posted on Nov, 25 2014 @ 12:49 PM
Curious if anyone else has the same perspective I did watching coverage of Ferguson last night. Flame me if you wish, but this didn't seem like a
good old fashioned riot. I mostly watched CNN, but kept an eye on MSNBC and Fox also.
Too me it smelled of false flag/staged event. First off the crowd was relatively small. It may have swelled a bit after the decision was announced,
but not too large a number. They also seemed relatively diverse, with lots of vloggers, media, curious onlookers, etc. I'm relatively old and have
seen many protests/riots in my years and from my perspective this looked to be a minor event in comparison.
Secondly, when things started getting "tense", the reporters were almost looking around for people in the vicinity. Crowd was very sparse and
spread out. The biggest problem they seemed to have was the tear gas the police were using to control the "crowd"
Some things just seemed wrong. For instance, the unattended police car. I swear as I was watching, I saw a "rioter" smash the window on this car.
He then moved away from the car, camera zoomed out a bit and there were police within 10 feet of the guy and they did nothing. And why was this car
there. Almost feels like it was placed there to be a sacrificial lamb.
Looters pretty much were free to do what they wanted. A couple of times, there are news cameras in the stores as the looters did their thing. But no
police protecting the properties. Most storefronts in the area were boarded up or protected to keep the looters away. A few were not.
As the coverage went on, a reporter on CNN was speaking and a woman came into the scene shouting "Smoke and Mirrors. Smoke and Mirrors" over and
over. At that point I nodded my head and agreed with her completely. It all felt staged . The reporter did his best to ignore the woman.
Not saying there weren't many troublemakers out there that did significant damage and looting. I am also not saying that the police on scene were a
part of this staging. They were doing their job as ordered. Just pointing out how I observed things and my gut reaction. With Sandy Hook, Boston
Marathon, etc, we've all been made more self aware of these manipulations. Ferguson last night just didn't pass the smell test for me.
What say all of you?