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School brainwashing kids into Islam with vocabulary exercises

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posted on Mar, 20 2015 @ 04:36 PM

originally posted by: Cuervo
a reply to: FlySolo

This is the mentality that created the jingoism we all lovingly remember as "freedom fries". I don't complain when they teach my daughter how to spell "church" or "steeple". I don't accuse them of Christian brainwashing.

My goodness, how xenophobic do we need to get?

"Farmville"?! Are we surprised a place called Farmville would be afraid of foreign sounding words?

Have you watched any of the full video, she goes down the list
of each word and then a sentence to show how it's used.

I only watched like 3 minutes of it, and each sentence included a
little story about Mohammed.

I heard enough.

It would be like having a vocabulary sentence completion exorcise
that goes like this:

Word: Carry
Sentence: Jesus was forced to _____ his own cross on the way to his own crucifixion.

Clearly would be religious.

I don't know if the story is true or not, but here's a link to her full video:

Rebel 5

edit on 20-3-2015 by rebelv because: added more

edit on 20-3-2015 by rebelv because: syntax

edit on 20-3-2015 by rebelv because: syntax

posted on Mar, 20 2015 @ 07:51 PM

originally posted by: WilsonWilson
a reply to: enlightenedservant

No i'm just saying you can say we dont worship him, but from the outside, it pretty much looks like you do.
I'm not telling YOU that YOU worship him, i'm saying that it looks like worship from the outside.
I dont know what your problem was anyway.
I was originally trying to point out that Mohammed is an important person in the Islamic faith, because somebody was saying they didnt think mohammed should be put on a par with God and Jesus in the Christian faith. I think from the outside you would say the comparison was about right.
You are obviosuly saying that Mohammed is not that important.
hardly something to row about.

The problem is with the concept of "on par with". I believe that most Christian denominations place the Prophet Jesus on par with God, as either God's son, a human avatar of God, or a being with equal power to God.

That would be absolutely blasphemous in Islam. We believe that all of God's Prophets were simply humans that He chose to deliver His message. Some were given the ability to perform miracles, but none could do so without God's direct permission. Non-Muslims may think we place the Prophet Muhammad on the same level that Christians place the Prophet Jesus, but it's simply not true. As I stated earlier, the only unforgivable sin according to the Qur'an is attributing partners to God. As in, placing any other being on the same level as God or saying there is an equal power to Him, righteous or evil.

I wasn't trying to sound combative, just pointing out the massive misconception.

posted on Mar, 20 2015 @ 08:11 PM
a reply to: rebelv

No, you're right. That video starts 3/4 of the way through for some reason so I didn't realize the details until another member posted a link with some actual examples.

Some of it is definitely a bit overkill and I would be a bit put off no matter what religion it was endorsing, even if it were mine. But my response was to the idea that learning about Islam in a social context was somehow a bad thing. This seems to be a bit more than that, though.

posted on Mar, 20 2015 @ 08:57 PM
I think part of the problem people are having with this is the way it is written, not so much the subject matter. With a little re-writing, this could be a fine lesson in comparative religion, but as it stands, it is written in such a way that it makes the assumption that the reader is a believer in the faith it describes.

It directly states that the Kaaba is a sacred shrine. It directly states that Mohammad received revelation from the archangel Gabriel.

Those are fine lessons for someone who needs to know a little more about the religion of Islam in an academic way, but as written it's like receiving the mini-devotions in my son's kids' Bible - the wording assumes you agree with the underlying beliefs of the faith.

Simply adding some phrases like "Muslims believe that ..." or "... in Islam" would like go a long way toward making this assignment a lot less creepy.

posted on Mar, 20 2015 @ 10:45 PM
Just say no! Tell your children to say no. Sue the school if they press the issue. Get in their face. Stand your ground. Go for the jugular.

posted on Mar, 21 2015 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: FlySolo

Sounds a bit like paranoid Islamaphobia to me...

posted on Mar, 21 2015 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: Cuervo
a reply to: rebelv

No, you're right. That video starts 3/4 of the way through for some reason so I didn't realize the details until another member posted a link with some actual examples.

Some of it is definitely a bit overkill and I would be a bit put off no matter what religion it was endorsing, even if it were mine. But my response was to the idea that learning about Islam in a social context was somehow a bad thing. This seems to be a bit more than that, though.

Oh, I absolutely agree. BTW, Last night I watched the whole video,
and again, if it is true, it's pretty in-your-face.

And They used the word Zenith as to say The Zenith of anyone's life blah blah blah
Is that the correct usage of the word Zenith? I thought Zenith referred to the sky
directly overhead?

Just throwing that out there to anyone who listened to the entire exam.

Rebel 5

edit on 21-3-2015 by rebelv because: add a thought

posted on Mar, 21 2015 @ 04:39 PM
Oh...I don't know. Maybe cause Mrs. Obama is heading common core, or at least the stop-eating-food-you-like-so-we-can-spend-money-on-food-you-won't-eat campaign. Maybe Obama really is a muslim plant as some believe and this is all part of the war on America.

That...or maybe there are too many liberals in charge of our children. Teaching them that tolerance of someone who wants you dead is a good idea. You know, kinda like Obama trying to tell us that a nuclear Iran is worth discussing.

What the HELL has happened to this country!?!?!?
edit on 3/21/2015 by WeAreAWAKE because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2015 @ 03:31 AM

originally posted by: WeAreAWAKE
Oh...I don't know. Maybe cause Mrs. Obama is heading common core, or at least the stop-eating-food-you-like-so-we-can-spend-money-on-food-you-won't-eat campaign. Maybe Obama really is a muslim plant as some believe and this is all part of the war on America.

That...or maybe there are too many liberals in charge of our children. Teaching them that tolerance of someone who wants you dead is a good idea. You know, kinda like Obama trying to tell us that a nuclear Iran is worth discussing.

What the HELL has happened to this country!?!?!?

LOL I will never understand how or why so many of you think Pres Obama is a "secret Muslim". No Muslim will regularly attend a Christian Church for 20 years. Or have you all forgotten his controversial Christian Pastor Jeremiah Wright?

Also, the man has ordered military strikes on at least 7 Muslim majority countries: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Yemen, and Libya. That's more Muslim countries attacked than under Pres Bush)

And that doesn't include the massive military funding the US gives to Israel, which has attacked Lebanon & the Gaza Strip since Obama's been in office. He & Susan Rice even vetoed Palestinian statehood at the UN. Oh & let's not forget the sanctions, alleged spreading of Stuxnet, and assassination of nuclear scientists in Iran (you know, another Muslim majority nation).
edit on 22-3-2015 by enlightenedservant because: clarification. was paraphrasing the article in my link

posted on Mar, 22 2015 @ 05:05 AM
I respect other peoples religion but it always seems wrong to me when I see parents forcing that religion onto their kids,why not let them decide for themselves when they get older ? Is it because they will be less impressionable and not as easy to manipulate ?

In the UK I left school in 2006 ,I never noticed any Islam teaching and thinking back I was never brainwashed except for in primary school where they made us pray every day ,I don't think there was any Muslims in that school either,there seems to be an agenda now though of multiculturalism but it's not really working.

posted on Mar, 22 2015 @ 05:56 AM

originally posted by: amurphy245
I respect other peoples religion but it always seems wrong to me when I see parents forcing that religion onto their kids,why not let them decide for themselves when they get older ? Is it because they will be less impressionable and not as easy to manipulate ?

In the UK I left school in 2006 ,I never noticed any Islam teaching and thinking back I was never brainwashed except for in primary school where they made us pray every day ,I don't think there was any Muslims in that school either,there seems to be an agenda now though of multiculturalism but it's not really working.

I can understand what you mean. There have always been Muslims in African American communities, and we get along very well with the Christians & others. Most of my friends were Christians, all of our moms knew each other, and we could spend the night or week at each others' houses on a whim. But none of our schools tried indoctrinating anything, unless you count the "scared straight" type of programs lol.

As for forcing kids to learn religion, I think you have to look at it realistically. Parents teach their kids what they believe & what they think will help them navigate the life of the world. It would be stranger to me for a parent not to teach them religion, especially when parents go to church or a mosque weekly. They're not going to drop kids off at daycare or get a babysitter for that timeframe.

Also, kids mimic everything at certain ages. My nephew would mimic us praying before we taught him how to, he'd get sad if someone didn't address him with our "Salaams", and likes hearing the Qur'an. Now he pesters my mom to teach him new verses (which I think is incredible). Sometimes he'll even have my mom call me so he can recite a new verse to me. What are we supposed to do, tell him no or send him away? I don't say that out of negativity, it's just that kids can be like that. And don't let someone be late for prayer! He's the one who'll get on you about it and he's still a kid

posted on Mar, 22 2015 @ 09:15 AM

originally posted by: Kapusta

Wrong. On all counts

really ? you honestly believe "schools are Brainwashing kids into Islam ?" one little Isolated incident and your over here spreading the news like "our kids" are going to be the next jihad john !

I would be more concerned about Indoctrination they can easily find on YouTube ! or some wacky Jihad website !

but please by all means don't let me stop your crusade !

Just one isolated incident? Are you sure about that?

Marine banned from school for complaining about Islamic teachings

What does snopes have to say?

So why would the American Public School System and the politicians want to further the Islamic faith, push to have it become the One World Religion and nix Christianity?

Simple. Christians cannot be enslaved. Islam, an oppressive religion of control, cruelty and fear does enslave, which can keep people subdued. This is precisely what the future leaders of the One World Order want to achieve. And the misinformed, make nice, politically correct crowd seem eager to help them accomplish it.

But the greatest driving factor in all of this is money. There are the profiteers and politicians who stand to grow in unspeakable wealth and power by cooperating with the Arabs and finding favor by helping them and their pagan religion take control. They have no compunction in selling us out, and our freedom, to accomplish their goals. These greedy, self-serving investors stand salivating on both sides of the oil pump.
edit on 22-3-2015 by FlySolo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2015 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: FlySolo
I don't get your quote from snopes. Snopes' analysis on the truth of it is "Status: Not quite", and the bit you quoted is not from Snopes, it is from the insanefundo fake-news site World Net Daily, which Snopes quotes as an example of the BS.

The final statement from the same snopes article you quoted:

Reporter Nich Schou of the OC Weekly made a telling statement in October 2001: "Since Sept. 11, there have been two kinds of Americans: those who think the U.S. is out of touch with the rest of the world, and those who think the rest of the world can take a hike." It's this split which lies at the heart of the subject at hand: Some want American students exposed to other cultures and ways of thinking so as to better prepare them for dealing with the world at large, and others would rather American students learn only about matters pertaining to the USA and view the teaching of anything else as an attempt to indoctrinate impressionable children.

Is it possible to teach about a people and their place in history without also teaching the belief system that influenced them? We don't know. But we do know every effort has to be made in that direction if the one is to be attempted.

posted on Mar, 22 2015 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: FlySolo

OMG teaching about Islam in world history, oh the horror.

News flash, Islamic civilizationd existed and should be taught about.

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