posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 02:42 AM
Well, this is obviously my intro. I've actually been viewing ATS for about 12 years now without actually bothering to "join". I've found that I
get my daily dose of news just fine without having to get involved, and after reading some brutal comment sections, can you blame me? So I guess I've
been like the guy who sits in the darkest corner of the bar and keeps to himself while watching everyone else. I do suppose now is as good of a time
as any to use my voice ( or text I supported). Oh, and if you've read this far, here's a fun fact about me. I've been in the Army for 7 years and
will be getting medically retired shortly due to psychological reasons, i.e the Army has a way of letting you see,do,and be involved in enough
sad/bad things to break certain men. I've served only 2 tours, but that is enough to change a man forever. Well, that's that. Now please get me past
the "20 reply to start a thread" catch. I've got some great stuff I'd like to share.