First off, whatever the real scenario of this latest incident (if geniuine) then of coarse this is thoughts go out to the families
I must say a lot of people in this thread and in general, seem to be buying/reacting to this propaganda in the way it was intended.
I hear people here crying out for bombs and blood..what makes that ok?....there is enough blood shed in the world..How about starting at the source
and over throwing those 'in control' in your own country..indeed the very ones who started this mess in the middle east,it is not just as simple as
'governments' there is a compartmentalized system at play and it goes way way beyond what is called 'governments'
Once you realise that this 'global game' is run by the same 'entities' at the very top,you may see it with more clarity and i don't just mean the 1%
of rich elites.Those at the very peak of control are the same guys that have been in power since Atlantis,Egypt,Sumer,Romans so on,all fingers point
at the Annuna (who are small in number but stay well out of site)
These Moslem fanatics (initially say in 2001)were just an invention to get into war and additionally an imaginary force which is part of the never
ending 'war on terror' forward to now..there are genuine groups, who do have true hatred for the West and i'm sure many here would feel the same
if their land was invaded unjustly..i must say, i do not hold IS in this catagory, as they seem to be yet another creation of the West and its middle
eastern allies (this time very real) and are clearly funded with an agenda to start a moslem vs infidel war...don't buy it!..
The real reason for these wars in the middle east,is not just because of; oil,geographic/tactical location,an excuse to create legislation back
home,to incorperate into the IMF-because of independent gold currency i.e. Libya,Iraq on so was for ancient tech left by the Annuna
and of coarse this was the stomping ground of the gods..funny enough there was an operation in Iraq called 'operation planet x' check it out on
Anyway most of this, is most likely yet another distraction from the REAL threat to humanity globally..which is planet x..far greater an issue than
IS..these individuals called IS can only function when all their needs are catered for; ammo,food etc...they will be in the same boat as the rest of
humanity, when the flyby occurs and that alone, will no doubt disperse/eradicate them and render them the fact that allah is Annuna-
same person as Yahweh,who quite possibly will return..that may possibly enlighten them to the true nature of this pathetic thing called religion..not
to be confused with true connection to the one and true God/Source.
That's my 2 quid..
Stay well Guys!
edit on 3-9-2014 by Buddyman because: (no reason given)