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As The Middle Class Evaporates, Global Oligarchs Plan Their Escape From The Impoverished

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posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 10:37 AM
Well Guys and Gals, It appears The Recovery Meme that our .Gov has been pushing for The Last 6-7- years is looking More and More Like The Sham it really is. Now we're at the stage in the Game where these TPTB (Gypsies) have figured out that things can come very unstuck very quickly and are in The Midst of starting to Figure Out Their Escape Plans. (Take The Money and Run, Thanks Steve Miller).

So, we already know about the large estates being bought in Uruguay/Paraguay and now New Zealand is coming on The Radar. We have The Saudi Royal Family with their compound in Malaga, Spain. Do these people really think that they're going to be able to hide from The Rest of The World's Population.

I think this is what's up with The All Fired Up Hurry to Frack every last bit of Oil/Nat Gas here in The Western Hemisphere and Export it for cash to other parts of the World that are willing to pay premium prices for it. They seem to be getting near The Bottom of The Barrel as far as Wealth Extraction is concerned.

I believe a lot of these seemingly Random Events both Economically and Socially are rapidly coming to a head and it doesn't look good for The Rest of Us Plebs. I'm sure when The Great Ship of The West finally goes down, even Detroit as wrecked as it is today will appear as a comparative Paradise (YUCK)!

The middle class has shrunk consistently over the past half-century. Until 2000, the reason was primarily because more Americans moved up the income ladder. But since then, the reason has shifted: There is a greater share of households on the lower rungs of the economic ladder.
So, Wadda Y'All Think? Thanks for Reading

– From yesterday’s New York Times article: Middle Class Shrinks Further as More Fall Out Instead of Climbing Up

At a packed session in Davos, former hedge fund director Robert Johnson revealed that worried hedge fund managers were already planning their escapes. “I know hedge fund managers all over the world who are buying airstrips and farms in places like New Zealand because they think they need a getaway,” he said.

– From the Guardian’s article: As Inequality Soars, the Nervous Super Rich are Already Planning Their Escapes
So the other day, President Barack Obama once again demonstrated his contempt for the American public by using his State of the Union address to pejoratively blurt out meaningless phrases such as “but tonight, we turn the page” and: “The verdict is clear. Middle-class economics works. Expanding opportunity works. And these policies will continue to work, as long as politics don’t get in the way.”

Sorry, but why are “we turning the page” tonight? Weren’t you elected over six years ago? Why didn’t you turn the page in 2009?

Meanwhile, I’m astounded by the phrase “middle-class economics works.” Perhaps it does, but how would anyone know? The only thing I’ve seen from his administration is a laser focused determination to consolidate all American wealth and power into the hands of a tiny group of oligarchs and their lapdogs.

Indeed, the following articles published in the last two days by the New York Times and the Guardian show the true results of Obama’s oligarch-coddling legacy. The Obama years have been nothing short of an oligarch crime scene.

First, from the New York Times:

The middle class that President Obama identified in his State of the Union speech last week as the foundation of the American economy has been shrinking for almost half a century.

In the late 1960s, more than half of the households in the United States were squarely in the middle, earning, in today’s dollars, $35,000 to $100,000 a year. Few people noticed or cared as the size of that group began to fall, because the shift was primarily caused by more Americans climbing the economic ladder into upper-income brackets.

But since 2000, the middle-class share of households has continued to narrow, the main reason being that more people have fallen to the bottom. At the same time, fewer of those in this group fit the traditional image of a married couple with children at home, a gap increasingly filled by the elderly.

Even as the American middle class has shrunk, it has gone through a transformation. The 53 million households that remain in the middle class — about 43 percent of all households — look considerably different from their middle-class predecessors of a previous generation, according to a New York Times analysis of census data.

In recent years, the fastest-growing component of the new middle class has been households headed by people 65 and older. Today’s seniors have better retirement benefits than previous generations. Also, older Americans are increasingly working past traditional retirement age. More than eight million, or 19 percent, were in the labor force in 2013, nearly twice as many as in 2000.

According to a New York Times poll in December, 60 percent of people who call themselves middle class think that if they work hard they will get rich. But the evidence suggests that goal is increasingly out of reach. When middle class people look up, they see the rich getting richer while they spin their wheels.
One of the main reasons we have seen such a low level of resistance to this historic oligarch theft, is due to the successful brainwashing of the American public. Despite clear evidence to the contrary, 60% of what is left of the middle-class still think they are going to get rich. They have no idea that they are really just a bunch of deluded plebs unable to see how systematically and catestrophically they are being played.

Meanwhile, the Guardian describes how many global oligarchs are already planning their escape. These people know full well they are being enriched criminally. Their response is to take as much money as possible and flee before the pitchforks emerge (see: The Pitchforks are Coming…– A Dire Warning from a Member of the 0.01%).

With growing inequality and the civil unrest from Ferguson and the Occupy protests fresh in people’s mind, the world’s super rich are already preparing for the consequences. At a packed session in Davos, former hedge fund director Robert Johnson revealed that worried hedge fund managers were already planning their escapes. “I know hedge fund managers all over the world who are buying airstrips and farms in places like New Zealand because they think they need a getaway,” he said.

But as former New Zealand prime minister and now UN development head Helen Clark explained, rather than being a game changer, recent examples suggest the Ferguson movement may soon be forgotten. “We saw Occupy flare up and then fade like many others like it,” Clark said. “The problem movements like these have is stickability. The challenge is for them to build structures that are ongoing; to sustain these new voices.”

Clarke said: “Solutions are there. What’s been lacking is political will. Politicians do not respond to those who don’t have a voice In the end this is all about redistributing income and power.”

She added: “Seventy five percent of people in developing countries live in places that are less equal than they were in 1990.”
Welcome to the recovery suckers.

www.zerohedge... .com/news/2015-01-26/middle-class-evaporates-global-oligarchs-plan-their-escape-form-impoverished-pleb-m

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: arjunanda

I'm seeing signs that they are planning a major conflict; while this major conflict is happening or right before, they will make their escape off-world.
edit on 27-1-2015 by lostbook because: word change

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 11:07 AM
Told ya.

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 11:11 AM
They believe they can hide. But trust me they will be battered and smashed in the end. There is no recovery. Stores shutter, people are thrown out of their homes, joblessness, people cutting back. Look at the average person if you want an indicator of how well the economy's doing. Not the giant corporations. The average person is sinking.

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 11:19 AM

originally posted by: Yeahkeepwatchingme
They believe they can hide. But trust me they will be battered and smashed in the end. There is no recovery. Stores shutter, people are thrown out of their homes, joblessness, people cutting back. Look at the average person if you want an indicator of how well the economy's doing. Not the giant corporations. The average person is sinking.

I disagree... Sort of... They aren't planning on hiding, they are simply planning on fortifying. They will have the resources to protect themselves from the masses. I don't think any one of the elite is planning on bugging out to drop out of society in some remote place or get "off world" and leave the rest of humanity to sort it out. If only we should be so lucky. They are not going to leave the source of their wealth and power. They are simply stepping up their game to protect themselves against The Great Unwashed that they lord over. They can't hide but they can sure protect themselves with the superior resources that they have and the technology and man power that they can afford that the rest cannot.

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 11:29 AM
OK Redhorse, So fortifying, kinda like The Goldfinger Thingy (The Fortified Mountainous Island with it's own Helipads and Missile Defense System, 1964 James Bond Film, Ian Fleming). I'm sure when it comes time, American Forces will be able to overcome them and bring them back to The West for Justice
LOL Arjunanda. a reply to: redhorse

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 11:31 AM

originally posted by: arjunanda
OK Redhorse, So fortifying, kinda like The Goldfinger Thingy (The Fortified Mountainous Island with it's own Helipads and Missile Defense System, 1964 James Bond Film, Ian Fleming). I'm sure when it comes time, American Forces will be able to overcome them and bring them back to The West for Justice
LOL Arjunanda. a reply to: redhorse

Meh... The American Forces are owned by them anyway... But I always wanted that setup.

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 11:49 AM
You're Right on That Redhorse, Until TPTB, screw over The Military and Police Forces they use now to protect themselves. I'm afraid they Might take a few American Sniper Types with them to make them feel safe. But the vast majority of Military/Police/Security Types will be left High and Dry here with No Futures, Pensions, Money, Hope etc. Don't worry, Their present protectors (High Security Types) won't be Marrying Into The Family. They'll be Dumped as Useful Idiots and left to fend for themselves after Elites Engineer The Final Collapse and swimming in A Sea of Poor Desperate People. Good Reply
Arjunada a reply to: redhorse

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 11:50 AM
Good post, but gypsies?

I'm pretty sure there are no gypsy carts parked behind the white house

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: redhorse

It depends on exactly who they are. If they're not in the club I'm sure they'll be allowed to fall. But if they're in the upper upper echelon, the ones who truly run things, I think they'll be comfy as usual while watching the mess they created play out.

Either way, if you're not in the club, no matter how much money you have you're screwed.

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 12:04 PM
A Gypsy isn't an ethnicity per se, more like A Way of Doing Business (Steal/Swindle) and then move on to the Next Locale and Rinse Repeat. IOW you are never really attached to the rest of the population where you make your "DEALS", you'd be more of a Parasite that has to Skidaddle before The Dog's Owner's applies The Flea Medicine/Worm Pills That's what is meant in The OP. Thanks for your reply
Arjunada. a reply to: Strawberry88

edit on 27-1-2015 by arjunanda because: Spelling Fix

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: redhorse
They could wait it out on a moon base .. it's close enough ..and eventually make an Elysium type of space station for the elite ..
I'm sure there are crazy plans in progress currently ..

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 12:40 PM

originally posted by: junglimogli
a reply to: redhorse
They could wait it out on a moon base .. it's close enough ..and eventually make an Elysium type of space station for the elite ..
I'm sure there are crazy plans in progress currently ..

Honestly, that very well may be true. I do think that what we are seeing now is just an awareness by the elite that they need to protect themselves and what they have from an increasingly impoverished (and justifiably angry) larger public. They will no doubt, ratchet up their efforts over time if trends continue and the gap continues to grow. They will have to with current population densities. The sheer number of have-nots compared to the have's is an enormous threat. In this day and age, because of the technological capacity available, those with the resources (money) to buy that technology can do a lot more to protect themselves than what is readily available to the rest of us.

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 01:35 PM
Bah, sorta mainly not true.

The wealthy plan to run with the money but only because they are keen on the mental state of the public, demographics and understand the current trends predict an America that is falling and will take much of the West with it. The issues leading to a declining America are largely within the populace however.

Your dealing with a very small generation X about to take the mantle of a nation of elderly, a small generation being the tax base for the elderly is bad news

Another aspect is a populace who was trained OFF of entrepreneurship because America was wealthy after WW2, these people know you can't just reprogram people and if a demographic believes in "Jobs" and those "Jobs" don't actually exist your not going to convince entitled personalities to become entrepreneurial. Americans want what their parents had, they want to be off at 5:00 have great benefits all sorts of sick days and vacation time and retirement plans.... the wealthy know even if they provide the financial assistance for Entrepreneurs they are not dealing with a generation like their grandparents who will go every day and put in 15 hrs etc, etc in order to be Entrepreneurs and they will just be sucked dry, the areas where the money lies are tech and science nothing can change quickly the fact that the math and science isn't there and loans for more restaurants and stores are fruitless in the Internet age, it is for now a useless culture to fund.

Did they do this? No, not really, it wasn't a "plot" the third factor, even though as kids we have the largest generation in history rising it will be 20 years before they do squat and the overall opinion of the wealthy is it will be a generation of discord as the Racial tone of America changes and Caucasians are bled dry of Money by social programs, America wont be strong again economically until there is another wave of solid immigration and investment and that has started already via Asia but it will take 40 years or more before there is a replacement economic and physical Majority and that of course will come from China but there is no predicting the social strife that will take to usher in... so for now the money goes to the banks where the world stability and repair of America will come from so it is safe...China.

It's easy to blame... but these guys don't create the demographic and trends they hire people to predict them and act accordingly, they of course don't give a crap what happens to us but they can't control it either, why would anyone fund a failing situation and end up in it themselves? How much money do any of us send to Africa daily, even at the height of wealth 1% of our budget went to foreign aid...

Truth is we are going to tear it apart soon, over race, over a generation or 2 that wants a limited work schedule, over the fact that many nations are going to surpass us economically in the next generation, over the loss of freedoms that come from having to bend to the ideas and rules of nations we used to view ourselves as superior to, over the loss of military clout to do much about it

And even while the Govt tries to prevent this via military means, the public bashes them for that and a generation of Idealistic teens threatens to tear the whole house of cards down so there will be no fix... They HAD a plan for that, hold the ME and control the flow of Oil to India and China and have another American century but 60 Million moronic teenagers got all occupy on their arses about it... because they are teenagers lol and don't realize the world is effed up and everyone else will do the same to them when they are down... and when it happens they will Blame and tear it apart as adults.

Bottom line is, at this point this generation coming up in the States by numbers holds the cards and they are stupid, they think good paying jobs and benefits come on a 9-5 schedule and they don't without a main body willing to work seriously hard, they think you can be on top economically without carrying a stick to beat off those who would steal it and it can't work that way, the believe in equality which doesn't exist, they think multiculturalism and understanding means that other nations and peoples wont just sack you for your loot, and they are fixated on self pleasure and entertainment rather than education which might have been okay in the past but you don't earn crap any more unless your people SCIENCE and most of our PHD's are from overseas and they go home with those degrees...

Can't put your Money in America right now it's a fruitless cause

You put it in China, China with it's rigid control of affairs in the hands of tough men who wont screw around, China who doesn't give a single eff about what bird might die if you build a sky scrapper, China who will park a tank on occupy hippies, China who's people are gangsta as hell in regards to personal wealth because they know what it is to be poor and want that 18K gold and don't give a crap who's starving elsewhere, China who will make killing cute and furry things fashionable, China who if they have to deal with moronic religious beliefs that interfere with the economy if they went into a war on terror would just kill enough men next door to turn the Middle East yellow

China who is the bad arse we used to be. That's where you put your money... in the hands of people who will keep it safe and not waste it into bs.

I mean what do you expect, the Wealthy to keep in power the people who have national debates about Transgender bathrooms or the people who beat their kids rear ends if they don't know Piano by age 4? The Nation who's kids are out in the street smoking weed and complaining on their I-phones about inequality to their divorced parents or the Nation whose kids just built a Dam that Tilted the Earth on it's Axis?

This is all rubbish

Everyone in the world knows we are a bunch of retards lost in space because we had a lot of money for so long, just because we have videos of kids being "Gangsta" who can't even hold a gun properly doesn't mean we are tough, even the fact that our vote has gone 80% Liberal is a sign that we are open to be devoured to other countries, it's not like we are Denmark, we are a straight up Target everyone wants a piece of... and we are soft as a people we are soft on everything.

The whole world knows we wont be great again until we have our edge back and getting an edge takes poverty to create, we are a terrible investment right now...

Aside from that, it's not exactly an unknown thing that the best locations to be will be small nations capable of SUSTAINABILITY and HIGH TECH output, that's not us, of course if your rich you head to New Zealand, it's a much better place to live, it's not about Fortresses lol... it's Just really nice.

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 01:58 PM

originally posted by: arjunanda
A Gypsy isn't an ethnicity per se, more like A Way of Doing Business (Steal/Swindle) and then move on to the Next Locale and Rinse Repeat. IOW you are never really attached to the rest of the population where you make your "DEALS", you'd be more of a Parasite that has to Skidaddle before The Dog's Owner's applies The Flea Medicine/Worm Pills That's what is meant in The OP. Thanks for your reply
Arjunada. a reply to: Strawberry88

Ok I understand and I see your point, but I wouldn't be calling the gypsies in any way.

The word has a long history back to the word "Egyptians" and nowadays is a a racial slur for traveling people.

I think it's highly offensive to associate people who choose to live a traveling lifestyle, with criminals who don't live in measly humble carts but instead occupy mansions playing cyber criminal, or "investor".

Not the same things

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: junglimogli
a reply to: redhorse
They could wait it out on a moon base .. it's close enough ..and eventually make an Elysium type of space station for the elite ..
I'm sure there are crazy plans in progress currently ..

They already have the bases, but I don't think they're going to do this, unless they're really under tons of solar system protection, because they think their cremation of care ceremonies de-magnetize them. They have enormous black hole type gravity/karma, frequency and its just an open invitation for them to draw in lots of karma.

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 07:40 PM
Well Strawberry, Let's just use The Word "Carny" instead, it has nearly an Identical Connotation without The Supposedly Racial Aspect, which I disagree with, they are neither A Separate Race nor Ethnicity, they are more a trained cultural phenom. Thanks for your reply
Arjunanda. a reply to: Strawberry88

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 05:38 AM
a reply to: criticalhit

Why do wealthy people live in gated communities with their own security? We don't have even one of those in my little city. It is not a far stretch of imagination that they will go to space if they have to. God knows, they have hoarded enough cash.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 04:12 PM
Really interesting nice post.

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