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City Stealing From Citizens By Tampering With Traffic Lights

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posted on Oct, 21 2014 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: smithjustinb

originally posted by: MALBOSIA

originally posted by: smithjustinb
a reply to: Swills

It is despicable that the people were milked in this way. But it is an equally despicable concept that taxes should be higher for people who make more and lower for people who make less. America is a capitalist nation. Not a socialist one. Capitalism has made our country great. We don't need these socialist policies to destroy our country and weaken our motivation to continue to be great. Greatness should be rewarded with proportional rewards. An ignorant idiot who can't find his/her way out of fast food doesn't deserve to be out of it. That's not how the natural world works. In the real world, the natural one, you get what you put in. The young turks continue to be the voice of idiocy on youtube.

In the "natural world" I would take everything you own and leave you crying in a ditch somewhere. If rules do not keep things somewhat equal, then what incentive is there for people to follow the laws that allow people to stack wealth without fear?

In the African Bush, where humans live in a more primal society of tribes. A man punched his brother in the face. He then cut off his own arm. You know why? Because if he didn't, his brother would have killed him. Primal fear keeps people from doing the wrong thing. People in the African Bush respect each other much more than we "civilized" people do. Rules are unwritten and much more effective.

Your right! That seems to be something the suits have lost touch with. If there were no police and prisons standing between the suits and the less fortunate, I think the suits would be singing a different tune and a little more willing to share.

If I punched my brother in the face it is because he deserved it. Ill be keeping my arm and he will think twice next time.

Did you make that story up? It is a stupid story.

posted on Oct, 21 2014 @ 06:31 PM

originally posted by: MALBOSIA

If I punched my brother in the face it is because he deserved it. Ill be keeping my arm and he will think twice next time.

The joke will be on you when he's mad at losing and he wipes his butt with your toothbrush and you never know about it.

Did you make that story up? It is a stupid story.

No. Its a true story. And its not stupid. Its real life and you're too domesticated to understand it.

posted on Oct, 21 2014 @ 06:33 PM

originally posted by: MALBOSIA

In the "natural world" I would take everything you own and leave you crying in a ditch somewhere. If rules do not keep things somewhat equal, then what incentive is there for people to follow the laws that allow people to stack wealth without fear?

The fact that you think you are invincible and ten feet tall indicates that you really don't know that much about the natural world.

posted on Oct, 21 2014 @ 06:35 PM

originally posted by: Swills
a reply to: smithjustinb
We so get it, you waste your time hating one political party/ideal/agenda. If you'll notice TYT wasn't the only source I posted but it's the only one you focused on. Shocking I know. It's okay to have a different point of view, it's clearly welcomed on ATS but to ignore the thread while bashing the political ideas you hate has nothing to do with cities stealing from citizens. This thread is about red light cameras being manipulated to give out false tickets. This thread is not about how much you hate TYT. So you're saying this topic is trash? Is that because TYT did a report on it or that you support corruption and robbery?

Im done repeating myself.

I think I've made myself clear that I don't support corruption and robbery. But, that wasn't the only talking point of the video.

posted on Oct, 21 2014 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: smithjustinb

You made yourself clear you will drone on about political affiliations you don't like while briefly saying you're against corruption. Like I said, we get it and I'm done talking about it. You could make a thread bashing TYT?

posted on Oct, 22 2014 @ 06:38 PM

On tonight, live from 10PM Eastern time!

Show thread with listening information

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: smithjustinb

Brah, seriously.

I don't know if you're delusional, a troll, or a shill.

It is not a poor person's fault for being poor. How the # do you get out of poverty when every time you try, you get barred from better jobs or better education because there was none present where you were born? Unless you're suggesting that poor people simply need to just try and they'll get rich too, in which case, I don't much care for your attitude.

It's a system designed to keep you in one spot. I imagine you're white and you probably had both of your parents working when you were growing up.

Try being black or hispanic or any other minority in some areas of the US. Let's say a black kid in detroit and their mom loses her job because it moved to another country. She then gets on welfare. But if you make too much money while trying to get off welfare, you lose it and for the next two weeks, you have no money. Not even a dime. No food stamps or anyting because you make more then 500 a week.
You ever try raising a family on minimum wage? The only job available to some people due to corporate America selling us out to mexico and china? Go to Detroit or Flint and tell me how in the frig they're ever going to get out of poverty

Where do you come off on your moral high horse? It is the rich's fault that there are poor people

The top 1% wealthiest hide trillions, #ing TRILLIONS of dollars in off shore tax havens. Why? So that they can hold on to their money. You know what the best way of holding onto their money that they've devised?
Make it so that almost no one gets rich and the rich don't worry about competition.

You obviously speak from a position of ignorance and never experienced true poverty

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 08:55 PM
I understand in calif most lights now have to be set by the state DOT.

the state requires that yellow lights are a minimum of 3.6 seconds in a 35-mile-per-hour zone.

This takes away the cities ability to short yellow the lights.

Since this went into effect many cities have removed there red light cameras as they do not pay for themselves.

Any state with cities that play the short yellow game should get someone to put a ballet initiative on there state ballet to force the cities to set there lights by state rules.
Once this happens it will screw the cities.

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 10:41 AM

originally posted by: tavi45
a reply to: oblvion

I agree with the rich being the problem but killing them is ridiculous. We need to end the cycle of history. Every time the common man rises up and kills the elite they elevate their leaders to become the new elite.

If you want a great example just study the French revolution, which inspired ours, and then turned into a whole new nightmare.

The king was ousted. The people installed their leader who became a sort of proto Stalin. Then he got ousted and France got Napoleon.

It's time to start seeing past our petty hatreds. We need to force the rich to use their power and money to start building a sustainable equal utopia. How we do that is a mystery, but a violent revolution will just be continuing the cycle. History has shown this time and time again. Let's learn from the past and try to escape the confines of our own conditioned attitudes and philosophies.

Everything as it exists now is completely fictional. The system only exists because we all agree to it in one way or another. It's time to create a better fiction than the ones handed to us by our ancestors.


Yours is one of the single greatest posts I have read on ATS!!!!

You are exactly right!!!

However, what happens in your "fiction" when they would sooner watch the world burn than give up their power? Which is the actual case here. The "recession" was to put the government on notice, about who is in charge at present. Which is why they bailed them out, after they stole millions for all of us regular folks. They knew their masters were pissed, and would not stand to lose fortunes when then market they rigged to collapse did.

So they stole trillions, they dont need and cant use mind you, just to have more than the rest, which is their only goal after all. Then made our politicians pay them for doing it.............Do you understand that? They stole trillions for us regular folks, and demanded a "bonus" or else.!!!!!!!

Name a single wallstreet prosecution......there are none, not one.

Tell me I am wrong......please, tell me I am wrong!!!!!!

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 10:53 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
If fines relate to income, then I have to share financial information with the municipal court.
Nope, nope, nope.

How did we get to a point where a fine is based on income? I think most fines these days are ridiculous anyways so we want to now make people pay more? In the small town where I work the company I'm with is the biggest in the area and a parking ticket in front of my employment is 75.00 if you park there longer than 2 hour... geez. We have the highest income in the area so I think they are already doing it. The cops also set up speed traps in areas where only our employees would typically travel.

You all must understand that fines are just a money making business that do not prevent anything and have nothing to do with safely. The true prevention is building points to where one looses their driving privileges and everyone is acceptable to that.

I agree, I "lost my driving rights for not paying child support for 9 years on a kid that has lived with me the last 9 years. His mother even went and the signed the papers to stop it 3 different times now."

It is a money racket, nothing more.

posted on Oct, 25 2014 @ 12:17 AM

originally posted by: mrpotatoe27
a reply to: smithjustinb

Brah, seriously.

Fo real.

Unless you're suggesting that poor people simply need to just try and they'll get rich too, in which case, I don't much care for your attitude.

Uh. Nah.... They should... not try. That always leads to success. You can't fail if you don't try. Plus, if you don't try, you can go on continuing to blame "the system".

It's a system designed to keep you in one spot.

Yeaaah maaan. The one percent brooo..

I imagine you're white and you probably had both of your parents working when you were growing up.

Man. You've got an active imagination. Don't you?

Try being black or hispanic or any other minority in some areas of the US.

I tried that once, I couldn't get it to work.

Let's say a black kid in detroit

If you live in Detroit, you're screwed. You need to move.

Where do you come off on your moral high horse? It is the rich's fault that there are poor people

edit on 25-10-2014 by smithjustinb because: (no reason given)

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