posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 09:57 PM
a reply to:
uhh i never said anything about nato...
and i know they are no longer sovereign. it was a tongue in cheek remark based on what the Ukrainians governments claims are.
but yes they kinda do have control over them. at least to a certain extent. they are all just puppets for the politicians. they arm them and they let
them loose. if they wanted to put an end to them they could. but the fact of the matter is that many high ranking people want them exactly where they
are. and where they are is turning the Ukrainian people against their government (which is a sure fire way to lose a war). so the question still
stands, are they stupid or do they purposefully want to lose the war?
just look at the situation in Debaltsevo. thousands of troops were funneled to be annihilated by NAF forces while their command #ed off back west. I
wish i could find this video i saw the other day. it was an intercepted transmission between a Ukranian soldier and his command, he pleaded with him
to give the order to pull back, or any orders for that matter, and the commander simply tells him the his orders are to stay there and that supplies
will be there soon. the soldiers reply is we'll all be dead before we get any supplies. if i find it ill post it here.