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My astral-projecting dog just died :( :( I could be next

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posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 07:06 PM

originally posted by: Night Star
... She is in a better place now and you shall meet again some day ...

You're telling a suicidal recently-bereaved person they can be with their departed loved one by dying themselves

Do you have shares in a company that makes coffins ?
edit on 23-11-2014 by engvbany because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: engvbany

very cruel.
just saying.

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 07:51 PM
a reply to: engvbany

Yes, when people pass over into the next life or eternal life, depending on their belief system, they reunite with their passed on loved ones and yes, that includes beloved pets.

Yes, I see you don't believe in after life or reincarnation etc, but show a little empathy for the OP who has lost a beloved member of the family. If someone fully believes they will reunite with a lost loved one, and it brings them peace to feel that, what is the ever loving harm in letting them have that?

Seriously. There is a time and place for everything - I'm agnostic myself but I'd NEVER ever dash anyone's hopes or beliefs etc - and this is VERY SO MUCH NOT the place or time for knocking someone's beliefs.

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: engvbany

Cause you know exactly what happens, where your energy goes, after it leaves your physical body?

Wow how it must feel to be a "smart person". LOGIC AND REASON LOL

The United Atheist Alliance is calling. Don't forget to get a crank prank timephone if u wanna come back to the past or you'll be stuck with the beavers for good

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 08:21 PM

originally posted by: sarra1833
a reply to: engvbany
... this is VERY SO MUCH NOT the place or time for knocking someone's beliefs.

If someone is "in perfect [physical] health" but believes they would be better off dead, then yes their belief should be criticised, for their own sake. Telling them afterlife exists , when it doesn't , and they will be reunited with deceased loved ones after their own death , is just encouraging them to do themselves in.

[ BTW no dogs allowed in Christian Heaven ...
edit on 23-11-2014 by engvbany because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 08:46 PM

originally posted by: smarterthanyou
a reply to: engvbany
Cause you know exactly what happens, where your energy goes ...

I already mentioned the answer to that question : it's decomposition , the chemical energy stored in your body becomes fuel for bacteria / plants / insects/ fungi and animals too if you are not buried or cremated.
edit on 23-11-2014 by engvbany because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 09:14 PM

originally posted by: engvbany

originally posted by: Night Star
... She is in a better place now and you shall meet again some day ...

You're telling a suicidal recently-bereaved person they can be with their departed loved one by dying themselves

Do you have shares in a company that makes coffins ?

WHAT?????????? I said one day that she will be re-united with her beloved pet. That could be when she is 90 for heaven's sake. What the hell are you talking about?????????

edit on 23-11-2014 by Night Star because: (no reason given)

And who the hell starred that post?????????
edit on 23-11-2014 by Night Star because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 10:04 PM

originally posted by: Night Star
... What the hell are you talking about????????? ...

You wrote ...

originally posted by: Night Star
... She is in a better place now ...

meaning there is an afterlife , for which there is no evidence : it’s wishful thinking , but it's not a harmless fantasy ...

originally posted by: Night Star
... you shall meet again some day.

meaning you can be with them again, but you must die in order to do that,
said to someone who has referred to their own death three times in their first post alone.

You’re not helping this person , quite the reverse.
edit on 23-11-2014 by engvbany because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 11:20 PM
a reply to: engvbany

Referred to their own death in dreams.

As for an after life...research near death experiences.

I have been a member here for almost 6 years and have never ever made a cruel comment to anyone!

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 11:24 PM

originally posted by: slippeddisc
a reply to: johndeere2020

i was into astral projecting and getting very close too. one night i noticed my budgie was bleeding, heavily, i got him to the vet in early hours of the morning and the bleeding had stopped but the bottom of the cage was full of blood and i knew he wasn't going to make it, he was hanging onto his cage looking alive and well, i gave him a goodbye and left. i went home and thought, il try astral projecting and visit him at the vet, it didn't work but i had a dream about him instead, it was lovely, i held him (which in life he never let me do) wrapped up in a towel and he died in my hands. next day vet rang and confirmed what i already knew and i went and got him and brought him home and buried him in the garden. he may have only been a budgie to some, but #, did i cry, cried for days, weeks. i still miss him. i firmly believe he visited me that night.

im sorry you lost your dog, i know how much it hurts, i've always said when my dog goes, i will go. i know my world will end.

Sorry for your budgie. We had a budgie when we were little. It was my older sister who took care of them. She cried the whole day when one died. So after many years, we didn't have the pet. The grief for the loss is just as bad.

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 12:09 AM

originally posted by: Night Star
My deepest sympathy in the loss of your precious girl. She is in a better place now and you shall meet again some day.

Thank you. Two weeks before she died, she visited me via astral projection.

I think she knew her time is nigh. The problem with my dog is she bore everything up. She did everything to keep us happy, she always initiated to play with me even when she's tired and I knew, I would end the game quickly.

She kept up and about even when she's sick (hot to touch). She did not want us to have worrying faces. I always had the remedy of letting her rest in my bed, she loved it and playing with my sheets and licking my face and it would restore her to full health. In my part, I absolutely regret being away. We perfectly synergized. Perhaps because we have so many things in common. Perhaps that's why she treated me like her pup and often groomed me. She would not do to anyone else in our house.

She often appeared to me either as a 6 year old girl or a full-grown woman. She may have been the same spirit who has visited me since childhood and later existed physically as a dog so she can be close to me and explains her human-like intelligence. My Spiritual guide is telling me, she is back with Her. It's not really make me stop crying

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 12:41 AM

originally posted by: sarra1833
Yes, when people pass over into the next life or eternal life, depending on their belief system, they reunite with their passed on loved ones and yes, that includes beloved pets.

Yes, I see you don't believe in after life or reincarnation etc, but show a little empathy for the OP who has lost a beloved member of the family. If someone fully believes they will reunite with a lost loved one, and it brings them peace to feel that, what is the ever loving harm in letting them have that?

Seriously. There is a time and place for everything - I'm agnostic myself but I'd NEVER ever dash anyone's hopes or beliefs etc - and this is VERY SO MUCH NOT the place or time for knocking someone's beliefs.

Thank you. Some people also think I'm agnostic due to the things I speak about religion. But I'm not.

My beliefs are set. I did not just astral travel, I have actually interacted with physical objects when I do for confirmation that I succeeded.

I've been to the "other side" since childhood and was a better astral traveler then so I know there's something beyond this life.

My dog could do even more and capable of threatening even harming those she perceived as a threat to me in her astral form. Her threatening tactics are as complex as intelligent hauntings. She is not malevolent in any way. The hauntings never escalate and often very subtle.

I told these to my parents before they gave me the bad news. There's no way I would have known except through the dreams and astral meetings. Now they believe what I say is true.

I sometimes think my Spiritual guide and my dog are the same entity (or belong to each other as one) since my dog often appear as a woman in her astral form.

I am not thinking of killing myself. My Spiritual Mother is encouraging me to go on with life.

Yes, the message my dog gave me could be symbolic, perhaps, not literal death. Perhaps, she is happy for me that I have "found home". The Truth about life that I have always searched for was found and her job with me is finished. And a new chapter of my life has begun.

My eternal gratitude for my eternal friend for She has led me home!

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 12:52 AM

originally posted by: Night Star
WHAT?????????? I said one day that she will be re-united with her beloved pet. That could be when she is 90 for heaven's sake. What the hell are you talking about?????????

And who the hell starred that post?????????

Although, that's me in my avatar weeks ago, I'm actually a man.

But I do feel honored you calling me a "she". My highly intelligent dog is a she, my guide is a She. As if women represents superior wisdom!

I don't blame you, I do have so many feminine features.
edit on 24-11-2014 by johndeere2020 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 01:40 AM
Another thing my dream could have meant is like two weeks ago when she was still alive. My dog wanted to get inside of me in her astral body and I let her in.

I think when she died, she found home in me. That she continues to live in me as a spirit and we became one (again). It was strange enough last night, I had a dream again but the dream was in a strange hue of colors and wasn't very clear. As if I'm looking through a dog's eyes. She may be trying to pass her memory to me before she loses it. My dog is really really smart, hope she figures it out and my Spirit Guide helps her too.

I think my guide had prepared me long for this moment. She took away my fear of what lies or exists beyond so I quickly recognized my dog when she came to me.

I am blessed to have this experience due to my elevated sensitivity to Spiritual manifestations. But perhaps, this is what happens to everyone whose beloved pet died! The spirit of the pet is reunited with the owner in their body. The pet continues to live on in its owner. You are resolved to the one who loved you most.

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: johndeere2020

Sorry about your dog passing.

And thanks for sharing that wonderful experience.

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 08:24 AM

originally posted by: Night Star
a reply to: engvbany
Referred to their own death in dreams...

and stated they [mistakenly] believe dreams are premonitions, (dreams can be wish-fulfilment). They mention their own death five times in the first page of this thread, if you include the title, and said they were unhappy about their life and "not bothered" whether they lived or died, i.e. passively suicidal.

originally posted by: Night Star
I have been a member here for almost 6 years and have never ever made a cruel comment to anyone!

I wasn’t suggesting you were being cruel , but that IMO your comments were counterproductive to well-being of the OP.

originally posted by: Night Star
As for an after life...research near death experiences.

The same NDE/OOBE occur in people on drugs who are nowhere near death, and people [pilots/astronauts] placed in centrifuge-machines whose brains are temporarily deprived of a blood-supply , again nowhere near death.

Someone did perform an experiment to see if anyone in ER-rooms having cardiac-arrest did leave their body ... wrote:-
... As part of the AWARE study Parnia and colleagues have investigated out of body claims by using hidden targets placed on shelves that could only be seen from above. Parnia has written "if no one sees the pictures, it shows these experiences are illusions or false memories" . Parnia issued a statement indicating that the first phase of the project has been completed and the results are undergoing peer review for publication in a medical journal. No subjects saw the images mounted out of sight ...

i.e. the NDE/OOBE is a hallucination , not evidence of actually leaving ones body, or existence of an afterlife.
edit on 24-11-2014 by engvbany because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to: engvbany

There have been cases where the deceased person saw things happening outside the operating room and could explain in great detail who they saw and what was said. There are many credible cases. This is off topic and perhaps you would like to start a thread of your own.

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: johndeere2020

I have lost so many precious pets through the years and it is gut wrenching to have to say goodbye. I know how difficult this is for you. You are not alone.

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 09:42 AM
a reply to: johndeere2020

Reading this brings tears to my eyes and I am truly sorry for your loss.

I believe animals have souls just as people do. Whether animal souls and human souls are the same I have no idea, but how lovely it is to think that one day we may get the chance to be with our loved ones both human and animal once again.

I know many people don't believe anything exists after death and that is their choice, but from my personal experience I strongly believe there is something else.

The body is just a vessel that our soul uses to interact in this physical world, when the body dies the soul comes out of it, the soul does not die. I believe this to be true for animals also.

Of course there is no proof of this as yet but equally there is no proof that this is not so.

Once again you have my sympathy for I too have lost animals in the past and know your pain. Just try to be strong in the knowledge that one day you may have the chance to be with your pet again in some shape or form.

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 09:50 AM

originally posted by: Night Star
a reply to: engvbany
There have been cases where the deceased ... could explain in great detail ...

"deceased" = dead , the dead do not explain anything, they are dead.
That the heart has stopped and there is no measurable brain activity is not necessary death ...

Patients to be frozen into state of suspended animation for surgery ...
"The body is essentially in real life suspended animation with no pulse, no blood pressure, no electrical waves in the brain. We didn't find any evidence of functional impairment after the surgery." lth/healthnews/8024991/Patients-to-be-frozen-into-state-of-suspended-animation-for-surgery.html

originally posted by: Night Star
a reply to: engvbany
There have been cases where the deceased person saw things happening outside the operating room ...

But no-one being resuscitated in ER-rooms saw thr hidden items in the AWARE study , i.e. no objectively verified actual OOBE , the OOBE is just an illusion / hallucination.

originally posted by: Night Star
a reply to: engvbany
There are many credible cases ...

Perhaps by credulous persons. You haven't given us a link to these unverifiable anecdotes , but don't bother on my account.

originally posted by: Night Star
a reply to: engvbany
... perhaps you would like to start a thread of your own.

No thanks, I'm I quite happy to expose your harmful nonsense in this thread.
edit on 24-11-2014 by engvbany because: (no reason given)

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