posted on Oct, 5 2014 @ 09:24 AM
So I was meditating last night, sitting down, with my hands together in my lap, focusing on my breathing. After about 40 minutes, I saw a shining
pair of hands appear open palmed and rest on each leg. I did what the hands did, and moved them palms up and rested them on each leg. After i did do,
it got really bright, my eyes were closed, like a bright ligh was shone in my face. I kept focusing on my breath and my heart started beating faster.
What happened next was felt like i was getting farther and farther from my body, like my mind was leaving my body, i dont know how to explain
it, other than it felt like i was getting farther from myself. I started to get scared, and tried to tell myself its ok, but to no avail. I couldnt
calm my heartbeat down, and it seemed like it took 5 minutes, like i was moving away from my body so slow. I got scared be. use i had never
experienced this except 1 other time, and i had no idea about meditation that 1 Other time. Anybody have any help on this? I think i am scared of an i ready? Is that what this is? I have only been meditating seriously for 1 month, and just in the past week "realized" what focusing on my
breath not saying in ur head breathe in breathe out, but feeling and focusing just on your breath. Any help would be greatly appreciated.