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Ferguson Grand Jury: No Indictment for Darren Wilson in Michael Brown Shooting

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posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 01:35 AM
a reply to: nenothtu

My argument is not about individuals with racist intent that does not bother me as much my thing is institutionalized racism,when you have a governmental body finance etc, that is racist in it's practice and had been for decades that's what bugs me,an individual who walked up to me yelling slurs do not affect my sleep, but the ability to receive goods and services on par with others across the board does.

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 01:49 AM
a reply to: Spider879

Oh, I understand you - I just don't think it's as bad as it's sold to be. What do you suppose a white/indian mixed guy would think if he fell down on his luck and went down to the food stamp office and applied, while making 7k a year, grand total to support his whole family, and got turned down - then saw a black woman making 36k a year - more than SEVEN TIMES as much as him - get a full ride before he left the office?

How do you suppose he would see that? Should he rail against black folks because "the man was keepin' him down" and giving blacks preferential treatment? Should he suck it up and get on with living, or start protesting against a system starving him out in favor of other folks who didn't have it as bad?

What if he went from there to the unemployment office to find another job - hopefully one that paid better, but anything to add to what he already had, which wasn't much - and the lady there looked up from his information on the computer screen and said "well you don't look like an indian"? So what? Did that disqualify him from working? Should he go out and come back in with some feathers in his hair?

Should he be a "victim", or get about the business of being a "winner" instead?

Suppose that a couple hundred years ago some of his ancestors were exterminated with smallpox-laden blankets, and others were sold at auction 300 years ago by other white guys? Is that enough added to make him a "victim" unworthy of making his own way?

maybe life would get better if he just went out and burned down about half of his neighborhood?

I know how that guy reacted, but I'd like to hear your take on his predicament.

edit on 2014/11/27 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 02:05 AM
a reply to: Spider879

How are you any less able?

(post by transola removed for a manners violation)

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 05:41 AM
a reply to: nenothtu

Off course one should try to go forward as I suppose you did and others have done and yes I know Black should not be synonymous with poverty and crime but this is not how many in the majority community view us and they act accordingly aka frisk every Black that cross your path pull aside any black driving a some what fancy car,I can tell you the working class community I grew up all but one of my friends were entangled with the law,most of us did military service and collage moved on to start their businesses,poverty sucks balls no matter who you are but you don't want to have to deal with institutional racism on top of that,for even the majority of the poorest of the Poor are not criminals they do work,these are the people who I saw going to work at 5:00 A.M on the subway even on a Sunday morning when I was on my way back from blowing couple o hundred bucks on a Saturday night clubbing.

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 05:48 AM

originally posted by: transola
a reply to: Spider879

How are you any less able?

How am I less able to do what?

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: Spider879

You were bi7$1n6 about not having the same chances as others. How so? Our president is black. What is stopping you? Or is it the fact that you don't like anything that isn't handed to you? Work is hard....get over it. Grow up and make something of yourself. Pity is not an attractive quaity.

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 06:32 AM

originally posted by: transola
a reply to: Spider879

You were bi7$1n6 about not having the same chances as others. How so? Our president is black. What is stopping you? Or is it the fact that you don't like anything that isn't handed to you? Work is hard....get over it. Grow up and make something of yourself. Pity is not an attractive quaity.

Our President is "Black"?? now he is "Our"?? president?? I thought folks like you said he was Kenyan..

But Transola ma man..without giving away too much lets just say Iam good and my customers and contacts are spread throughout every continent but sadly not every country,perhaps you are right I definitely need to work harder to make that happen..thanks for the pep talk

(post by transola removed for a manners violation)
(post by transola removed for a manners violation)

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 07:13 AM

originally posted by: transola
a reply to: Spider879

People like me? You dont know me punk. I actually get out and vote, AND, go to work everyday so people like YOU can leach off me. You are very welcome buddy!

Yes people like you who try and tell people like me who they are like u know ME

And as far as being important ..oh hell no! I can't stop global warming by myself, bring about world peace,cure cancer or Ebola heck I can't even get you to stop and think like a real person ,so yeah I am no waay important but the lil information I gave about myself that's real son! very real..and having a measure of success should in no way stop one from seeing injustice commenting on it or try do something about it.

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: intrptr

Actually the chief would be the head cop. The prosecutor is just that: a prosecutor.

The prosecutor presented evidence for both sides. Go read how a grand jury actually works and what it does before commenting on how it didn't do its job.

Nothing is more futile or pointless then railing against something you have zero knowledge of.

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 08:20 AM

originally posted by: Spider879

Black should not be synonymous with poverty and crime but this is not how many in the majority community view us and they act accordingly

Exactly! When you want a new reality, you have to MAKE a new reality.It's what All of us have to do when we are faced with the old reality that we don't like - and that's exactly what I'm saying. Thugging out and rioting isn't going to get us there. How is thugging out and rioting supposed to change the majority community's view that young Blacks are thugs and gangstas? I would think that would tend to confirm that view rather than dispel it. It then becomes an endless feedback loop. More death, more destruction.

Folks got to break that loop, or it just won't ever be broken.

Folks got to stop acting thug if they don't like being treated thug.

The way to change institutional anything is the jump right in and change it - making it stronger via reaction-reaction-reaction will NEVER work to end it.

It won't happen over night, but it WILL happen - but folks got to MAKE it happen. Someone has to take the lead and start it, or it won't get started. endless back and forth reaction isn't cutting it.

Take the lead.

Be a leader.

Someone HAS to.

Dr King marched. Dr King spoke, Dr King DIDN'T burn stuff down and destroy. What do you suppose he thinks of all this as it's unfolding? Dr King would have been called a "Tom" by those crowds of destroyers I saw in feeds from Ferguson. The one guy I saw trying to get them not to destroy WAS called a "Tom" for his efforts. S'ok - they don't have to feel any shame - I'm ashamed enough of them for the both of us.

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: lovebeck

I've stayed away from the hotbutton issue, but I will make a few comments and leave it alone.
All I know is if the humongous Hulk Hogan managed to in full anger and enraged attack mode, punch me in the face there would be a little more than what seems to be a skin rash left behind , not sure about anyone else but I've seen hulk hogan face to face and Mike Brown was no Hulk Hogan that's for sure and quite simply , Wilson is no 5 year old at 216 -219 lbs, the difference in size at that point one has to put it in perspective, pugilists or boxers both would be considered heavyweights or super heavyweights in amateur circles... there are no supermen, only men with guns and those without we know who the winners would be in almost every instance, the great equalizer, cold steel.... fear will always rule actions in situations like this, too bad that radio went from channel 1 to 3, too bad that camera was out of batteries.
But I will say, the store video did not help the case despite that, many professionals have already pointed out all of the wrong things this supposed police officer managed to do leading up to this sad ending.

edit on 27-11-2014 by phinubian because: addding info

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: nenothtu

Are you sure that's what you wanted?

Thanks, obviously I made a mistake.

The determination was to be whether a trial against Wilson was warranted - which would make Wilson the defendant, and the "defense" attorney the one representing Wilson.

The "defense attorney" (as you put it) was the head cop i.e., the "District Attorney". Cops presenting evidence against cops.

Again, how fair and impartial is that going to be?

Don't play , Duh it wasn't a trial, I have said that repeatedly. The problem should be obvious to anyone that when you let the cops investigate themselves and present the evidence against themselves to a "non trial" Grand Jury, there will a jaded outcome.

Heres one more… a murder suspect should never be allowed to testify before a grand jury on his own behalf…

If Wilson wasn't a cop, you think any DA would let that happen?

The DA let the murder suspect testify on his own behalf. Verrry impartial.

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: phinubian

This is to show how even using a taser on a large person still wouldn't have subdued Mike Brown and he might have still died like this gentleman did.

Super human man dies after being tazed

ETA: Happy Thanksgiving holiday everyone.

edit on 4am1127America/ChicagoThu, 27 Nov 2014 09:04:47 -0600041192014-11-27T09:04:47-06:00 by wanderingconfusion because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 09:10 AM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: SheopleNation

He's a kid himself Taggert.

Why can we designate wilson a 'kid' but brown has to be considered a 'man' in your retelling of this tale?

Seems like your definition of a man is the size of the person?

And no way you would use the word pummeled after you have seen the pictures of brown.

Just cause the GJ didn't indict wilson doesn't mean his word is fact.

Oh, he was a 6'4" 292 lb. "kid ". And it also doesn't mean Wilson's word isn't fact, either. But since witnesses, most of whom were black and weren't intimidated by the 'snitches get stitches' mentality, corraborated Wilson's story. Plus the physical evidence lends more credence to Wilson's version. The other witnesses statements were either recanted or disproved by the autopsy. Like when it was said by some Wilson shot Brown in the back. The autopsy showed no back wounds. Read the evidence presented. I know some people are so anti-police on here they will dismiss the facts. But justice was done. Deal with it.

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 09:18 AM
a reply to: Shamrock6

Actually the chief would be the head cop. The prosecutor is just that: a prosecutor.

Yah, thanks. Obviously, I made a mistake.

Here is the conundrum. Is the DA an "attorney" for the defendant / suspect or the chief prosecutor for or against the cops?

Thin tight rope there. There is no impartiality there.

It becomes apparent all at once to anyone that isn't also on the side of the cops and the broken justice system that that system was used to manipulate the "verdict" to make it appear there is no cause for a trial. There rarely is when a cop is the "defendant". Because the cops investigated the crime scene and the head cop (the DA) presented the evidence to the Grand jury.

Nice safety valve for the cops that. Hmm lets let the head of a mob family present the evidence against one of their own. Hmmm… lets even let the accused testify on their own behalf.

A DA would never allow that to happen if the suspect (Wilson ) was an ordinary citizen accused of killing someone who was unarmed. He would be trying to make a case against that suspect.

Grand Jury to murder suspect: Do you think you murdered that man?"

Murder suspect: "No, it was self defense. I saw a "demon" coming at me so I opened fire. "

Grand Jury: Oh, okay. You can go."

Overly simplistic but there you go.

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: wanderingconfusion

Right, but who mentioned tasers ? they have them because what you just posted has been proven to be true, however, this is the exception and in a very, very small percentage, tasers are used unanimously as the first course of action, after, vocal commands, mace or clubbing... the first failure was driving up on someone only setting yourself up to be trapped in your vehicle but this was an SUV and Mr. Wilson probably thought he had the advantage and was definitely at waist or chest level of even Mr. Brown, if Mr. Wilson's story about hearing about the robbery were true he would have waited for a response after his request for backup upon seeing them, also if he was on the wrong channel, how did he get the report of the robbery, how easily could the channel be turned to a different frequency and what are the chances of that or there not being camera batteries to get pictures of Mr. Brown on the scene after 4 plus hours ?
Anyhow there are tactics involved in securing or apprehension of suspects which you attempt to keep the public safety as well as your own in mind, such an amateur, all of his actions were negligent, but what do you expect from a poorly trained, one step short of a security guard in situations like this dealing with the public.
It is always a recipe for a bad ending.

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 09:24 AM

originally posted by: wanderingconfusion
a reply to: phinubian

This is to show how even using a taser on a large person still wouldn't have subdued Mike Brown and he might have still died like this gentleman did.

Super human man dies after being tazed

ETA: Happy Thanksgiving holiday everyone.

Wison didn't carry a Taser anyway.

"The testimony suggests that while the Ferguson P.D. has access to a smorgasbord of sophisticated military-grade gear handed down via federal defense program 1033, its officers only have access to a limited stock of Tasers. Wilson goes on to state that he could carry a Taser but chooses not to.
"It is not the most comfortable thing," Wilson said. "They are very large, I don't have a lot of room in the front for it to be positioned."

Happy Thansgiving to you, too, as well as the rest of the ATS community. I'm thankful for this site as I learn something new everyday, as well as being able to discuss and debate with other members. Thanks also to the owner and moderators for all your hard work in maintaining a quality forum.

edit on 27-11-2014 by UnBreakable because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-11-2014 by UnBreakable because: (no reason given)

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