posted on Jan, 24 2015 @ 01:01 PM
Sounds like a bad u joint in the drivetrain. You have them at all drivetrain connections that bend.
If you have 4wd, you have a bunch more(6), a second driveshaft to the front axle, and one on each end of the axle, so you can turn. They are common
wear items in the axle. If you grab each end of any joint, the two pieces should have zero play or loosness through the joint. When your car starts
clicking in tight turns your axle ujoints are failing.
Also check wheel bearing condition, by putting up on jack stands, car in neutral, flat ground and spin wheel, it should be smooth spinning with no
grittyness. The wheel should spin easily by hand but not completely free when the nut is not under or over tightened.
Ujoints are not super easy if you dont know what your doing. They are pressed in. Check out google vids first.
What you prob wont see in vid, is that you can aid this press/interference fit by heating the driveshaft w a torch, then install new ones using a c
clamp w a socket the size of the bearings cap. Also store the new joint in the freezer 24-48 hrs before install, it makes them shrink enough to slide
in combined w the other part heated, so your not beating up the joint and having it fail again.