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Rev. Jesse Jackson in Dallas to help Ebola patient

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posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 11:32 PM

originally posted by: chrismarco
a reply to: XTexan

Who cares....draw attention to the issue Jessie

Except hes not drawing attention to the real problem.......hes making it about something else.....and hes using other people to push his own megalomania.......

Theres no reason for him to be there

Theres no civil rights violation, theres no racism there......and since there isnt, hes going to create it........

that is NOT what this situation needs

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 11:41 PM

originally posted by: XTexan

originally posted by: halfpint0701
a reply to: XTexan


I think he's there to make a lot of noise and get people to put up enough stink to get the guy asylum. Remember Liberia wants him sent back and prosecuted if he recovers.

He deserves to be prosecuted, he lied in customs about being exposed and has put countless lives in danger. He should be made an example of. Though I suspect the disease will take him long before that happens.

originally posted by: Aleister
a reply to: XTexan

Just keepin' hope alive, and hopefully Thomas Dunkin too. Jackson has his own love for the television cameras, but as long as he's doing good while entertaining that love, more power to him.

And what exactly will Jackson be doing to keep Mr. Dunkin alive?
It's not what he'll be doing but instead what God will be doing and that's saving a life.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 11:41 PM


posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 11:45 PM
a reply to: Jimmy11118

I'm confused by your post, whether or not God chooses to spare Mr. Dunkin has nothing to do with Jackson's presence here.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 11:52 PM
Jesse Jackson showing up helps a situation like David Duke catering a Bar Mitzvah.

Thin ice, it cracks each time.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 11:57 PM

originally posted by: Yeahkeepwatchingme
Jesse Jackson showing up helps a situation like David Duke catering a Bar Mitzvah.

Thin ice, it cracks each time.

LoL nice analogy i like it..........

What strikes me is hes always talking about how there needs to be equality......

But I never see him stepping up to the plate when its a white guy with a perceived slight from a black person......

You think he would help me protest the National Black Caucus or the United Negro College Fund for discriminating against me because im not black?
edit on 10/8/2014 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2014 @ 01:12 AM

Rev. Jackson said Duncan's family asked for his help.

What should he have done! tell the family to bugger-off??

posted on Oct, 8 2014 @ 01:14 AM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

Agreed. To me he just stirs the pot faster and faster. I'd love to see him stand up for the rights of everybody. But it seems like that won't happen for a long time, it's the divide and conquer mindset that's pushing the shores further apart.

posted on Oct, 8 2014 @ 02:02 AM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

I keep reading how Jackson is this big bad boggy-man who haunts the dreams of white folks,now I am no apologist for Jackson I think his time and methods are old but damning him for every move he makes..come on seriously?

And this thing about "black" institutions discriminating against you as if the United Negro College is the only ethnic based fund raising body in the U.S
For Irish Americans

The Irish American Heritage Center is one of the premiere Irish cultural organizations in the United States. It is a destination for people of Irish descent as well as those who wish to learn more about the Irish heritage.

There's no place quite like the Irish American Heritage Center when it comes to providing the very best in Irish culture through the arts, history, education, dance and social outlets.

Through sponsorships of the parade, exhibitions, and gala, the Columbus Citizens Foundation raises millions of dollars to support the education of Italian-American students who have the drive to succeed in school and beyond, but not the means to reach their potential.

For Italian Americans
For Jewish Americans
For Polish Americans

Donors Bill of Rights

This Bill of Rights for charitable givers was developed by the following four industry experts: American Association of Fund Raising Counsel, Association for Healthcare Philanthropy, Council for Advancement and Support of Education, National Society of Fund Raising Executives. It is industry-accepted and all quality charities should subscribe to the beliefs espoused here

I could go on and on but by now you should get the point.

But gwaad help AAs if they tried to raise capitol for education and this ain't got nothing to do with your tax dollars so how exactly does it hurt you.
edit on 8-10-2014 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2014 @ 02:21 AM

originally posted by: liveandlearn
Sorry to be so cynical but the title should be

"Jesse Jackson in Dallas to promote himself". He is no Martin Luther King.

How about "EBOLA does JESSE in Dallas"

That's good porn right there!

posted on Oct, 8 2014 @ 02:32 AM
Will add myn post to yours....
Well that didn't take too Long now, did it? I guess that means Ebola has gone racial!! Someone Please tell me why "Seus" Jackson has any business at all bothering this family!! Because according to what he says....which is about, nothing, Thomas Duncan's rights have been violated!!! Uhmmmmmm what???? Apparently Jackson, who will never miss an opportunity to exploit some unknowing victim for some personal camera time, doesn't understand why Mr. Duncan is NOT the same treatment as the first 2 people whom came down with the disease! After being told there was no Zmap he finds it suspicious!!

"He got sick, went to the hospital," Jackson said. "He didn't have insurance in Africa, and they turned him away. So they sent him back into the community with a contagious disease, and for that there must be some liability."

ackson explained that Duncan's family — who traveled to Texas from North Carolina — also has concerns about the patient's access to medicine. Doctors said the experimental drug, ZMapp, which was recently used to treat two American health care workers who contracted the Ebola virus in Liberia, is no longer available. Doctors have been treating Duncan, 42, with a different drug, brincidofovir, a broad-spectrum antiviral, since Saturday.

"They are saying no more doses (of ZMapp)," Jackson said. "That seems strange to only have only enough medicine for two patients in the whole country."

just to clarify, regarding the doctor and nurse that were treated for Ebola in Atlanta at the CDC and recovered; there was only enough zmapp for one of them...It was offered to to dr. Brantley However, he insisted they give the dose to the nurse Nancy..The doctor was sicker at that time and felt like it was too late for him. So the dose of zmapp was given to the nurse. The next day a young teenager whom Dr. Brantley had treated and had recovered from Ebola went to the clinic and donated some blood to Dr. Brantley this is why Dr. Brantley made the recovery...[[/url]

So now we have Jesse getting the facts wrong as to imply what?? that only Americans receive the "best" treatment!!

Then he goes on to state the most ridiculous lie of all, Mr. Duncan was turned away in Africa because he did not HAVE INSURANCE!! Where does he get this crap?? No, Jesse they had no room for the woman that you helped transport to the same clinic because they had bodies lying in the street in the clinic everywhere........She was turned away and died that night!!

Let's not forget Jesse, is talking about Mr. Duncan's Civil Rights being violated! An African nationalist who knowingly knew he had exposed himself to Ebola and lied to Liberian officials to gain access into this country bringing Ebola with him!!

I would like to know if there is anyway to put the good Rev. in jail for his actions??? Geeze these people need someone to stand up for them before Jesse has them promising to hand over their first child to him!!

This kind of thing makes me sick and i really believe there is a special place in hell for people like him!!


posted on Oct, 8 2014 @ 08:25 AM
a reply to: Spider879

Thats all good and well but we werent talking about those institutions, the point was he only shows up when theres a brown skinned person involved that he can look like some sort of hero to.......

You dont see him doing it for white people, even tho he claims that hes trying to fight for equality

Because he likes to stir the pot..........plain and simple and hes a racist.......

Hes not a boogyman hes just a flat out racist claiming to not be a racist, claiming to want equality......

Anytime a man comes into a situation where there is no race involved and starts trying ot MAKE it about race, hes not a civil rights activist......


posted on Oct, 8 2014 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: wildapache

So you are saying that the exact reason he lied to come here and potentially infect others (proper treatment), is reason to let it slide? That others from Liberia are concerned for Duncan's welfare and that is why Jesse is involved? He is responding to Liberian calls for equal treatment? I wonder then why the Liberian people aren't turning away American aid at the border? That is where your backwards logic leads me. He lied to get here to get proper treatment but needs a "civil rights leader" to make sure he gets it?

In America if you knowingly infect others with HIV you get prosecuted. Period. How is this different? If you say he came here on "survival instinct" then are we to assume he knew he was infected before he left?

If I was infected and knew it I would self quarantine. I would not do "everything I could" to save my brother if that ment putting the population at risk. Some people have some gumption. For example Mr. Duncan's step daughter who was told yesterday by the CDC she could return to work, but decided on her own to self quarantine for the entire 21 Days.

Sorry but I just don't buy what you are selling. The last thing we need is to inject racial inequality into an already volatile situation.
edit on 8-10-2014 by wastedown because: autocorrect pos

posted on Oct, 8 2014 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: wastedown
It was reported that when he left, it was thought to be malaria. I can't speak of this guy, but I knew a few people that went to missionaries to africa, and they had to get a malaria vaccine to go. So how is that knowingly infecting anyone?

posted on Oct, 8 2014 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: TKDRL

The hospital says that it was a computer glitch that prevented the Dr from having the information he need suspect ebola. The Dr was not informed of his travel.

In Liberia he physically carried a morbidly ill woman in for treatment, and then lied when questioned at the airport about ebola contact. I won't believe for a second that he thought the woman he was carrying was infected with something besides ebola. He is in the middle of the outbreak area and felt the need to flee the country. You can't tell me that he had no idea he could be potentially infected.

Reports are just breaking that he is dead, just like the woman he PHYSICALLY carried body to body in for treatment. He knew. He knew then boarded the plane after lying to make sure he could flee.

Maybe the good Reverend can speak at his funeral.

posted on Oct, 8 2014 @ 10:44 AM

Ebola patient dies at Dallas hospital

Better get yor hip waders ready, folks, Jesse is about to REALLY start laying it on thick now.

Ebola is horrible, but I think Mr. Jackson is about to make things a lot worse.

posted on Oct, 8 2014 @ 03:18 PM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask
a reply to: Spider879

Thats all good and well but we werent talking about those institutions, the point was he only shows up when theres a brown skinned person involved that he can look like some sort of hero to.......

You dont see him doing it for white people, even tho he claims that hes trying to fight for equality

Because he likes to stir the pot..........plain and simple and hes a racist.......

Hes not a boogyman hes just a flat out racist claiming to not be a racist, claiming to want equality......

Anytime a man comes into a situation where there is no race involved and starts trying ot MAKE it about race, hes not a civil rights activist......


No No No and hell No!! ..back-up a min, You don't get to put sht out there and just walk!!..U ! bought those institution in this conversation for a reason, more than likely to tell the world how privileged AAs are while U! caste yourself as victim of some imaginary Black oppression making some sorta false equivalency I have heard this nonsense argument all the time if U! are not gonna back-up silly statement then QUIT MAKING THEM!!

Look I hate being put in a position where I feel I have to defend this man but the whole Jessie don't care about White folks is simply not true Jessie do not simply show-up out of the blue to sound off usually people request his presence..yes 99.9% of the time it's Black folks making that call,but white folks when they have no where else to turn ask him to get involve.

World: Europe
Jesse Jackson arrives in Belgrade

The three captured soldiers appeared bruised on Serbian TV

The Reverend Jesse Jackson has arrived in Belgrade, on a mission to negotiate the freedom of three captured US soldiers, despite White House disapproval of his mission.
Kosovo: Special Report The American civil rights campaigner drove from Croatia late on Thursday night, arriving in the Yugoslav capital shortly after air raid sirens announced the 37th night of Nato air strikes.

Later when Slobodan Milosevic wished to turn himself in ...he called Jessie

Colombian rebels free kidnapped former US Marine Kevin Scott Sutay
In a statement, Secretary of State John Kerry thanked Colombia's government for its "tireless efforts" in working to free the Afghan war veteran, according to the Associated Press.

Kerry also thanked the Rev. Jesse Jackson, who pushed for Sutay's release.
The Rainbow coalition he built involved White folks,not just browns blacks and yellows and there is other stuff he did on the home front involving helping out white folks that don't have a racial angle that went unmentioned in mass media ,yes there is much to criticize the man for but he ain't no raving racist lunatic.
edit on 8-10-2014 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2014 @ 03:56 PM
a reply to: XTexan

Wow you just outed jesse as the black grim reaper. I just thought he showed up to the scene when someone dies but it looks like he may have a far more sinister role to play.

posted on Oct, 8 2014 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to: Spider879

No No No and hell No!! ..back-up a min, You don't get to put sht out there and just walk!!..U ! bought those institution in this conversation for a reason, more than likely to tell the world how privileged AAs are while U! caste yourself as victim of some imaginary Black oppression making some sorta false equivalency I have heard this nonsense argument all the time if U! are not gonna back-up silly statement then QUIT MAKING THEM!!

LoL thats what you got out of my statement?

Victim? yeah I never claimed to be a victim of anything......

You did an AWESOME job taking everything I said WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY out of context.......

Congratulations on that.......

I dont know how you took my points about Jesse being the supreme opportunist and making things a race issue (which he did again if you read what he said about Duncans situation) and turn it into something else.....

Im impressed and confounded at the same time.......


posted on Oct, 8 2014 @ 09:47 PM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask
a reply to: Spider879

No No No and hell No!! ..back-up a min, You don't get to put sht out there and just walk!!..U ! bought those institution in this conversation for a reason, more than likely to tell the world how privileged AAs are while U! caste yourself as victim of some imaginary Black oppression making some sorta false equivalency I have heard this nonsense argument all the time if U! are not gonna back-up silly statement then QUIT MAKING THEM!!

LoL thats what you got out of my statement?

Victim? yeah I never claimed to be a victim of anything......

You did an AWESOME job taking everything I said WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY out of context.......

Congratulations on that.......

I dont know how you took my points about Jesse being the supreme opportunist and making things a race issue (which he did again if you read what he said about Duncans situation) and turn it into something else.....

Im impressed and confounded at the same time.......


Look I don't want to go on about points you bought up it's there folks can judge for themselves and draw their own conclusions.

As to Jessie invoking "race" unless I had read the article wrong he along with the family who invited him down to Texas were concerned about the treatment he was receiving as per the experimental drug,another person wondered if he was not given the same treatment because he was uninsured and black.

Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price chimed in at Commissioner's Court that what happened to Duncan at the hospital was the "elephant in the room." He said when "people who look like me show up at hospital with no insurance, they're treated differently."

In this case Mr Price's concerns maybe unfounded but that statement was not attributed to Jackson,who incidentally found the hospital not at fault and thanked them.
Most of what he did was prayed with the family who was understandably worried,he was not involved in any litigation.
Jackson has his own sins to contend for this ain't one of them.
edit on 8-10-2014 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

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