originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
a reply to: Expat888
I agree IS need to go, sharpish...
If it's found that IS were funded by the Saudi Snake...
Cutting off the head may be more economical than engaging IS in an all out war!!!
While on the surface that might sound like a good idea, it would never happen because of the US dependence on oil. Saudi Arabia was the largest
exporter of oil in the world a couple of years ago, and I imagine that this still holds true. If not, they are definitely in the top 2 or 3. So many
countries have a vested interest in keeping Saudi Arabia stable. Why not create instability and then move in and take over their oil reserves? This
perhaps could be feasible, but it would be extremely difficult considering the funding that Saudi Arabia has, which could be used for defense. They
could hire mercenaries for years and years to come, and their stockpiles of money and gold means that it would likely be too difficult to achieve such
a task via conventional means.
So if we cannot invade them, and cannot cut them off, the only option left is to appease them. This basically appears to be what the US has decided to
do, considering they didn't talk about Saudi involvement in 911. If it had been a country that the US thought they could exploit, they would have
used the information of their involvement to further US interests. I would definitely not consider Saudi Arabia a US ally. No way. The Saudis don't
care so much about angering the US in my opinion, as there is nothing the US can do. Too many countries depend on Saudi oil, and they hold the stick.
I would be very surprised if two things occur: first, if the redacted pages are released...and second, if anything is done about it. The people might
pressure the US to take action against Saudi Arabia, although I doubt it, and the government will never do that in the near future. Unless the balance
of power changes I continue to see Saudi Arabia exerting much influence.
The only reason they wouldn't make it obvious that they are not US supporters is because they don't want to do anything to force the US into action.
They are not dependent on the US considering they can export to anybody. They would take an initial financial hit if they stopped selling to the US,
but they would quickly recover. It would be a drop in the bucket considering the money they've got over there. There is also the possibility that
there are uber-wealthy individuals within Arabia and not the entire government body that is supporting ISIS or other terrorist organizations.
Personally I do not see the US ever being true allies with a Muslim nation. I would consider a true US ally to be a country like Britain. Or perhaps I
should say England, considering what is going on with Scotland, although I don't know if this would affect the term Great Britain. Most Americans
don't know the difference in England and Britain anyway, lol. I personally consider England to be England and Wales, although that is not correct.
Anyway, they are a country that the US will always aid and be loyal to, and one of the countries with the longest-standing ties to the US. France
would be another. I just don't see any Muslim nation holding the same ally status with the US anytime in the foreseeable future. Of course there can
be temporary alliances, much like that the US has with the current Iraqi government, but I don't see that being long-lasting. There are certain
countries that I never see the US fighting against. Britain, France, etc...Unless something happened to upset the government of one of those
countries, and I just think that any Muslim nation runs the risk of becoming any enemy of the US, more risk than a non-Muslim nation has of becoming
an enemy of the US. Part of why I think this is because the US interest in oil and their willingness to exploit the region, but it also partly has to
do with the instability of Islam in general. Whether the religion teaches it or not, it is a fact that Islam breeds extremists. When you have so many
extremists coming out and claiming that their actions are based on their religion, it is pretty obvious that religion is the main motivation...Again,
whether the religion teaches this or not. Apparently Islam is way too open to interpretation if it is birthing this many extremists.