posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 02:19 PM
What motivates a mother bird to build her beautiful nest or the spider her wonderous web? What drives us to create beauty? Is it an unnecessary
beauty? After all, wouldn't an ugly web still catch insects? How come we can recognize beauty when we encounter it?
Why does it impact us the way it does? What drives us to pursue it?
This drive appears to be universal. It appears that this desire is born out of the hope that out of ashes and destruction new life can arise. That
wilted blooms will once again fill the air with their life giving fragrance.This overwhelming optimism embraces our very existence. It gives us
It is what drives artists to create. For when they create beauty they are reaffirming that hope. Artists create beauty for themselves and also to
share that hope. Art is the instrument that allows beauty to transform us. It is this drive that unites all artists in a holy endeavor.
With our eyes and hands we color, shape, paint, mold, bend, bead and sew and reveal beauty to a world that is often dark and gloomy. It is not that
artists ignore the dark and the terrible around us. In fact we often expose it. However, when the color of light is brushed across a canvas our eyes
see and our minds remember that it is light that reveals beauty. The pigment speaks to us and reveals the substance of hope. Beauty is created and
presented as a testimony to that hope.
Is there such a thing as unnecessary beauty? No! We need every bit of it, every work and every piece is to be prized. From every child's
self-portrait to the photo of the 93 year old's birthday party. Beauty provokes a passion for life and is comprehended within the context of
emotions. Emotions give us the sacred language to describe it.
Beauty gives us hope and art brings meaning to life. Art makes life worth living.