a reply to:
Hi C,
You can rest assured I understand to the utter depths of my being the
issue that wracks you.. called as you know "the problem of evil".
The question being, "How can a loving and omnipotent God allow
so much (constant) terrible "Evil" in the world".
I spent years on just this question. Years.
I went so far as to offer myself up as a solution for the "problem";
volunteering that I'd suffer FOREVER if only others didn't have to
suffer so much. (there have been several versions of this in
my life). The last time, I got myself whipped into such a sympathetic
lather, that one of my major 'Tulpas' became so large and powerful,
that (I know how this will sound, trust me), I started hearing thoughts
from seemingly EVERYONE in pain and I (I know how this sounds..
it makes me wince), I started seemingly hearing prayers.
That really messed with my head.
Only, 'feeding everyone forever' is not 'my job', and as a matter of fact
I couldn't do it if I wanted to, as I'm not some glorious cosmic being
any more than anyone else and for the most part we are not such
a being...
Nobody can 'answer' for the problem of evil. Nobody. Not me either.
Most people who think they have 'solved it' do so by sacrificing
themselves 'to it'. I was certainly ranting about that a while back
Now of course, first thing, there IS NO 'good' or 'evil'. But nobody
wants to believe this.. there are vast clouds of Tulpas in our
world that force people to believe this, if they present an
opening. The most 'evil' of them are powered by Christianity
of course, as Christianity loves throwing people into hell;
it seems the primary function of the religion. Sane religions
don't even create a hell; while others fixate on it, and this
fixation creates the hell they so love.. their Tulpa energy
creates the 'devil' and 'demons' and 'hell' and then they
whine and complain about that which they have created.
I can say, that there is a rift between our world and the
beautiful timeless world, and that once humans did not
suffer like we do. Before they invented religion and
killed most of the native people's, salted their fields,
destroyed their walled cities and burned most of the
books and destroyed the great library in waves..
There was a beautiful time before the Tulpa of the one
male god was created, and now are in the jaws of that
monstrous thing and others.
As 'creators' we humans have crapped up our nest, and
then we create a false god to complain about it to.
Now before 'the fall' (if you'd read the book you might
gain a measure of relief) there was most assuredly
suffering.. physical suffering.. and that can't be
The 'answer' to the problem of evil is not necessary,
once one removes all the corrupted thinking imposed
by society.
I could fill an entire book with this subject alone..
but this is an overview.
I know you won't like it.. your 'Tulpas are being
held prisoner' too. It's what happens to humans;
it's so common.
You know that i love you, for what it's worth,
and we've never even met. Love and beauty
do exist..