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Pregnant Woman Tased, Slammed Face Down Into Ground By Cops

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posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 07:22 AM
Here's a question...with so many people out the that believe "all cops are heartless, honor-less thugs" why don't any of them join the police force? They're so concerned about public safety so do something about it! Become a cop and be the one that reports and stops the bad cops. Help make the streets safe from these badged bullies and the criminals. Invade their corrupt rank and file with goodness and inspire others to as well, do some good in the world. Have any of the people complaining about the police and their endless brutality considered this? Wouldn't the "real men" who claim they would stop this actually do something? If the people in their community joined the local force then they wouldn't have to be policed by "outsiders" who don't know them, don't care about them and look at the job only as a paycheck and a day they hope to survive.

I sure would feel safer with heroes like that rather than these police shown in the video.

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 07:28 AM
a reply to: RedParrotHead

I didn't realise that the natural reaction to knowing that cops are thugs is to all of a sudden make it my life's dream to become one.

Thank heavens for people like you who are around to know how the rest of us should live our lives!

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 08:40 AM

originally posted by: RedParrotHead
Here's a question...with so many people out the that believe "all cops are heartless, honor-less thugs" why don't any of them join the police force? They're so concerned about public safety so do something about it! Become a cop and be the one that reports and stops the bad cops. Help make the streets safe from these badged bullies and the criminals. Invade their corrupt rank and file with goodness and inspire others to as well, do some good in the world. Have any of the people complaining about the police and their endless brutality considered this? Wouldn't the "real men" who claim they would stop this actually do something? If the people in their community joined the local force then they wouldn't have to be policed by "outsiders" who don't know them, don't care about them and look at the job only as a paycheck and a day they hope to survive.

I sure would feel safer with heroes like that rather than these police shown in the video.

as another person mentioned telling people who are dissatisfied with cops to become a cop is not going to be a realistic solution.

additionally, it should be fairly obvious by now that the system cannot be fixed from the inside or by any other part of the system itself. because the system exists to serve itself.

its like all those politicians, senators and congressmen who get elected on the premise that, they'll be the one to go down to washington and clean up the system, but it never happens like that. people join and become part of the system and become just another cog in the machinery.

lastly, i work in brooklyn and i'm thoroughly disgusted by this like most everyone else. the police in general here in NYC have really been stepping things up a notch in terms of displays of power and force. i doubt it's unintentional, just a little peek of what we can expect more of in the future.

maybe the weather underground need to be put back together....
edit on 25-9-2014 by CallmeRaskolnikov because: spelling

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 08:51 AM
Seems like I'm the only one that feels that these videos always conveniently begin when a person is being roughed up - what led up to this however? I see a woman resisting arrest and causing both her and the officer's fall. You can't really tell if she's pregnant or just another typical overweight Sunset Park type. Pushing the other woman was uncalled for but everyone should know you don't just approach police in those situations.

It's hard to understand it when people get a surprise reaction from police when they're clearly asking for it. An arrest was being made so the logic was, let's get in the way of it and most likely the police will just go away. The whole family picked up felonies that night.

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 08:53 AM
And the masses still keep telling themselves still that they are "the land of the free" and there constitution still protects them and holds water

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: BasementWarriorKryptonite

Is it such a crazy idea? I'm not telling anyone how to live their life at all but asking a question. It's just that everyone is complaining (justifiably) but not doing much...not "putting their money where their mouth is" so to speak. Parents and teachers unhappy/disgusted with the public schools have started charter schools. Not exactly the same thing but the same general idea I think.

If the police academies where suddenly flooded with people who weren't bullies and/or power hungry thugs wouldn't that change the police force for the better?

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 10:01 AM

originally posted by: FlySolo
a reply to: lightedhype

Want to know what the police would do if someone did that? They would hunt you down, corner you in a house, and light it on fire.

Never get backlit at night. Moreover, never ever turn your
back on an uncleared area... at least without settling your
personal affairs.

Just sayin' if half the young 'new school' cops in my area
ever did get assigned into even a warm spot much less a
wet one, they'd never make it back to the hack. I got to
be 62 for a couple of reasons, stupid ain't one of them.

And this whole country could, like I said for a few months--
light up like a farmer match any second; when you start
abusing pregnant females. That takes the rage down to a
level that would bust fluoride poisoning AND MK hypnosis.

Finally if it takes five of them to come after one of me, it's
a good trade for the other four like me, isn't it?
That's assuming the sides are equal. See you out there, Chris

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: CallmeRaskolnikov

lastly, i work in brooklyn and i'm thoroughly disgusted by this like most everyone else. the police in general here in NYC have really been stepping things up a notch in terms of displays of power and force.

OK, but do you feel relatively safe walking the streets? I don't know as I live elsewhere and I'm generally curious. Do you personally fear the police? I do remember how NYC was in the 70's and 80's before Dinkins & Giuliani really stepped up city-wide policing - things were very bad then.

In case I forgot to mention it - I fell the cops in the video should be investigated and disciplined.

I never encounter this sort of police behavior though. I work in Baltimore and walk everyday. Maybe because I'm white they don't harass me? Or because I don't carry weapons openly? Or I'm not generally around after dark? Or I don't interfere when they are making an arrest because I have no reason to. My point is that I'm coming from the point of view that I never encounter this stuff. Police aren't like this to me. I casually know a few cops that live in my neighborhood and they act normal enough and friendly. Police caught and arrested this guy breaking into houses on my block a few months ago. That was good. Should I hate the cops? Should I fear the cops? Should I personally?

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: BasementWarriorKryptonite

Cop killing should no longer be a crime worse than any other - if they behave like the enemy that is what they are.

*Crowd gasps*

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: RedParrotHead
The fact that the "good" cops are never..or seldom heard from make it obvious that there isn't much place for good cops to be heard, They are out there..somewhere
On the other hand its like some of these undercover le that go very deep into say the Hells Angels..after enough time they actually feel comradre with the "bad guys" once in the system, any system it swallows you up.
I hope it changes but im not holding my breath.

I myself know I would get frustrated im sure being a cop, I might be the one who throws the extra punch, I know better. I think it takes a special person to be a good cop and im not sure if I could have the self control..I guess thats a big part of the problem.

edit on 25-9-2014 by vonclod because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-9-2014 by vonclod because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-9-2014 by vonclod because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: RedParrotHead

It's not a crazy idea but you and I know that it's a foolish one. If I think the president is doing a bad job it doesn't mean I'm going to run for office.

I got my own sht to do and so do you.

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 11:10 AM

originally posted by: RedParrotHead
a reply to: CallmeRaskolnikov

lastly, i work in brooklyn and i'm thoroughly disgusted by this like most everyone else. the police in general here in NYC have really been stepping things up a notch in terms of displays of power and force.

My point is that I'm coming from the point of view that I never encounter this stuff. Police aren't like this to me.

I've been in NY my whole life, 33 years now, I've never encountered or seen this type of stuff either. Coincidence has it that all these "police brutality" videos never feature people who just got out of work or are on their way to school. I work in Harlem, live in the Bronx and have never had issues with the police.

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 11:23 AM

originally posted by: Aedaeum
a reply to: Swills

I'm going to play devils advocate a little bit here. The pregnant woman looked to be unstable on her feet and sort of pulled the cop down with her as she swerved. The cops immediately handcuffed her, I saw no evidence of excessive violence towards her. That all being said, the woman that was pushed.... wow... He literally put all his body weight into pushing her across the street. That was absolutely uncalled for. She looked to be standing there trying to look at what was going on and out of no where the cop just plants his feet and off she goes.

The other lady just wanted to go tell them her friend was pregnant,(in case they thought she was just fat I presume) because SURELY they would not slam a pregnant womans belly against the ground maybe causing a miscarriage.

“I went to tell the police she’s pregnant,” Hidalgo said. “They threw me away. I’m all bruised.

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: RedParrotHead

My daughter runs and she has been stalked before, she carries a knife in her sock, we all pretty much need to carry something now days to be safe.

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: mikeone718

Coincidence has it that all these "police brutality" videos never feature people who just got out of work or are on their way to school.

Actually the guy just shot for getting his license from the car as ordered had just come from work and just stopped to get gas.

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: Char-Lee

That's the first of these videos that show actual police brutality and not just half the story, definitely not like all others where you see a person down and get to hear what onlookers have to say.

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: RedParrotHead

personally, since ive started working in brooklyn i have had a few encounters with over zealous officers here. i take the train and subway constantly so that probably attributes to the higher number of encounters that i have over some other people. but, i've had my bag emptied out and searched upon just entering the subway during rush hour. same thing with the lirr train and at that station they also have k-9 units and a steady force of officers on duty. i've seen up to 10-12 officers just hanging out at once searching peoples bags. sometimes they are the specialized units carrying AR-15's, i've even seen MP5s, but thats mostly PENN STATION which I get it, its a huge transportation hub and a potential target. i've never been beat down by police thank god, but it is something thats in the back of my mind as a potential possibility if perhaps i was in the wrong place at the wrong time or misidentified as a potential criminal or whatever.

in addition to that there is also the stop and frisk policy which i have seen in action. people just minding their own business walking down the street, not doing anything, getting profiled and searched on sight.

i can understand you don't live here so you really don't know.

as for the people who live in NYC and say they've never seen it, well, that really doesn't mean anything. not witnessing something personally really has no relation to whether or not it happens and in what frequency it happens. so for those in NYC who have never had an issue or a run in yet, you're lucky and that's that.

i can say however that the city has improved VASTLY since i the 80's when i first started frequenting NYC. so i can give credit for that. i personally know a handful of officers on duty in the city and they are good guys. they would never just beat someone down without provocation or just cause and everything around those lines.

but...the NYC has a HUGE police force. so there's A LOT of opportunity for misuse of power and authority....
edit on 25-9-2014 by CallmeRaskolnikov because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: mikeone718

There are other ways to deal with human beings. We are all SK fragile, you don't slam a woman face down or launch another one across the road breaking her arm!! We will not put up with this very much longer...mark my words.

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: mikeone718

That's the first of these videos that show actual police brutality and not just half the story...

I just viewed that doesn't show police brutality IMO, it shows lack of situational training. The victim guy did quickly reach deep into his car when the cop asked him for his ID. Men usually keep their license in their pocket and the cop clearly made a horrible call. But he didn't really brutalize the guy in the sense people usually use the term when referring to police. After he shot the gentleman he was actually pretty nice - he's just a incompetent dipsh!t IMO.

To prove his lack of training I'd say he fired his weapon at least 3 times at close range and had only one hit...and not even center mass...

Reminds me of an old comedy bit...can't remember which comedian, but a black comedian obviously from the context...about not wanting to be a "mother f$#!g*" static and moving very slow, loudly saying "I am reaching into my wallet to get my driver’s license..." guess it's funnier when he tells it
Richard Pryor I think
edit on 9/25/2014 by RedParrotHead because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: eNumbra
I didn't think I'd ever see a more blatantly agenda laden report than the things Fox News shows on a regular basis but there it is; The Young Turks have exceeded my expectations of "Fill in the blanks" journalism.

Oh right, it's the young turks fault a cop assaulted a very pregnant woman. What kind of asshole covers stories of cops slamming pregnant women! The don't assault pregnant women agenda has gone to far this time!

if you actually watch young turks you know they come after Obama and the left on plenty of issues. As a matter of fact they make a habit of calling Obama a weak leader. But then again, damn lefties on the liberal commie nazi news!

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