a reply to:
I read through your post several times and I understand your meaning and also how you could arrive at your understanding given the information
presented to us by Cosmologists, Astrophysicists, Quantum Physicists etc.
I can also see how confusion is created by the compartmentalisation of our various fields of science.
Pythagoras presented a unified theory thousands of years ago and if you sense a great mind behind what I am humbly trying to relate, it would be
Pythagroras’s mind. His teaching, if it had been pursued by science, would have reduced all areas of inquiry down to just Physics.
Quantum physics and the Basic Laws of Physics are only seperated by a lack of unifying knowledge.
I did make a post
on another thread, which explains, from my perspective the
problems facing scientists and highlights an erroneous belief by science, even though our physics work predictably and integrate generally in accord
with each other, they will ultimately lead us to a dead end.
Although considered settled, science cannot provide any guarantees that its dogma is actually correct. It simply describes a hypothesis or theory that
makes sense based on empirical evidence using the data and tools of investigation at their disposal,even though they have incomplete knowledge
available for their research. In a practical sense,this gives science a foundation to work with,however, the lack of a complete understanding will
present an insurmountable barrier, the deeper they attempt to explore.
An example of this would be the enormously expensive study of the Higgs field, in an attempt to discover the field that makes matter, what we perceive
it to be. Pythagoras’s explanation is ‘so simply’ a child could grasp it.
The most difficult part for most of us, is to conceptualise in four dimensions. We won’t reference time as a dimension in this context because time
does not exist outside of human perception or physical experience.
The best metaphor I could use would be the skins of an onion, each layer representing a dimension of reality. Although we have to understand, that
these layers are not stacked on top of each other in a physical sense, but interpenetrating from the highest dimensions down to the outer physical
Pythagoras explains that these layers are forty nine in total, although I suspect a continuous spectrum in reality, but as logical separation must
occur, as ‘matter’ becomes more of one type than the other,his numerical separation is conveniant.
Starting from the source(beyond time and space), Monads are separated out from un-manifested ‘primal matter’ through the activation of ‘primal
energy’, the Greeks called this energy Dynamis.
The Monad could be described as the smallest, indivisible, indestructible, eternally present, particle of matter in existence. It IS ‘primal
energy’ encased in a shell of ‘primal matter’. To help you understand, I could say that the Monad crossed the event horizon between non
existence into existence at the moment of separation or manifestation. To clarify, the Monad is born, but is still, at that point, forty nine
dimensions away from our physical reality.
Now I am obviously referring to a single Monad for simplicities sake, which is useful, as it describes exactly what you and I actually are (a single
point of consciousness). All life is, at it’s core,that single point of encapsulated primal energy(Dynamis), and everything in existence, comprises
of a sea of Monads occupying all space in the cosmos. hence the ‘Conscious Universe’.
Monads are matter (although so small, it is hard for us to use that term) and all matter is in constant motion, travelling inwards and outwards
through the forty nine dimensions in a process call involvation and evolvation. To keep the visualisation simple, I will continue the explanation
with the single Monad.
As the Monad descends(counter intuitive I know!), The Monad moves away from the source. Every layer it passes through, it attracts Monads from the
next dimension out, so each of those Monad at dimension two attracts two Monads and that bundle of Monads each then collects three Monads from
dimension three then each of those Monads collect four Monads from dimension four and so on.
Eventually the Monad arrives at dimension forty nine( our objective physical dimension) containing Monads from every preceding dimension. Groups of
Monads collect into aggregations and arrange themselves with certain component parts. This is what science observes as the atom. There is still much
to explain at this point, because as we know, there are different kinds of atoms comprising of protons neutrons, neutrino’s, quarks and other exotic
particles, all with various characteristics of attractions and repulsions, rotations and spin.
When the Monad reaches dimension forty two, it enters into what Pythagoras terms the ‘Solar Systemic Dimensions’. It is in these outer seven
dimensions that Monads start to take on various characteristics that create the many aggregates that form the elements that are recognisable by
It’s interesting that in Douglas Adams Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy 42 was the meaning of ‘Life the universe and everything’.
I wonder what he had been reading? perhaps the same literature as Tolkien, Lewis Carrol and many other 19th century writers where privy to as well.
Sorry I digress, It gets a little difficult to comprehend, but I will try to explain how the characteristics of Monads can produce such a vast array
of aggregation.
Going back to the source, we come to understand that everything is conscious or conscious potential, matter in motion.
3.Consciousness or potential.
You could call this a ‘Holy Trinity’ although there are other reasons to reference ‘three’ as in the triad molecule in which our Monad resides
as a possible origin of this concept.
If we permutate three into lesser or greater proportions of matter, motion and consciousness, we arrive at seven different states that Monad can
manifest. Although the Monad is encased in other Monads, there is always one, the central Monad that benefits from the unity of this aggregation. It
is this Monad that becomes the dominating consciousness, All other Monads in the aggregate are moving constantly through involvation, the only
constant Monad is the one moving outwards or descending into the physical dimension.
It is not until it arrives at dimension ‘forty two’ that a distinct sense of conscious awareness occurs and the Monad then enters into the state
of involution. The Monad performs many functions during the early stages of involution. In these higher planes they compose much of what is described
as elemental matter which also becomes composite parts of emotional and mental envelopes of other beings more advanced than itself. These Monads are
also the source for all elemental matter that moves on through the dimensions to ultimately become manifest in the physical plane. From dimension
'forty two' down to 'forty nine' the Monad acquires passive consciousness, meaning it is extraordinarily reactive but incapable of self activation.
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edit on 29-1-2015 by kennyb72 because: punctuation