I've been going on this journey of the self and righteous path and it feels the closer I get to the ALL oneness The more my
mind tries to put doubts in me the more the ego tries to control but this video by mooji has helped me a great deal I'm glad synchronicity has led me
to it. There is probably many of you feeling this due to the new moon and the new things that are arising but I promise we must rise and BEE ANU. we
must dust ourselves of and keep delving deeper into the truths of oneself and the universe. Remember I AM THAT I AM. You exist therefore you are
divine creation you are the blessed culmination of the universe and ancestors so always remember even in your lowest points that there is a divine
light in you that no one can take. Time for new beginners to improve even more on the self and remember always be the divine watcher that makes the
best possible decision for yourself and never the beast who makes irrational overly emotional decisions that bring the self to ruin. God is in you and
he talks to you as your conscious the voice that tells you to do right and always calls you out on your bull#. Be blessed fellow ATSers.
on 4/26/2015 by christophoros because: (no reason given)
edit on 4/26/2015 by christophoros because: (no reason
edit on 4/26/2015 by christophoros because: (no reason given)
edit on 4/26/2015 by christophoros because: (no
reason given)
edit on 4/26/2015 by christophoros because: (no reason given)
just wached it it felt like he was speaking directly to me he described exactly whats going on in my head thanx for the share ive had quite a rough
day today this has helped