a reply to:
Hm. Hi, Merinda. For the last few months, I have been learning about the world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Google rankings/marketing,
social media's ties to website success, and how to generate revenue from owning a website by selecting relevant advertisers to contract with.
Publishers pick a topic, presumably after finding a 'niche' that interests them and has little internet presence but lots of interest. They build a
website around that "niche" market (for example, baby clothes for preemies....or hardware for gamers), and blog about it, and refer people to
"advertisers" who sell goods and services related to that market (the people interested in baby clothes for preemies or hardware for gamers).
Then, the race is on to compete with others who are 'selling' similar goods. Website owners (publishers) are encouraged to tell the truth, to provide
factual information in order to help searchers who are looking for specific info or goods or services.
The article you linked does not say anything about "alternative news" - it talks about VERACITY. That sites will be ranked by how much "truth" they
present, and not just based on how many "pageviews" they have.
Fortunately, MANY advertisers vet websites who apply to be contracted "publishers". If a site is questionable in its integrity, its authenticity, its
legality, its topics, its transparency and sourcing, most Advertisers will not accept that site as an 'outlet' for their products.
The whole idea is so that Publishers can receive a (usually very tiny) percentage of profits by providing leads or customers.
It's a very competitive "business" to begin - starting from scratch and building a reputation comes WAY before any money - and yes, it costs money
(not much, though) to buy a website domain (about $12 a year), and a host (cost varies with services provided).
This means there are two methods to earn money with a website:
1) selecting and applying for a CONTRACT with advertisers who accept 'affiliate marketers' (publishers) for free with no guarantee of success for the
publisher - where it is the site owner's (publisher's) responsibility to generate content and build traffic that leads people to click on links to
advertisers' sites (this is where SEO comes in - the trick is to get ranked on page 1 of Google (or Bing/Yahoo/Opera/Safari) so that searchers will
find THEIR site early - and not buried on, for example, page 72; or,
2) BUYING ad space (which is, for example, how ATS makes their money - advertisers PAY to have an ad on here). Small startup websites CAN buy ads
(showing up at the top of Google with that little orange "AD" symbol costs money - but many hundreds of thousands of publishers (bloggers) will rely
on advertisers that contract with relevant bloggers to market their products in exchange for a percentage of the proceeds.
(This may not be news at all to some readers - partly I explain it to solidify my own understanding of it and 'write it down. Therefore, if I am
mistaken in any way, someone please let me know - and yes, I'm paying to learn it.)
So - your title is misleading. It isn't that "alternative sites" will be targeted - if they present TRUTH they have nothing to worry about. If they
present Glenn Beck or Alex Jones as harbingers of universal truth, they will likely take a hit. This means that advertisers will be more selective in
WHERE they buy ads, since TheBlaze or whatever will be exposed as sensationalist hype rather than reliable sources for information.
If ATS sticks to their guns and provides sourced information that is not dumped in LOL or HOAX or trashed altogether as nonsense, they have NOTHING to
worry about.
Another way your title is misleading is that it is the research stages, according to the article. Another thing that is rapidly changing is the
"social presence" of websites. Prior to recently, it was standard practice that publishers could steer readers from Facebook, Twitter, Reddit,
Pinterest, etc and by growing their traffic via those outlets, could get more 'hits' and 'clicks' on the advertisers who have allowed their ads to be
placed on the website.
NOW, FB and Twitter are talking about disallowing links to websites, and FB is ALREADY vetting and controlling HOW MANY 'friends' receive marketing
posts. It's all ending. No longer is merely having 92,425,316 "likes" going to automatically get a page ranked....or even distributed!
There are, of course, other programs such as Google AdSense (which doings with ATS has prompted the donation banner atop our pages). What AdSense
does is approve a website, and then they track the interests of READERS who come to that site, and put ads on the site that are specifically relevant
for that READER. For example, if you're looking at Toasters on Overstock - the next website you look at that is approved and running AdSense ads will
show you toasters
whether or not that site is about Toasters. The publisher (site owner) is not allowed to click on those ads, or they will
lose their contract (AdSense pulls their ads altogether).
Anyway - nice alarmist article you've extrapolated from the actual information - an excellent example of a thread that will NOT rank highly on Google
- because it is misleading, and in fact, not true.
Just to let you know how this all works.
edit on 3/4/2015 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)