posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 09:55 PM
Thank you for the story - you are a gifted writer! Your descriptions of magic are spot-on: invisibility, 'combing' thru energy patterns that can be
likened to material structure ... but the finding of light, that peculiar star in the darkness of delusion and binding it with blessings so to travel
and strike the core of the Soul for healing -this brought me to tears thinking back to a memory that I needed just at this time, and reminded me, so
to speak, of what I need to do now. Argh - I probably sound crazy, but such is the nature of these things: The synchronicity of reading your story at
this time, this nite in my life is far too auspicious to be passed over. Thank you again - please keep up with your Gift, as this short-story reads
more like a chapter in a much bigger novel (and I want more! haha)