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Why Anti-Authoritarians are Diagnosed as Mentally Ill

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posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 05:36 AM

originally posted by: StoutBroux
It's amazing the amount of hopefuls who believe in the evolution of humans, especially in intelligence and creativity areas, yet when we're supplied an abundance of these beautiful minds, they are rushed to the doctor to 'fix' their little brains with inhibitive drugs and medications just because they don't fit the status quo.

You know what so funny is that the term "status quo" was a large slogan used by those that revolted against convention during the 60s and 70s. Now they have control of large swaths of things and act the same, have become the status quo.

posted on Dec, 2 2014 @ 09:34 AM
a reply to: Logarock

The status quo is useful. That is why it exists. Some stability is required in order to advance and you will see it as a universal constant. Incremental change is the norm. Leaps are scary.
As we approach the Singularity expect more fearsome suppression. TPTB are frightened (anyone sane would be) and will deploy whatever instruments they control to 'manage' the really bizarre (from our current perspective) future approaching. Much of this effort will be to force conformity to social norms and to restrain outliers.
What is interesting is why so many of these 'freaks' seem to be emerging. My guess is that whatever guides our evolving is bringing forth an abundance of folks who will fit into the increasing number of niches available.

I recognize that this is metaphysical but my personal philosophy has become a bit arcane, even to me. It seems and I see NO contrary evidence, that the Universe has only one constant and that it wants evolution to take place. It must have some platform to evolve from and it has no overt plan in place. It will try anything to advance that purpose.

As an anti-authoritarian, I reject most of what I am told UNTIL I can confirm the validity (unless time does not permit) of the rationale and facts presented. I fail to accept that everything is known because it NEVER is. As I will tell anyone I am an ignorant person. From this I generate some hubris because most people are even more ignorant. It's time consuming to keep this perspective honestly, and makes me into a pain in the butt. I have always been this way and it has been contrary to my advancement in this slog-a-day world.

I have few beliefs and one I hold dearly is (perhaps to support my ego) that advancement of any sort requires erosion of the present and the supplementing of the novel. Anti-authoritarians may look useless but it is the way we become more human and less 'less'.

posted on Dec, 2 2014 @ 11:26 AM

originally posted by: skalla
I used to work therapeutically with a teenager who was diagnosed as very ODD, as well as highly ADHD.

Now i think ADHD is "real" and partly symptomatic of modern society/life, but ODD?

Well i see that as a load of crap. Heaps of other workers had major issues working with this young lad and "controlling" him. Well they were a bunch of twats, he did not need controlling, he just needed listening to and giving some info on making informed choices and determining consequences. We got on like a house on fire, great lad.

BTW: i've seen Ritalin/Risperidone really help some hyper teenagers, but it's clearly over prescribed, and ADD/ADHD over diagnosed. Others improved after a few weeks off the pills with support and someone to learn social cues from.

Most of the diagnosis are real. ADHD, ODD, exist in terms of behavior and symptoms. However, the medical community ALWAYS fails to recognize that 99.9% of the time, these behaviors come about due to poor diet (high sugar/fat content and highly processed foods with little to no REAL nutritional benefits). Thus they are treating these issues incorrectly with chemicals which do not need to be in the body, and create a whole slew of side effects usually much worse than the issue it is supposed to treat. All you need is a good diet and exercise and your body will be back in balance.

posted on Dec, 2 2014 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: TheSpanishArcher

I was born in the 60's and my parents told me
'Always question authority' my family was German Born.

And then there was more 'If The Authority being questioned
claims its above suspicion or demands not to be questioned
Do NOT respect that authority.

I guess The German people, at lest, learned their lesson
and taught that lesson to me, and I'm glad they did.

Rebel 5

edit on 2-12-2014 by rebelv because: syntax

posted on Dec, 2 2014 @ 05:15 PM
Well well, someone that gets me XD As in the auther of the piece. If the world was just and the "authorities" actually there for me and were not lying scum as they are proven to be over and over! THEN I might not be an anarchist, anarchism was born out of a need. The need is there due to the level of corruption.

The government frustratingly doesn't work on our behalf... ever!

I don't think it ever will or can... SO Only option left is anarchism. Self governence, education about morals and how to live together with peaceful co-operation.

It can be done if we want it. But I can't see it happening in my lifetime but I really do wonder WHEN enough people will be sick of the charade.

posted on Dec, 2 2014 @ 05:21 PM

originally posted by: rebelv
a reply to: TheSpanishArcher

I was born in the 60's and my parents told me
'Always question authority' my family was German Born.

And then there was more 'If The Authority being questioned
claims its above suspicion or demands not to be questioned
Do NOT respect that authority.

I guess The German people, at lest, learned their lesson
and taught that lesson to me, and I'm glad they did.

Rebel 5

Good for you and your awesome parents... I wasn't quite so lucky and had parents without a free thinking bone in thier bodies. It didn't stop me though, infact I think it only made me question things more! I left home at 14.

I think most hate authority right enough, unfortunately most also can't seem to stand against it. So they choose to ignore it, in extreme cases they even defend it and try to rationalise it, no matter how tyranical and disgusting it becomes.

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 03:48 AM
a reply to: Sparkymedic

Part of the therapy at the (largely residential) college where i did this work for a decade was the food.

Organic, limited meat, no white sugar and broadly Mediterranean in style and fairly high in carbs - though the carbs were used up as the students did lots of physical work in field, forest and craft workshops.

There was a lot of philosophical kookery there, but the results were amongst the best in the whole of the UK, we could really help turn people's lives around.

I still think that ODD is a mater of perspective though. The kids i saw diagnosed with it came from either highly chaotic families (like proper nuts) or extremely controlling ones just screaming out for rebellion.

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 04:29 PM

originally posted by: Meee32

originally posted by: rebelv
a reply to: TheSpanishArcher

I was born in the 60's and my parents told me
'Always question authority' my family was German Born.

And then there was more 'If The Authority being questioned
claims its above suspicion or demands not to be questioned
Do NOT respect that authority.

I guess The German people, at lest, learned their lesson
and taught that lesson to me, and I'm glad they did.

Rebel 5

Good for you and your awesome parents... I wasn't quite so lucky and had parents without a free thinking bone in thier bodies. It didn't stop me though, infact I think it only made me question things more! I left home at 14.

I think most hate authority right enough, unfortunately most also can't seem to stand against it. So they choose to ignore it, in extreme cases they even defend it and try to rationalise it, no matter how tyranical and disgusting it becomes.

I totally agree and thank you for the

I remember when I was a kid when we questioned
authority such as in my case a lazy teacher that
didn't want to do her job (this was in Los Angeles)
and she just wrote stuff for us do on the chalkboard
and sit at her desk and read a novel. I had done all
the work already and was quietly reading a story
in my reading book, and some kids were talking
and then she told the whole class to write the pledge
of allegiance 100 times since the kids talking
wouldn't confess, but the real reason I thought
was she knew kids were finished and board and
wanted to give us all something to do so she could
keep reading her GD novel.

So, I refused to do it.

(I haven't digressed, I'm leading to a point)

So, after school she calls my mother, and proceeds
to lecture her that I was on a path of being a criminal
because I was acting not only insubordinate but down
right anti-social.

Back then, anti-social was a police science
euphemism for criminally minded regardless
if one was a criminal or not.

Thanks again,
Rebel 5

posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 12:50 AM

originally posted by: TheSpanishArcher

Yet, if I were in school today I'd be drugged up beyond ridiculousness. Forced into taking drugs so I would tow the line. At a certain point, I believe, I don't need to be told what to do or how to think. This may not work for everyone but for the majority, I think it does.

Drugging people, especially children, into being good little robots disgusts me. My mind is failing to come up with the right words for how I feel, so I'll leave it to you guys.

10000% spot on brother!

Have you seen how quickly the latest generation of adults are declining in basic abilities, much less critical thinking and reasoning ??

I was prescribed ADHD drugs on an off between 4th and 7th grade; I hated how they made me feel. I suppose I was more calm, but I completely lacked the creative thinking that made me who I am. Before being diagnosed, at age 8 I was IQ tested and scored just a couple points below Einstein, yet apparently there was something wrong with me because I don't enjoy rigid systems which are NOTHING at all like natural human animal existence.

Today my creativity and refusal to accept consensus as 'right' or 'fact' have led me down a path of entrepreneurship and earnings in the 1%.

Now I don't know if it's some conspiracy, but at times it sure does seem that people at the top (were talking the .1% here) don't want lots more people joining the ranks, so they stack the deck against us regular folk.

To me it seems like MSM and pop culture are the new 'opium of the masses' as Marx would have said. (by the way, that is not an endorsement; Marx was a monster, though quite intelligent and did see some things for what they really were).

edit on 4-12-2014 by 8675309jenny because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: 8675309jenny

10000% spot on brother!

Well, after reading what you quoted, I noticed I got it wrong. I knew something wasn't right and it's toe/tow that I screwed up. So, not 10000% spot on. Thanks, anyway.

I'll go really OT now. Did you call me recently? I had a call from Jenny a few months back and there was no way in hell I was going to answer a call from that number. I was surprised it really existed as I kinda thought it wouldn't get used because of that song. Talk about being weirded out seeing that number come up as I'm old enough to know that lousy song.

I really wish I had something to add to this thread considering I started it. I just hate being told how to think or what to do. I may have not made the best decisions in my life but at least I made them and I will stick by them. I'll live and die with what little mind I have left after all the propaganda takes it's toll.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 09:58 AM
a reply to: TheSpanishArcher

I like your style dude

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 03:39 AM
a reply to: skalla

Thanks. As my style usually makes people run screaming, especially the women folk, it's nice to hear that. The cut of your jib ain't all that bad either.

They(whoever they really are) must be really afraid of this internet thingy and the global "awakening" that seems to be happening. They screwed up by letting us have the net, and all the info that can be gleaned from it, now they are trying all they can to assassinate the character of anyone who's not toeing the line. Don't dare to question anyone in a position of power, just do what they say. They have been caught in so many lies over the years how in the hell can I trust them?

Sure, I trust those who would drug me into being a lesser being. It's legalized and sanctioned lobotomies of the human race that is happening and I can't see any that is for the good.

I don't know. I can't claim to have any answers to anything that ails society but I can sure as hell see that this attitude toward We The People is wrong. The U.S. constitution was not, and may never be, a perfect document but it's the best we have, set up in a way that should protect We The People, yet nowadays it's just a "godddamn piece of paper", usable for not much more than wiping ones bum.

Life saddens me these days.

posted on Dec, 19 2014 @ 05:26 AM
I wonder how long it will be before they "discover" that adults can get this too?

My guess is one day you will turn on your TV to find that there has been a magical study done by the infallible learned ones who know everything and are constantly finding new things to know. That study will (naturally) have told them that adults can catch ODD too.

And then it won't just be a case of dealing with an unruly child. My guess is that people who are currently afraid to have a different opinion will be much more afraid of it. And even those who currently are not will start to think twice.

Of course, it doesn't really matter. It isn't really necessary for them to try to control adults, who are already very set in their ways and might make too much noise about it. All they ever really needed to do is teach the children to behave themselves. And then they will grow up to be good little automatons.
edit on 19-12-2014 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2014 @ 05:42 AM
a reply to: RoScoLaz4

Love it.

How about 'bliind authority acceptance disorder' or BAAD?

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