a reply to:
I used to raise German Shepherd-Wolf hybrids. If she's only 6 months old, she's still got the puppy in her. When she gets a bit older, she'll be 100%
You have to understand the wolf psychology, but really it's not that different from people psychology. They get grouchy some times, but are gregarious
with the family, and you'll never find a more loyal dog once they bond to their "pack" - which is you and yours. Once they're a year old or so, you
can't even give them away, because they won't bond again.
kali74 is right, though - they can get pretty psycho. Of my two oldest ones, the mated pair, the male was all manner of laid back... unless there was
a strange noise that he didn't like, or a stranger. He would get downright grouchy then, but with the family, he was nothin' but a big white fuzzy
ball of lovin'. The female was a different story. She was so psycho she made Cujo look like a stuffed pomeranian. No one else but me could do anything
with her. The woman I was with at the time used to get really frustrated because the dog just would not listen to her. She'd try to crate the dog if
visitors were coming, and it was on when she did. All I had to do was go over and tap the crate, and she'd go right in, no trouble.
Most of the time, she'd just sit wherever I was and watch me. I never figured that out, but she'd just sit and stare, for hours. She weighed about 90
or 95 lbs (the male was around 145 lbs), and she never really figured out that she wasn't a lap dog. It's a shock to the system to have a 90 lb ball
of fury take a running go to try and get in your lap by leaping. Not for the faint-hearted.
They saved my ass at least once, and probably more. Some dumbass came into my house through the back door one night at about 2300, thinking no one was
home. They ran him out and kept him busy whilst I got my shotgun limbered up.
Good dogs, loyal dogs, but make the effort to understand their psychology - you'll be glad you did!
ETA: Here's a pic of the male - the female was camera-shy:
edit on 2014/10/13 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)