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I discovered an army, that will defeat US army, they are ALREADY here

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posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: Xeven

There are too many of you saying how it can't be because American youth is too lazy fat and dependent.

So instead of answering you individually, I'll answer you all with this one post.

If it was so easy to foresee immoral youth gangs burning every city down, then it wouldn't happen in the future and would be stopped.

It will happen precisely because 99.9% think it can't happen.

That's the thing about future, that's how it works.

And if you come back with argument how by that logic dinosaurs will rise up too, or something silly like that, then you don't understand my point here.

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 11:17 AM

originally posted by: AutumnWitch657
You have one crappy outlook on life and on humans in particular.
Sorry you feel this way.
Does this include Your family as well as the rest of us or are you and they an exception?a reply to:

You know, I won't sink to your level and write insults, instead I'll answer you as if you were nice to me.

If you read prophecies on ATS you can't come out of them without seeing future of US other than completely dark and negative.

And what seals the deal and adds final frosting on the cake, is reading latest news across US and the world. If you see a positive future ahead, may I suggest you skip the nightly marijuana smoking

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 11:52 AM
These ARE the US (Or any other) army. Soldiers are at least as brainwashed as the rest of the population

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: TryAndStopTheFuture555
I was reading about prophecies on ATS and I had a vision, a moment of clarity. One of those "AHA" moments, when everything clicked all of a sudden.

A vision?

Are you a prophet? and why should your "moment of clarity" be anymore valid than the countless other BS prophecies and doom porn that shows up on ATS all to frequently?


You know, I won't sink to your level and write insults, instead I'll answer you as if you were nice to me.

then you say....

may I suggest you skip the nightly marijuana smoking

See the disconnect?

edit on 19-1-2015 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 12:21 PM
I think you are on to something OP. However they won't be fighting. They
will be the generation that gives up. TPTB doesn't need an army with
weapons, they just need for the people with the fight still in them to
die off.

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 06:06 PM

originally posted by: orbitbaby
However they won't be fighting. They will be the generation that gives up. TPTB doesn't need an army with weapons, they just need for the people with the fight still in them to die off.

EXACTLY! I posted something similar before Here:

Protest used to mean something in this country!

and here:

A Curmudgeons Guide to the Revolution

Millennial's can't even muster up a proper protest, let alone rebellion. Also in my opinion officials let Ferguson burn and grow out of control for political purposes, they could have quelled that spineless crown in less than a couple of hours, if they had really wanted to. This is the "break and run" generation, they will run at the slightest tumble weed, they have no stomach for confrontation. If LEO's put the hoses or dogs on them like they did on protestors in the 1960's, I don't doubt many frail "millennial bodies" would have failed under the force, resulting in instant death for some.

Mark my words when these kids reach their late 40's and beyond, deaths by way of falling down stairs at home or slipping on the floor at work will balloon to unheard of proportions. Millennial's have spent far too little time getting bumps and bruises during their childhoods, meaning the bones in their bodies are not strong and may as well be chicken bones, due to all the "seat time" they built up, in comparison to previous more active generations. Here is a study, showing that such is a very possible outcome for Millennial Public Health:

Essex University, studied how strong 315, 10-year-olds were in 2008 and then compared them with 309 children in the same age, using data collected in 1998. They found the following:

-The number of sit-ups a 10-year-olds could do declined by 27.1%, between 1998 and 2008
-Arm strength fell by 26% and grip strength by 7%, between 1998 and 2008
-One in 20 children in 1998 could not hold their own weight, when hanging from wall bars, in 2008 one in 10 could not do so and another 10% of that 2008 cohort refused to even try the activity

Now add in neck and back problems from texting and you have huge public health disaster on the horizon. So, as I said above, basically a fall down a flight of stairs or a heavy box falling on them, when they get older, is far more likely to kill INSTANTLY them than in previous generation. Their bones have sustained far less impact over the same amount of time, versus people born just 2 decades earlier. Their bones will be as fragile as porcelain when at 40 years old and what REALLY funny is that insurance companies currently raise rates for people currently over 40, when these kids hit 40, based on the current polices, they should be uninsurable.

In addition to the above think surveillance tech, tightly controlled media and perfected subterfuge techniques are keeping ALL of us from knowing if new activist groups are springing up. I'd argue the government today, nips such movements in the bud, sending participants to jail will-nilly, affording no due process like they got in the 1960's and in turn giving them horrible plea bargains. I think people ARE indeed trying to take action, but are quickly stomped out, rounded up by LEO's and NONE of it gets to the media, including blogger and Instagram journalists.

I'll give a simple example of something I thought for sure I would see in the streets during riots, but have yet to see it happen. During Occupy, protesters from EVERY city were easily dispersed by tear gas and flash bangs. Why? Didn't Occupy participants have knowledge that such tactics would be used against them? Did they not prepare to neutralize the effects, especially with some ex-military people participating and have experience dealing with such? The rioters is Greece and Spain were not as easy to disperse, in fact they were not dispersed at all by LEO's.

So, I'm supposed to believe that most protesters in the USA, NEVER, thought to prepare and have Goggles/eye-protection, shields, or safety/chemical respirators with them at all times? ALL OF THIS STUFF IS OVER THE COUNTER, but NONE of the protesters I have seen, not since the 1990',s prepare with such equipment.

Another example, imagine if the UC Davis cop that started pepper spraying the student protesters, found out that they ALL had respirators and goggles. Would he have started beating them with his night stick out of frustration because he wouldn't be able to effectively use the pepper spray? I would say, most likely, yes.

If you know you're going to get shot with rubber bullets and bean bag shotguns, a defensive formation like the Ancient Roman/Greek Phalanx should be Standard Operating Procedure, but nope, they just stand around until the SHTF and then start running in every direction, as if being shot at by LEO's was an impossibility.

So whats different about Millenial protesters versus Europeans? My guess is anyone that could teach them proper tactics to counter LEO's are quickly arrested on trumped up charges and threatened to never return to help the activists again "or else". American protesters are so poorly organized that I can't imagine them EVER having an ounce of success, but at the same time I think surveillance tech, tightly controlled media and perfected subterfuge techniques are ENTIRELY responsible for said poor organization and preparation.

The FBI said Friday it has deployed about 100 agents to the St. Louis area ahead of the decision, in case demonstrators take to the streets

As noted in the above link, surveillance tech, tightly controlled media and perfected subterfuge techniques are keeping ALL of us from knowing if new activist groups are springing up across America.
edit on 19-1-2015 by boohoo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 06:17 PM
I somehwhat understand when people run from the bean bag rounds and rubber bullets, but ALL protestors should learn to hold their ground for flash bangs and tear gas, which requires, AT MINIMUM, bringing Respirators and Goggles with you to the protests (ear protection and safety helmets as well).

In an earlier thread I illustrated just how unprepared American protestors are when facing LEO's, here are the key points:

Here's footage of Occupy Oakland protesters attempting to form a shield bearing phalanx, out of makeshift shields

However, THIS image below is much closer to a REAL phalanx and I've NEVER seen it done this way, at any American protest (note that nearly everyone in the crowd is also wearing civilian grade respirators):

Here is the American version, cut-up Rubbermaid trash cans in place of real shields, neck gaiter in place of respirators and hoodies in place of helmets:

When it comes to effective protesting and HOLDING ground against LEO's, Americans don't know squat!

Respirators, Goggles and Safety Helemts, in that order, should be mandatory kit for modern protests. As for the make shift shields used in the video, somehow intended to stop rubber bullets and bean bag rounds, they are irrelevant, because shields are too small and you can tell they didn't bother to practice first, they just assume it would "all come together". Based on what I recommend protesters use for protective gear, tear gas and flash bangs should be less effective at dispersing crowds, than say bean bag rounds or rubber bullets.

Look at these guys in Keiv, they know exactly what they are doing, they are even wearing construction hard-hats, for crying out loud:
War gear: Weaponry & armor of rioters in Kiev

We need more of this:

and much, MUCH, less of this:

The above is the millennial "battle cry", literally crying. Its freaking embarrassing watching young Americans protest, they look moronic and spineless.
edit on 19-1-2015 by boohoo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 08:32 PM
I don't suppose the OP was at the Democratic National Convention in '68.

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 08:53 PM
a reply to: TryAndStopTheFuture555 The day this country falls, it will be the end of the world. Honestly, being prior military, Afganistan and Irak were just training missions. This country wll continue destroying low life scum that write/say the words you have written. Any threat to this country and its citizens just makes us stronger, so wish on and crawl into your little cave.

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 09:08 PM
They would have to drop a few pounds git off their butts and do something so I doubt that it is them.
a reply to: TryAndStopTheFuture555

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 09:47 PM

originally posted by: TryAndStopTheFuture555

Modern day American Youth/Teenagers/people in early 20s

This means that they would need to get off the couch and not use a game controller.


The problem is you really need to aim a real gun and pull a real trigger... lol

They will not even leave their parents house on their own and they are going to rape pillage and plunder?

BTW old people out number them....

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 10:18 PM


posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 11:16 PM
a reply to: TryAndStopTheFuture555

They don't fight in conventional means, they crash their parents cars, put their names in enormous credit card debt, have children at young ages that they can not care for. They are a strain on the system they were bread to hate. They will destroy the US.


posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 11:38 PM
The army will disband when the coke and doritos run out. Or they can simply do a sale at Taco Bell.

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 11:49 PM

Gotta keep an eye on those kids, never know when they may hurt themselves. . . .Lolz

posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 01:21 AM
No they won't.
WE won't let them WE ARE hunter s,veterans and shooting sports fans who DON'T play video games with ALL of our time not to mention it is counter productive to future gaming if they DO.
THEY would NEVER allow THAT.

posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 02:20 AM
a reply to: aboutface

The results of weaponized television.

Look into the money spent on studying mind effects of flicker rates.

TV flicker rates article - Mother Jones

60 minutes - mind control video & more

Eventually most people will look to history and realize that government is always
hijacked and turned against the sheeple.

Phase 1 of WW3 is to get us to mostly kill ourselves then those who would be our owners will
mop up what is left, and burn that pesky constitution they have hated for 200+ years.

edit on 20-1-2015 by Ex_MislTech because: content

edit on 20-1-2015 by Ex_MislTech because: content

posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 02:16 PM

originally posted by: maxzen2004
a reply to: TryAndStopTheFuture555 The day this country falls, it will be the end of the world. Honestly, being prior military, Afganistan and Irak were just training missions. This country wll continue destroying low life scum that write/say the words you have written. Any threat to this country and its citizens just makes us stronger, so wish on and crawl into your little cave.


we shall see

I hope you gotta plan B

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 02:54 AM

Done sleep on those teenagers!

They wont be like us they will rebel better than we ever managed to FTW!

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 04:36 AM
a reply to: TryAndStopTheFuture555

I don't want to defeat the US army. They aren't the real problem. Neither are the elites. Violence begets only more violence. Evil is the real problem--in its embodied and disembodied forms. But how does one combat that? Learn morality and ethics, I guess. But one can't defeat it, really. The army isn't our problem in this country. And it isn't just America. It is the world itself that is the problem. Unfortunately, it appears to be too late to switch back the course that history is on at the moment. All we can do is make the best of it.

But violence isn't the answer. It just makes you as wrong as 'them'.

Oh and I'm 23 by the way.

I have some friends who think along the revolt line like you, OP. And I talked them all out of it. It's an idiotic plan if you really think about it. Tame that testosterone lol and listen to me, a woman, on this one. It wouldn't work. Plus I am thankful of the soldiers that go to war to PROTECT ME AND YOU AND EVERYONE ELSE. Sure that might not be what it's 'actually' about (whatever war, I mean) but that doesn't change the fact that young men and women put their lives on the line so we can sit on our butts and chit chat right here right now. They (US soldiers) are doing it for the right reasons. Are the elites? According to them, yes. According to me, no.

This has been planned out well. And nobody did anything until it was too late. Now isn't the time for violence. Defend yourself and your family but don't go seeking it out. Lest you find it and your demise.
edit on 21-1-2015 by rukia because: (no reason given)

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