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Makes me think about The Vril out of the Coming Race From Edward Bulwer-Lytton. True, The Vril Ya lived in the underground but Bulwer Lytton could
have been mistaken although he was a great man, no doubt about that. And yes the Vril-Ya could fly.
The story of the coming race in a nutshell:
The author -the young American Bulwer-Lytton- travels to the underground places of a country that according to him really exists. And although he
doesn’t mention the name of the place, it could somewhere in China or Tibet. Tibet, of all places a kind of holy grail for the nazis. Besides the
language of the Gy and Ana sounded like Sanskrit.
He comes through a gap in a subterranean cave where the Gy and the Ana live. The cave has its own climate (strange that recently they have discovered
caves with an own climate in China).
Gy are women. They are large and have golden hair and blue eyes. The Ana are men. The Gy are superior in about everything to the Ana. In addition, the
Gy have telepathic powers.
Noteworthy that the author points out that in prehistoric times the Gy and Ana had a lot more body hair. It’s a detail that has nothing to do with
the story but apparently the author found it necessary to mention it. (If you read our site you’ll notice that we think that the ‘gods’
transformed the hairy homo sapiens to a hairless human.)
The civilization of Gy and Ana names the Vril-ya. A name that had everything to do with the Vril, the miraculous force of the Vril-ya.
The force is actually neutral but can be used for many things. The Vril lifts large things, keeps the society healthy, controls the weather, drives
machines and robots, is a famous weapon, can read minds etc… And she can be controlled by the mind of the Gy.
The Vril-ya stands for purity and equality, creates harmony and respects all life. The Gy are very much attached to animals. Although they would
destroy life as their general interest is threatened. Both, men and women, live on average, one hundred to one hundred and fifty years old. Death
doesn’t scare them off, because they know that the afterlife really does exist. Evil and fear of death is according to them a result of egocentrism
that has poisoned the breed of humans who crossed too much with ‘animal humans’. Those humans live on the ground, not in the underground caves
like the Vril-ya, and they are spreading very quickly .
Also the author is a poisoned human that came from above. According to the Gy the fear of death that he feels comes from the animal instinct that
partly lives in him as a result of the crossbreeding between his ancestors and ‘animal humans’.
By the way: The Vril-ya ensures herself an ideal population density by birth control.
Until their last day Gy and Ana live perfectly healthy, but in the end they see dead as a portal to a higher life.
Finally: the Vril-ya have, thanks to the Vril, flying light ships. Gy and Ana can fly also by themselves thanks to the Vril and the mechanical wings
they can out on and off and like a coat. (Strange that some experts are thinking we will soon do the same.)