Food for thought: "Globalization" of the digital world; the first priority.
What makes the final cycle of global (military AND financial) war unique, imo, is the application of super-computing, super-network centralization and
digital symbology of wealth valuation meaning they can orchestrate a financial, investment and corporate virtual reality at global scale in a way
hitherto impossible. The globalization of super-computing networks is extreme in significance, and of course virtually uncommented on even in
alternative news, it is a "conspiracy" that is hard to gain traction for, maybe because it is historic and verifiable reality it is going in this
direction. (HFT and ICE are examples)
Computer applied algorithms in centralized banking and investment networks GLOBALLY CENTRALIZED allows the whole thing to be carefully controlled
because monetary, investment and corporate entities are all now mostly digitally defined, literally. The "new world" exists first in a super computing
model and actual system. Physical stocks and currency, etc, comprise a very tiny portion of actual wealth valuation symbology—most of that, 90%+, is
ALL DIGITAL. Think about it. It is now super-symbolic and it is all digitally defined on super-computers whose purpose is control and manipulation of
data and information.
CGI application in movies is what made its special fx and virtual reality possible, and that same principle is now POSSIBLE in all systems being
networked into central computer control globally. The so-called "end of the world" can be computer run to not actually end, but control the
transition. The final cycle, imo, will be mostly digital in control and final globalization goal.
With nano scale satellite processing and "light" scale networking the next decade ensures the geometric advancement in power and control ability will
also be beyond human comprehension, the whole thing requires this level of computing to manage, and it opens the door to true digital globalization of
all power networks, including military precise weapons systems, and that globalization of the global computing hub and network system is what is also
requiring completion to empower true world government whose cerebral center will be fully digital. "world government" will be one darn big computing
system at heart!
The spatial "polygons" and maps of physical nations are just an illusion now, the infrastructure of past millennium urban systems is disposable and as
interchangeable as the nations they exist in, they were just the "snake skin" to shed in controlled manner for the real GLOBAL MODEL serpentry that is
mostly digital giving international legal definition, violence application control and valuation definition to all these systems. That is the truth,
not opinion and not "conspiracy", the "real world" is even now DIGITAL definitions, LITERALLY! LOL All it needs to do is truly, fully, totally,
centralize into this system already there in framework.
Imo the final global currency transition to a core global monetary system will be highly controlled and not open to random chaos but to the nearly
precise level it can be mathematically (and computer) controlled to give such a false perception of a reality that is actually highly scipted by
super-computing design applied to this very real global model of a "new world". It is not just the US Dollar that must "fade out" gracefully, in spite
of various events, imo. All global currency must exit stage left, and it will be precisely controlled, because it is already precisely controlled. In
fact it is more important to control financial "reality" by virtual reality than ANYTHING else on earth, because it is the main system of control and
consolidation and day to day system function.
The world government core itself is one big super-computing network veneered with "UN" like branded imagery when in reality computers will control the
main power systems and that kind of computing is what will make global scale management in the world government branding actually possible. Thus imo
the digital advancement is what world government had been waiting patiently for and the "crash" scenario was just diversion of real wealth to that
more important system completion which includes a massive nucleus of massive computers and satellites, and they hope it will be a core nano-complex by
the time the "reboot" is ready to run.
Imo in the coming decade they will have the nano-platform capable of running their biggest most intensive systems and the whole of a Google and
YouTube combined servers will fit in a literal chicken egg sized CPU in these satellite placed cerebrums. They will have a whole chicken egg farm up
there in time!
edit on 22-11-2014 by 4444Winds because: (no reason given)