a reply to:
Howdy Pastor,
Long time-no see. You delivered a wonderful sermon here. It is very thought-provoking, as sermons should be. It was short, sweet, concise, and to
the point. I certainly hope your parishioners are as lucky as we are.
what is happening is so out of control, so egregious and so blatant it is only being done on purpose.
Unfortunately, truer words have never been spoken. A great deal of what is happening seems to strengthen the US vs. THEM mentality of the domestic
police departments. As you say, they are being armed to the teeth whether they need it or not. And, perhaps, whether they want it or not. One of
the problems with having such high-tech "toys" is the excitement, and anticipation of using them against the enemy. And the enemy is whoever the
government deems to be the enemy that day.
And, by strengthening the US vs. THEM mentality of the local police forces, it makes it much easier for these "boots on the ground" to enforce
unjust laws and constitutional violations on their friends and neighbors. These local armed forces simply need to buy into the propaganda. It's
much easier to shoot your next door neighbor, in good conscience, if you are led to believe that he is the enemy and he will kill you if you don't
get him first.
I would say that doesn't give us any right to then stoop to the same level if we can in good conscious call ourselves the "good guys".
I don't often consider the moral implications of war. I generally believe that once the "dogs of war" are unleashed, we need to shield our eyes
and let them do what is necessary to attain the goal of victory. But, war should be the
final option, and not the first.
While I am not particularly religious, I will expand on the religious metaphor. I would have to say that we are fighting Satan on his own terms. The
enemy du jour commits atrocities, without remorse, in the name of their religion. The "Great Deceiver" has hijacked their faith and
turned it against them, and us as well. There are many that would say that
"we must use those same tactics against them. After all, they started
it. Their religion is of the Devil!" However, in doing so, are we not also secumbing to the same deception as our so-called enemy? Perhaps we
should really ponder the meaning of
WWJD, rather than just putting it on a bumper
sticker to proclaim our association with the
American Religion.
They have created the problem, used the problem to scare the public and created a solution that robs us all of civil, social and essential liberties
mostly to the thundering applause of a bunch of morons
I must say that I have been thinking, and fearing, the same thing for the last few days. So your post is quite timely. You and I may not always
agree on every topic, but I think we can both see where these events are headed. The NAZIs used similar tactics leading up to WWII to rally the
public behind their actions. Genocide, total war, and the establishment of a police state all stoked by the fires of nationalism and fear. And all
critical thinking weakened by the diminution of education; and the provision of modern day
"bread and circuses" to distract the masses from the real problem.
If they are torturing people oversees now, it is only a matter of time the use those techniques right here in the US on other "people" they want
information from.
Perhaps this is the most poignant part of your sermon. For some reason, until I read your post, this had not occurred to me. If this behavior can be
tolerated, even applauded, for today's declared enemy, what is to stop them from committing such atrocities here in this country, to American
citizens. All the "Great Leaders" need to do is to declare a new domestically-based enemy, and these heinous tactics will be turned inward. Then
there will be no further opportunities for dissent.
For some reason, I keep having a dream, where I see myself sitting in a police interrogation room. I have committed no crime. After some
significantly harsh questioning by the local authorities, without the benefit of counsel, several men walk into the room. The local authorities
demure to the new arrivals, and promptly exit the room. The lead man walks up to me and shows me his identification; then he says "I am from the
government." The question is: Is this Germany in 1939 and the ID says Gestapo? Or is this the US in 2015 and the ID say Department of Homeland
Security? The end result is likely to be the same.
If you approve this behavior because you deplore terrorists, you are a small minded lunatic. This torture, this behavior is not only deplorable and
disgusting but if you think it's justified then you can absolutely not call yourself a "good guy".
While I agree with the sentiment, the question remains: How do we fight such an intractable enemy? I agree that this enemy was probably created
specifically for the purposes as stated above. But the fact remains that they are now a threat to our way of life. Their crimes against humanity are
so heinous, or so we are led to believe, that it is difficult for me to believe that this is actually occurring in the 21st century.
In summary, let me say that I don't necessarily agree that any one political party is more to blame than the other. Every single one of these
political parasites is a bought-and-paid-for shill. The election of our government officials is a farce at best. I feel I have no representation in
government for the issues that concern me the most. I am so dispirited by the political process that I missed voting in the last national election.
This was the first time I missed an election in nearly 20 years. I did not necessarily do it on purpose, but voting was not particularly high on my
agenda that day. I was travelling and didn't arrive at the polling location in time to cast my
meaningless vote.
As I said, I believe there is more than enough blame to go around in the hallowed halls of government. However, I think blaming Obama is not
necessarily a fair statement. Most of the changes that we are seeing at the national level started under the previous administration. Obama is
little more than a weak pawn in this game of political dominance. While George W. Bush was in office I felt the same about him as you do now about
Obama. However in the intervening years, I have come to realize that he was also little more than a pawn in the same game.
Thanks for the new insights. As I said once before:
You are one of those cool preachers!