrong with us individually, and that will explain the mess on a global scale.

But that takes one to be humble, honest true to self.

Which you don't see much anymore. ..

The rest is excuses or a state of being dodgy to the actual problem, which is ourselves individually, thst make up the entirety.

Pretty simple Eh? Too bad money, religion, ego, levels of hierarchy and lower thought forms and feelings dominate us as individuals..

So collectively we have been lost and confused.

@Unity - beautifully put sister, with a dose of passion, love it

edit on 29-4-2015 by Elementalist because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Starred, for a good respose. Should we do anything at all? Should we even worry about it? Why not paint a picture, play some guitar and enjoy life?

The thread that jumped out at me was the one that said we need more morality and education. Morality is the key thing. All through history, humans have relied on moral structures and guidance for direction in our lives. Once we are conducting ourselves morally, we can relax. However, this morality has traditionally been delivered by religions, and those religions deliver a world view that more and more see as basically false. God did not say "Thall shall not shop at this store", so we shop there, only to discover later that our actions were supporting slave labor or the poisoning of drinking water in a foreign country, which we have supported. Yet the people closest in a position to know the consequences of our actions and condense it into moral guidance - scientists, the intelligence community, etc. - are not willing to play any role whatsoever in dictating moral guidance to people. Rather, they conceal themselves and their knowledge, (in the case of intel) cull themselves into smaller and more elite groups, (in the case of scientists) till the point their so separate from the people that anything they express (e.g. safety of GMO foods) is not trusted, because they simply are aliens to the world of morality, when they should central actors in it.

So that leaves us as individuals to look for solutions, as OP is doing.

edit on 29-4-2015 by tridentblue because: typos

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 01:27 PM

originally posted by: American-philosopher
a reply to: Ghost147

I would say that we need education and morality to enable to sustain us.

A proper education is a good place to start,
and that ought to include ethics (not morality).

We don't need morality (cultural and religious memes)
what we need is ETHICS.

What is, or is NOT, ethical becomes common sense
when taught without religious memes (AKA morality).

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: Ghost147

>> What do you think the next 100 years hold for us?

The Brave New World, where humanity is divided
into two camps: 1) mankind, and 2) transhuman.

>> And what do you think is necessary to save us (if we're in need of saving)?

The savior for the transhuman is science.
The savior for mankind, is self-realization.

edit on 29-4-2015 by wasaka because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 01:50 PM
a reply to: wasaka

Your post redefines morality a bit, its not a religious thing.
My definition would be that ethics are external and define boundaries, morals are internal, and inspire direction.

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 02:20 PM
I can't imagine what life will be like for our younger generations in 100 years... Scary really.

I don't think we should be expanding and seeding other planets though. Look at the state of Earth. We can't even get that right.

Imo, and at this present time it's an opinion from a depressed mind, the best possible solution for mankind is if we simply die off and leave this universe alone. Maybe in a million years there will be another species that can thrive on this planet and others, without the need for war and greed.
edit on 29/4/2015 by SilentE because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: tridentblue

"So what does it look like? The preppers are always watching for quick doom, but the reality is free markets create a lot of robustness. Basically what would happen, slowly over time is that basic necessities become more and more expensive, child mortality goes up, everything becomes more third world but slowly, while an elite becomes more and more locked down and exclusive."

You've got the right idea. As far as "saving" humanity, it isn't going to happen. The future, particularly for Europe and the US is Brazil where the wealthy, educated people live and work in the city centers and the remaining 80% of the population live in slums that ring the city center. The wealthy helicopter out of the cities to go to the countryside estates or the airport. The 80% are already referred to by the top 10% as "useless eaters" and they'll soon see them as useless breeders. My guess is they'll put something in the water supply to sterilize the 80% and that and crime will cull the herd.

So when you're wanting to see the future, particularly of the US, see "Blade Runner" and "Soylent Green". And with the open borders policy greatly accelerated by the TPP treaty, the migration out of crap regions like Africa and the Middle East will quadruple in number. The US will be overwhelmed. You've got maybe 25~50 years to figure a way out.

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: schuyler

Yeah, I'm going to have to agree with that! I really think all of us do it too..

On topic though, personally, I believe humanities problems lie in our cultural story and the idea that the best way to succeed, or "win," is by taking out the competition. I label this 'destructive competition.'

One alternative is realizing the value that competition actually brings to the table, and designing ways to use this to advance as a species.

We have also become a society where what we say has become more important than what we do. When all of this is coupled to an economic system that has no direct connection to real world value, and the result is what we see here and now.

I am unsure of the time frame, because of extensive variables, but there will come a point where our technological advancements are so far beyond the maturity level of society and culture that mass destruction is a very, very likely outcome.

If that should happen, then the cycle will simply begin again with little to nothing learned.

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: SilentE

I can't imagine what life will be like for our younger generations in 100 years... Scary really.

No disrespect ... "I get you"

If you can't imagine what life will be like in 100 years time ... then why would you be scared
However you surely must be projecting the fears you hold now onto the future based on how perceive the world around you.

They say the darkest hour is right before the dawn ... work towards a better future for all in what ever way you can

I don't think we should be expanding and seeding other planets though. Look at the state of Earth. We can't even get that right.

I understand ... if Humanity continues to trash this planet ... heaven help any other planet Humans might inhabit

Imo, and at this present time it's an opinion from a depressed mind, the best possible solution for mankind is if we simply die off and leave this universe alone.

Instead of giving up on Humanity ... seek out those who wish Humanity to thrive ...
Things are not always what they seem ... there is small army of people in all walks of life from humble to influential who are on Humanity's side and making a positive effort to turn this tragedy from disaster ...

edit on 29-4-2015 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: TonyS

Yeah, good Reply TonyS. That's the interesting thing about it, we're really not there yet, but in a lot of ways, with people looking to the future, there are a lot of signs of it now. TPP is exactly the sort of thing: Its no longer about US vs other countries. With all of us on the same "playing field" (in terms of nationality), its about the people positioned to survive into the future (rich, elite, etc.) and a growing group of those of us who aren't.

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