posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 06:47 AM
originally posted by: Soylent Green Is People
Although, it should be pointed out even learned people could have opinions that end up being incorrect.
Quite so.
As we already know, people can be both brilliant and extremely ignorant at the same time.
I've met people who have what can only be described as ability bordering on genius in their specialised areas of expertise, but are at best ignorant,
or at worst complete idiots in many other areas of endeavour that many of us non-genius types find to be perfectly simple and only require a modicum
of lateral thinking or application of common sense to achieve.
There's a lesson to us all in there, especially pertinent when we are trying to make up our minds whether or not to rely or act on information given
by someone concerning subjects outside of their specialised and successful area of study for which they are mostly known.
This applies to pretty much every area of life, not just the sciences.
Personally, i think we ought to be much more alarmed by things our respective leaders and their various agencies get up to on the worlds stage than
what a hypothetical, self aware AI might or might not unleash if or when such a thing ever came into being.
IMO, next to natural disasters of cataclysmic proportions, Human beings (although most of us have almost no control over it personally) are the most
destructive force against Humanity, against our flora and fauna and we ourselves are ironically the single biggest threat to our future than a
potential psychopathic rogue AI would be.
We'd be pretty naive anyway if we were to hook up any sentient AI to any system that could bring about a real danger to us as a species, systems such
as defence and WMD networks ought to be a definite no-no to avoid potential 'war games' or 'terminator' type scenarios or similar nightmarish
dystopian happenings, and of course systems like energy distribution networks, where the same rogue AI could conceivably create havoc or even destroy
all essential energy network infrastructure, such as transformers, generating stations and so on, which would also result in dire consequences for
Humanity for at least a decade or so, if not longer.