posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 12:03 AM
First of all, let me say that I love ATS. The layout is great and I applaud the developers and anyone that contributed to the site.
I spend most of my time here using my mobile phone. There's just one small thing starting to annoy me and that is the return to top button.
To be clear, I think it's great and I use it quite a bit. The problem is that I'm right handed and generally use my right thumb to scroll down
through the page as I'm reading. I don't know how many times I've been reading a particularly engaging discussion when my thumb brushes the return
to top button. Suddenly, everything goes flying by and I'm at the top of the page. Then I have to scroll, scroll, scroll back down to find where I
was at.
So, here's my question: can the return to top button be hidden while I'm scrolling down the page and appear when I start to scrolll back up?
I'm not a web developer or coder of any sort and don't know if this is possible. If it can be done, it would go a long ways toward keeping my phone
in one functioning piece.
Thank you