a reply to:
He is the one who created us.
Religion is a word whose origin in academic circles is debated. I took Latin myself and I do not see why there is all the fuss.
It seems quite obvious to me that the word Religion is made up of "re-" meaning "again" and "legere" meaning "to connect". There is a latin
word "ligo" meaning "connection". The "connection" is obvious to me.
Religion is about reconnecting with the Creator. That's the entire point. Seems obvious, though, doesn't it?
All things were made by and through Jesus. Therefore, He's the one. He is the origin. He is the religion.
First and foremost, without any mention of doctrines at all, belief in Him is absolutely necessary.
Of course, the name "Jesus" is different in every language, so what does that mean for people? It is in His name indeed that we are all saved. So
what of others who do not hear His name as we do? Is being good enough?
WE share His name so that people can know by what name they are ALREADY JUSTIFIED. He died 2 thousand years ago. Everyone was clean ever since
It would do you well to not consider Paul an apostle of Satan, for it is through the words given to him by the Holy Spirit that you will find the most
obvious statement in your favor: "Let everyone be convinced in their own minds." That is concerning doctrines. If you spend the rest of your life
trying to obey law, that means you're wasting a lot of time hindering your steps instead of freeing them. The law of Christ is the law of love, as
you well know. Yet the knowledge that you shared as if it was a revelation of some kind is a knowledge that is decidedly designed to hinder the
freedom in Christ. IT makes no sense.
Those who believe in the Creator take on the form of the Creator. Yes, you are still in your flesh, but it is already dead. It lives because of the
Spirit within it. It does not live or die because of you or because of what you do to it, because it was born dead. IF the Spirit were to leave your
body, it would be like any other inanimate object. But because of the Spirit within it, the life it has, it has movements and desires. We already
know that the movements and desires the flesh makes are to the benefit of the flesh and not to the benefit of the Spirit. Therefore are our actions
already crucified to the flesh.
Therefore, it is not a war with the flesh. Rather, it is a war of the mind. There are many spirits. These are the enemy. Other people are not.
But the spirits within the enemies, when those spirits leave, the flesh is left also dead as it already is. Therefore, the nature of the spirit
within you when you die determines whether the spirit is worthy. If it is the Holy Spirit, then obviously that spirit is worthy. If it is not, then
obviously it is not worthy.
Now we do as the Spirit does. When we are not doing as the Spirit does, then we are idle for the flesh. But because the flesh is dead, it does not
decide on its own. It simply wants the same way that a towel immersed in water wants to absorb the water.
So when you do or say things that are not becoming of God, that is the flesh. IF we are working in the Spirit, then that is not happening. But if we
are not working in the Spirit, dead works happen.
All of this is logic. This is not a definition of sin and righteousness. IT's simply truth.
Sin is to deny your Creator in favor of the fantasy world people have made for themselves because of the boredom and lust in their lives. Those with
the Holy Spirit can easily slip and fall and get back up. But the same action in those without the Spirit will cause them to think that they are
flying high and moving on to the next stage in their life.
What else can I say?
Dispute over doctrines is foolishness. IF a people want to believe that lighting a candle for prayer is a better way, let them do it. IF they want
to believe that Friday evening to Saturday evening is the Holy Sabbath, then let them. IF they want to believe that December 25th is Jesus'
birthday, let them: For a child is born into Jesus every December 25th and He is God. Why should He worry about such a petty thing? But if people
want to know the whole truth, let them. What does it have to do with living in the Spirit? What does it have to do with sharing the love of Jesus
There are rights and there are wrongs. Who cares if gay people get married. What does that have to do with me? Does God love homosexuality? No.
Does God love divorce? No. Does God love anything that is unnatural or hateful? No. Do people do all of the above? Absolutely. For these things
to take place in the fellowship of Christians is wrong however. Christians are supposed to encourage each other to focus on living in the Spirit and
not getting lost into making a lifestyle out of that which is in the flesh. Mistakes happen. Lifestyles are accepted.
But the Christian fellowship does not seem to be very public these days in regards to true Christians. The whole world only sees in numbers and in
the flesh. The world has no idea what is going on anywhere. It's like an eyeball trying to look at itself in the mirror. If the eye turns to the
left, the mirror eye turns to the right, and the eye is hardly looking at the eye, but they both look somewhere else. The eye can never see the eye
except for looking directly at itself. And even then, the eye is only absorbed into the black hole of the mind of its host - for the life is clearly
not in the flesh. In this same way the world is completely ignorant.
I do not judge a Christian by what they claim, by what they wear, by what doctrines they hold, by any such thing like that. I have judged many people
to be Christian when they CLAIM THEY WERE NOT because I know the Spirit. When I see the Spirit, I know that God is working. IT doesn't matter what
we think or do not think. It matters what we know. And I have met many that say they are Christians and yet they are not.
It is God that reveals, not us.
I will say, however, like I mentioned in another thread: If you see people calling themselves Christians and yet they are trying to legislate their
conscience onto you, Bingo. Not Christian - at least, not yet, if they will be. No true believer in Jesus Christ is so afraid that they think that
they have to ask the State to force their conscience onto other people so that they themselves are comfortable. The Kingdom of Jesus Christ is not
the Kingdom of this world at all. Only those without faith to realize that the Kingdom is already here are the ones who so desperately need to
convert the government of this world into their physical idol or representation of that thing which He already gave us.
He does that in His own time because He is in charge.
We're here for the ride.
I can think of other things I have missed and maybe some things I went too far into detail. At any rate, this seems like enough for now. What do you
say friend?